Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Do No Harm - S1-E20

Question: After Boone dies, and Clarie is showing off little turnip head, what is the name of the song that is playing, and who is the composer?

Answer: The name of the song is titled "Life and Death", and the composer is Michael Giacchino. It is number 20 on the LOST soundtrack.

Angela Wilbourn

Show generally

Question: Why is it that Carla always wears different coloured scrubs, she's always in red, pink, purple, orange etc. Also, how is it that her scrubs are the same but in different colours yet other nurses throughout the show sometimes wear a floral top, which Carla has never worn?

Answer: In many hospitals these days, your scrubs are entirely a matter of choice. The hospital will provide you with a limited number of pieces in a specific (uniform) color, if you desire, or you can provide your own. If Carla chooses to keep a collection of matched tops and bottoms in various colors, or if the other nurses choose to wear floral patterns (and she doesn't), that's entirely up to them.

Rooster of Doom

Question: So no-one saw Jodie Foster bring her kid on the plane, I understand that. The plane was empty when the 2 of them boarded as they were the first to board. There wasn't anyone else on the plane and as soon as they got to their seats her little girl bent down on the floor to play with a toy, so I fully understand that no-one saw the girl. What I want to know, is how did the hijackers know she was going to be boarding first? Had she boarded much later with other passengers then SOMEONE would have seen the kid, and that would have totally foiled the plan. How could they have banked on her boarding first?


Chosen answer: He didn't know for sure, but he had a hunch. As far as he could tell she would arrive early to register the body for the U.S. and they would let her board the plane first (as a common courtesy, since her husband died) Plus, he knew that she had knowledge of planes and that it was her interest to see a new model of an aircraft that she helped build before it was to take off.

Jason Riley

Question: After Andy left Runway, she got a job at the New York newspaper. But then she seemed to have made up with Nate, who is moving to Boston. Did she leave her job (again) to live with Nate?

Jason Feng

Chosen answer: Andy stays in New York, but both agree they will work out some way to still see each other.


Question: In many flight and pre flight scenes, Ice is shown wearing a blue collared shirt under his flight suit. Is it normal for pilots to wear street clothes under their flight suits as opposed to just an undershirt? What about pants?

Answer: After being stationed onboard an Aircraft Carrier for several years I can say your observations are correct. They should have a regulation white T under there. None of the pilots I know would wear a civilian T under their flight suit because it could mark them as an American, and it could contain chemicals that in a pure oxygen environment of the flight suit could have produced fumes.

James Rowell

Answer: During the timeframe the movie was shot, polo shirts were authorized under flight suits. They no longer are for two reasons - 1) the buttons are a FOD (foreign object damage) hazard and 2) the v-neckish does not provide enough flame protection. However, regarding color, every navy squadron or command is authorized to choose a color for their crew/turtle neck undershirt. If a color has not been specified, the color shall be navy blue or black.

Thanks! That makes sense in the movie: You can see several other pilot / RIO pairs with the same color Polo or undershirts on (red and yellow). Also, Goose and Mav are wearing white and other pairs are wearing black.

Question: When Kyle and Sarah change places in the pickup truck, if you play it in slow motion you can see Kyle's face transitioning to that of a stuntman. How did they manage to do that back in 1984? And more importantly, since they were driving straight ahead, why?

Answer: As for the transformation it appears to be an optical thing. It appears that Kyle was driving and doing the switch. the reason for the switch is so Kyle can toss out the pipe bombs. notice that Sara holds one up and Kyle and her then switch places.

James Rowell

Question: In the end of the movie, when the Ferrari comes into Luigi's tire shop, he says something in what I assume to be Italian to the little forklift after Luigi faints. Does anyone know what it was the Ferrari said?

Answer: He says: "Spero che il tuo amico si riprenda, mi dicono che siete fantastici" which more or less translates to: "I hope your friend will feel better soon, I'm told you are fantastic"

Question: During "Masquerade/Why so Silent" Raoul looks around and leaves, where does he go?

Answer: He goes off to get a sword. When he comes back, he has the weapon and was intending to fight the phantom.


Question: Regardless of the Major's interference, what is the ideal way for a sniper to take out two targets in that situation with a bolt-action 7.62 sniper rifle?

