Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Her name was Jenny when she was the Blonde and Jamie as the brunette.


Show generally

Question: There's an episode in which Elliott is staying at JD's and they're not going out, but he comes into the bathroom and carries her to the bed and they take each other's clothes off (she's wearing red underwear). At the end, Elliott says, "Merry Christmas," and the camera pans over a Christms tree with presents underneath it. I want to know the name of this episode, and more importantly the name/artist of the song playing over this whole end bit. Thanks.

Answer: The episode in question is My Monster from season two. The song played over the final scene is Dreaming Of You by The Coral from their 2002 self-titled album.


Question: Did they ever say what caused the plane to crash?

Answer: The did not mention it in the film, but here is a short explanation of what happened. The plane was on final approach, less than 6000 feet from the runway, and the weather was rainy and foggy. The tower communicated to the pilots that landing would be more difficult due to the weather and poor visibilty, but not impossible. The pilots couldn't see very well, and the plane collided with the tops of trees on a hillside located on the west side of the runway. The plane "inverted" and crashed almost upside down into the ground, creating a huge ball of fire and intense heat. The exact cause of the crash was never fully determined by the National Transportation Safety Board, although it was believed that the cause was due to "adverse operating conditions" and descent below "minimum descent altitude." (For more info, you can research "Southern Airways Flight 932")


Question: If Mrs Fackler is married to Mr Fackler, the nerdy cop, why does she want to share rooms with Kirkland?

Answer: The way I see it is that Kirkland and her are cadets, Mr. Fackler is not a cadet and wouldn't sleep in same dorm.


Answer: Because Kirkland is a fit and handsome young man.

Brian Katcher

Question: Is it ever explained where to or even why the monsters are being moved?

Answer: This is never explained.


Answer: Dracula's a crafty and resourceful guy. While we're not privy to the details, he surely made the arrangements and concocted a cover story so that he and his team of monsters could get shipped close by the amulet's location.


Question: In the book, whenever someone used the polyjuice potion to change into another person, their voices changed too. In the film their voices remained the original, it didn't change into the voice of the person they were transforming into. Can someone tell me what prompted the makers of this movie to make this change?

Answer: Actually, that only happens in this movie and was most likely decided on because it would be easier for the younger audience to identify with the altered Harry and Ron if they had something they could connect to the character. In the fourth movie, Crouch's voice changed to Moody's. The reason that the kid's voice didn't change could be explained as a result of the fact that, being novice potion makers and children, they didn't quite get the potion exactly right.


Question: In the second film, death chose those people to be in the pile up because they survived death in the first film, because the other people's death caused them to survive. Is there a connection like this in the 3rd film that I've missed?

Answer: No, the films are unrelated.


Answer: Nope but the question asker is a bit wrong. The people from FD2 were kinda involved but were never in the movie themselves.

Question: This line is included in the quotes section "They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear. But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something. I've looked for it ever since. I went around the world, searched in all the shadows. And there is something out there in the darkness, something terrifying, something that will not stop until it gets revenge. Me." I don't remember hearing this line once in the movie. Is it in a deleted scene or something?

Answer: That quote is from the trailer.


Question: Was the birth scene real? It seemed completely real, and the woman appeared to actually be pregnant earlier in the film.

Chosen answer: No, it wasn't real. Good make-up and acting, that's all.


Question: This isn't in the movie but in the deleted scenes (I think it's called "a second wind") Lucy entices him up to her room by saying something like "I feel a second wind coming on". What does this mean? Is it a sexual term? I know this can't be an in-joke they have together because she wouldn't remember it.

Answer: "Second wind" is a term that describes a burst of energy after someone has done something tiring. It's the result of adrenaline kicking in. Even though you should be worn out, the adrenaline gives you new energy and you're able to keep going. It's not a sexual term, but it can certainly be used in a sexual context.

K.C. Sierra

Question: I want to know why Amanda was working for Jigsaw. He had already used her in one of his contraptions/games. Surely she would not work along side him. Was she slightly mad?

Answer: She was a lot more than slightly mad. Jigsaw plays mind games with people, apparently he broke Amanda. It's a little like Stockholm syndrome where people being held hostage can end up sympathizing with their captors.


