Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Kirk has an allergic reaction to whatever it was that McCoy gave him. Is this connected and or a nod to in Star Trek II: Wrath of Kahn, where McCoy gives Kirk reading glasses for his birthday, saying he knows he's allergic to Retnox?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It could be, though it's never stated. It's logical though, if he has an allergic reaction to one type of medication, he could be sensitive to another. It was probably something the reboot version thought would be interesting and humorous to include, and it makes Kirk seem a little less invincible.


Question: What's up with the predator's eyes glowing for a second while it's invisible, and does anyone know why the predators in the other movies don't do this?

Answer: In the shots where we can see what the Predator sees, sometimes when he is focusing on someone or something, we hear a kind of flash noise as he zooms in on the object. When we see the Predator's eyes flashing/glowing, that is when he is zooming in on what he's looking at.

dan coakley..

Answer: They do add the flash eyes while cloaked effect in Alien vs Predator: Requiem and Predators. I think it's both when it uses zoom-in vision and maybe to intimidate by showing itself so close to its prey. "Those eyes, just appeared."

I think he did it to intimidate Mac and Dillion.

Answer: Its the old predator design. Look closely the optical silhouette, it doesn't match. Google early predator design.

Question: I am wondering how are all of the ghosts "caught?" The only answer I can find is for the juggernaut.

Answer: The Juggernaut is the only one ever made known how it was caught. The only thing known is that the other ghosts did not need bait like the Juggernaut needed.


Question: What is the significance of the man in the Chipmunk costume with the man in tuxedo seen by Wendy in the bedroom ? What are they supposed to be doing?


Chosen answer: In actuality, the significance behind this scene is explained in much greater detail in the novel. It is a dog costume, not a chipmunk costume, and the character in the book is referred to as the "Dogman." In the novel he chases Danny through the hotel, scaring him with absurd sexual threats. The man in the tuxedo is Derwent, a corrupt playboy and former owner of the hotel. The pair were former lovers, but Roger, the man in the costume, is desperate to continue the relationship. Derwent agrees at only one cost - Roger must dress in a humiliating dog costume, walk on all fours and bark. This all happened in the past and is being relived in this scene. The Dogman is perfoming fellatio on Derwent.

Question: In the Fifth Element who is it that removes Korben's name card from his door before Leeloo arrives?

Answer: It is the Priest (Cornelius) who rips the name card off.

Question: Why didn't Nightcrawler just teleport into the White House grounds to kill the President, instead of sneaking in with the group, putting on makeup to hide his skin, etc? Why did Stryker have him do all of that?

Answer: Having Nightcrawler teleport in and out of the White House would have been too discreet, and Stryker wanted to put on a show. He wanted the spectacle of one (scary-looking) mutant invading the White House, taking out all the security and successfully assassinating the President single-handedly. This would have stirred the public enough to justify his would-be war on mutants. Even though the attempt on his life failed, the President was still shaken enough for Stryker to weasel out permission to raid Xavier's mansion. This would give Stryker what he needed to complete Cerebro 2 and bring his so-called "war on mutants" to a close.

Question: Why was McClane introduced in the first Die Hard movie as a New York badge, and in the second Die Hard movie as a L.A. badge? Then in the third Die Hard movie, he's again a New York cop.

Answer: In the first movie he's a New York cop visiting his wife. In the second Die Hard, he tells the airport officer that he's LAPD and moved there because of his wife's job. In the third Die Hard film, he most likely went back to New York because of marital problems and became a New York cop again.

Answer: The generally-accepted answer is that the baby starved to death. This information comes from the novel and isn't explicitly stated in the film. In the book, it is due to neglect (starvation or dehydration) because of the parents' heavy drug use.

Answer: They mention that they had been messed up for a few days and didn't realize it. So, they forgot/neglected the baby and it probably starved/dehydrated (note how dirty and messy the crib was).

Answer: In T2 Trainspotting there is a scene where Rent accuses Sick Boy of the baby's death because he was too high to check if his son (the baby) was breathing. So I assume the baby suffocated.

But couldn't the accusation that he did not check if the baby was breathing point to something more like Crib Death aka sids (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) rather then choking?

Answer: The Baby probably died due to sids (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) which is more common in Babys if their mothers are addicted to Heroin.

Question: When I used to collect Essential X-men, someone wrote in saying that they had seen the Mutant Leech somewhere in the film, but I can't find him, has anyone spotted him and can anyone tell me where he is?

Answer: Leech does not appear in the film. The boy with the discoloured tongue is Artie Maddicks, a different character (though one who was a good friend of Leech's in the comics).

Answer: Leech is not in this movie, but he does have a significant role in X-Men: The Last Stand.


Answer: Though not explicitly stated in the movie, it is strongly implied in the film that he is not. He mentions that he is part Apache and that he was born and raised in Maynardville, Tennessee. He tells his troops that he was a direct descendant of Jim Bridger the mountain man, suggesting he is the hillbilly type (there were not many Jewish hillbillies). He was in charge of leading the actual Jewish-American soldiers (with the exception of Hugo Stiglitz, who was not Jewish) into enemy territory. In all likelihood, Raine received/asked for command of the Basterds purely so he could have a crack at the Nazis.