Answer: Strange as it may sound humans take a long time to process the unknown. Once a sniper has patterned the subjects he will take the shot on the one furthest away. Hearing glass break and his friend thud to the floor. The remaining subject will take at least 4 seconds to comprehend what just happened. He will obsever, decypher, and react. Each one of those takes at least a second and a half, maybe a little less. By the time the second guy has comprehended what is going on the second bullet is already hitting its target. In the history of snipers this has been done.

James Rowell

Question: Who is the guy getting on the bus yelling "Semper Fi" at the end of the movie?

Answer: He was just an old former Marine (I would assume a Vietnam vet) that wanted to congratulate the Marines, and give them a better welcome home than the Vietnam vets ever got.


Question: In the beach scene, they keep talking about something called "dog one exit". What is "dog one"?


Chosen answer: The Allied forces identified five heavily-defended "exits" off Omaha Beach, which had to be cleared in order for the invasion to proceed inland: Dog One, Dog Three, Easy One, Easy Three and Fox One. The real Dog One was a road off the beach, although the movie portrays it as a stepped footpath.


Question: What is the name of the song being played when they are messing about in the muddy field? It's also at the end of one episode of Cold Case: Anyone know the name of that episode?


Chosen answer: It's by Creedence Clearwater Revival and the song's called "Have You Ever Seen The Rain". The episode of Cold Case it's in is called "Look Again".


Question: When Hershey opens the door of the floating red car, what is the song that is playing?

Answer: Its "Super-Charger Heaven" by White Zombie.

Grumpy Scot

Question: How did the gyro captain and especially the little boy get back to the rest of the group from the refinery without attracting Humungus and his crew? The caravan left in the opposite direction like 15 minutes before, mad max had no vehicle to drive back, the boy can't drive at all, and the gyro captain crashed his gyro. But in the end the boy and the gyro captain manage to get back into the caravan before sunset without Humungus following.

Answer: The gyrocopter was just unable to fly. It still could roll along the ground. It is possible that he repaired it to get back to the rest of the group. As for Humungus and his minions, I'm pretty sure Humungus was killed in the impact with the truck that Max was driving. The few surviving minions probably lost interest in the whole affair when they lost their leader which one can assume when you see them turn around after seeing the spectacular collision and not even bothering to see if anyone survived.

Damian Torres

Question: When Inspector Lee is in the Foo Chow Restaurant, why is the waitress's necklace so important? In a later shot, Lee grabs the necklace from the waitress and runs. Was that Soo Yung's necklace?

Answer: Yes, it was. It is the necklace that he gives her at the beginning of the film, before they leave for America. He takes it from the waitress so that he can give it back to Soo Yung when he rescues her.


Question: What is so interesting about the number of times that Jack and Rose's names were said in the movie? Is there some meaning behind the numbers?

Answer: There's absolutely nothing interesting about it. Probably the only reason that this information appears anywhere is that they do say the names rather a lot - somebody, for reasons unknown, decided to count them.


Question: When everybody is wondering on how to escape the aliens, Fry asks Johns why he doesn't tell the group about the real reason Owens died. Was Johns in someway responsible for killing Owens? If so, then how?

Answer: She's not asking about why Owens died, she's asking why he had to die in agony when Johns had a secret stash of morphine that could have eased his pain.


Question: Knowing that every other major character from the original trilogy (IV, V, and VI) who was old enough (even Jabba) had a cameo of some sort in the new trilogy, is there anywhere in the movie that Han Solo appears? I know he's several years older than Luke (he always calls Luke 'kid'), and Luke was just being born in the end of episode III, so Han was definitely alive then.

Answer: No, he's not in there. He'd only be about 10 years old at the time and living as a thief and pickpocket on an old trading vessel plying the spacelanes near Corellia - as the storyline never goes anywhere near there, there's no way that they could have got him into the story, even if they'd wanted to.


1969 - S2-E21

Question: In this episode who are the hippies, and why are they so important? Their names were Michael & Jennifer, and when the team are going back to the future the hippies wanted to go also, but Jack started to tell them something and then stopped. I just want to know if they are someone from future episodes or something.


Chosen answer: Michael and Jennifer have never showed up past this episode. SG-1 led them to believe (with the help of a Zat gun) that they are aliens, they never told them they were actually from the future. They were simply a couple of nice people willing to help.

Grumpy Scot

Question: At the start of the film, when Tom is with that girl, whats so important about Toni showing up? Is she the girls room mate or something?

Answer: Toni is the other girl's girlfriend.


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