Answer: She's not mad. She realised that she has something to live for, a purpose. She wants to continue Jigsaw's work. Jigsaw gave her that purpose, so she respects him.

Answer: Also, she was "saved by him." He helped her realize her life was worth living and to get off the drugs. He helped her get over her addiction. She thought she owed him her life for that.

Question: Besides in "Treasure Island," is there and actual legend about the black spot? If so, is it in any available anthologies?

Answer: People who were believed to be pirates would be sent a piece of paper with a black spot in the middle, saying that they would be killed soon.

Answer: It is believed that Stevenson made up the Black Spot specifically for Treasure Island.


Question: When Axel and Mikey return from the bar, Axel opens the door to his apartment, goes in and - almost immediately - two thugs come out of a hideaway and catch Mikey, beat him up then shoot him. Why Axel didn't come to investigate? Is he deaf or something?

Answer: Axel gets knocked out by one of the thugs as soon as he opens the door. His boss later make mention of the fact that he's lucky he didn't get killed too. They probably spared him because he didn't see who hit him and therefore could not tell anyone what they looked like.


Question: When the Plastics and Aaron are walking through the hall, I can't tell if Cady really does fall into the trashcan, or if it's in her imagination. Is this answered anywhere?

Answer: I don't think it actually happened. I've had to change bags in similar trash cans, at places where I worked, and many of them are not very heavy and sturdy. They would easily topple over if a person fell in. When Cady falls, she seems to stick her legs up in the air and wiggle them. Almost as if she does a hand-stand inside the can.

Answer: We can assume that it really did happen, because in the scenes of her imagination, it then jumps back to show what really happened, and in this case it doesn't.


Question: Why does that woman commit suicide at the beginning? Who is it she is scared of and why?

Answer: She's afraid of Renard. She's apparently of the opinion that, if she allowed herself to be captured, that he would still be able to get to her regardless and would undoubtedly be deeply unhappy that she had allowed herself to be caught. She apparently feels that suicide is a preferable option to whatever he might do to her.


Answer: Her name is "Lara Lor-Van" (though it was originally "Lora", not "Lara"). Look here for more information about her.


Question: When Steve and Stella are at the restaurant on a date, Steve catches on that Stella is John Bridger's daughter because she says the phrase her father always said (about not trusting the devil inside of people). But then, after he has grabbed her wrist, he says "I knew I recognised you from somewhere" or something like that. The thing is that if Steve had recognised her before (obviously when she went to his house as the 'fake' cable engineer) why did he not do anything?

Answer: It was more a nagging thought at that point. Just like when you see someone on the street that you think you've seen before but you can't quite place where. It wasn't enough for Steve to act on at that time. He didn't even know it was someone he'd *want* to act against; for all he knew, she could have been a friend's sister he met once.


Answer: To add to the other person's previous answer, Steve does state when Stella comes over as the cable woman, "Haven't we met somewhere before?" to which Stella says "I don't think so." I am paraphrasing from memory but that was the essence of what was said. So he had already established that he was trying to place her. Could have met her at a club or something for all he knew. He also thinks Charlie and company are dead at this point. They only reveal themselves after he confronts Stella about being Bridger's daughter.

Question: What song is playing when Esqueleto first eats the corn on a stick? Part of the lyrics are something like "yes, I am a foreign man".

Answer: The song is Hombre Religioso (Religious Man) by Mr. Loco.


Question: Who were the people standing around Tia Dalma's hut at the end of the movie, and what was their purpose?

Answer: They are the inhabitants of the swamp where Tia Dalma lives. They are there to mourn Jack's passing. Tia Dalma has supernatural powers and no doubt she knew of Jack's demise before the Black Pearl crew arrives. It also appears she foresaw them coming.


Question: If the law enforcers are all taking their drugs, why, in the gun battles, are all of the soldiers ducking down and showing signs of fear?

Answer: Feeling actual fear and being trained to not deliberately stand in the line of fire are different things. The soldiers are acting out of self preservation, not fear.

Gary O'Reilly

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