Question: It seems that new transformers created by the Allspark are either evil or actual Decepticons immediately after being made into Transformers. Why? Also, Wheelie appears to be only hours old yet he too is a Decepticon and hates working for them even though he has apparently never met one. He also has knowledge of Transformer history. Anyone know of an explanation for this?

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: In the first movie, it is stated by Agent Simmons that Megatron is the source of the modern age, human technology such as lasers, microchips, cars, cellphones etc. are the result of studying and reverse-engineering him. This may mean that all human electronics contain an 'imprint' of Megatron which makes them inherently Decepticon when brought to life by the AllSpark. And Wheelie has been around for a while, he is likely one of Soundwave's 'cassettes'.

Question: In the scene where Johnny and Ponyboy are talking in the lot, Ponyboy goes over to sort out the fire. The camera zooms up on Johnny and you can hear voices echoing. Does anyone know what they're saying? I can't make them out.

Answer: Johnny is recalling the argument he heard his parents having; the voices were meant to sound angry but not to be understood. Its to help us understand his horrid home life.

Question: Near the end of the movie, the bad guy went to start his motorcycle but he suddenly went back to the boat, can somebody explain me why he did this?


Chosen answer: He saw the truck Doug drove away from the bait camp in. It was parked on the street from where Doug parked it as he and Claire arrived. This was Orestadt's truck, so he knew somebody was on to him and on the ferry to stop him.

Question: What song is playing as Evan is walking through the girl's dormitory after waking up with Kayleigh? Also, who is the artist?

Answer: My Elastic Eye by the Chemical Brothers.

Question: When Hiller is leading his squadron for the first air battle against the aliens Jimmy makes a short speech as the "Reverand" - putting on an accent - and talking about how he's sure they'll be successful. Can someone tell me is doing an impersonation of a real life person or is it something unique to the movie and his fellow pilots?

Answer: He seems to be doing an impersonation of Jesse Jackson.


Question: A thought occurred to me and my mum after we had seen the film at the cinema. Mme. Giry and the Phantom are friends, and probably grew up seeing a lot of each other, and there is never any mention of Meg's father of Mme. Giry's husband. Is it possible the Phantom could be Meg's father?

Answer: This is very common to think among the questions I have heard. In the 2004 film during "Down once more/Track down this murderer" the Phantom says: "That fate which condemns me to wallow in blood, has also declined me the joys of the flesh." He is a virgin. Also, in the original story, the two were not friends at all. Giry did his bidding because he led her to believe, through a note given to her, that he could make Meg some form of royalty or the next big thing. Madame Giry and Meg were both actually very intolerable beings, Meg constantly treating Christine like dirt and being her biggest bully (even more than Carlotta) It is likely the phantom never even lifted a finger to try and assist Meg because of that.

Question: I wonder whether Kraven and Lucian are actually the two (out of three) Sons of the Corvinus clan. Before Lucian died after being shot by Kraven, he called him 'cousin'. I would also be grateful if anyone would explain what Viktor meant by Marcus being a descendent of Corvinus (Does it mean that Marcus turned one of the sons of the Corvinus clan into a vampire or he is related to that guy who survived the plague? I'm confused).

Answer: Alexander Corvinus was the first true Immortal, he had three sons, William bitten by wolf, Marcus by bat and the unnamed third who remained human. Michael Corvin is the last true human descendant of Corvinus in the present world.The cousin reference is that all vampires and lycans are related through the bloodlines after being turned. This is why Michael survives a bite from both species. Normally the viruses they carry are deadly to humans and no one has survived a bite from both species, except Michael who becomes a hybrid, half vampire, half Lycan, but stronger than both.

Answer: The video footage of the crash was all real, but the racers did not carry the sled to the finish line, they walked in front of it as the Olympics crew/ team members pushed it behind them.

Season 2 generally

Question: In the title sequence for season 2 there is a shot of Prue in Bucklands wearing black and she moves a vase across her desk. Does anybody know what episode it's from?

Answer: It's actually a deleted scene from the Season 2 opener titled "Witch Trial" In the episode, a demon begins reversing the sisters' spells, and this particular scene is Prue testing her own power to make sure it is still active. The scene was cut though, and wasn't in the episode.

Question: SPOILER WARNING: Why was it necessary for the two Borden's to alternate women? For mere amusement? Or was there something I missed?

Answer: They did not spend time with their loved ones, at least not the whole time: Sometimes Sarah would feel that "no, today you don't [love me.]" and once a Borden twin says to Olivia, after she kissed him, that "it feels wrong sometimes". Furthermore, there is a scene where Borden tells Fallon (his twin) that he should talk to Sarah after a struggle, indicating that this particular Borden is not Sarah's husband and this particular Fallon actually is. As to why the alternate: One theory is that they HAVE to alternate to minimize diverging life experiences, both on stage and off stage. They both have to live the life of the other so that none differs too much in order to not reveal these differences to outsiders. In the book however, they do not alternate between the women, but that is another story [literally].


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