Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Since it was not shown, there can only be speculation. However, I would assume they used an elaborate pulley system, possibly with one or more of the rocks taking the Kong weight. There seems to be plenty of room on the deck for him and, with a lot of the ships load jetissoned, it would be lighter. Then it would simply be a case of securing him and making sure he didn't wake up... no problem with the amount of chloroform on board.


Show generally

Question: What are Betty Applewhite and her son holding Caleb prisoner in their house and why won't they allow him to be incarcerated?

Answer: The clues so far point to the fact that Caleb was accused of killing a teenaged girl. Betty could be hiding him because she knows that he will not be treated fairly or properly because of his learning disability. The exact reasons will most likely be revealed as the season progresses.


Answer: Rex was a very successful doctor - he most likely had a life insurance policy to take care of Bree and the kids.


Question: At the end of the movie, when the crew member yells something and waves a green light, what is he saying? Not the scene where he's looking for survivors, the scene right before they reach the Carpathian.

Answer: Using my amateur lip-reading skills, it appears as though he is saying "Come on, put your backs into it, men. We've been saved! Row!"

David H

Answer: I don't think so. Wade and Dalton aren't exactly uncommon names and references to other movies are usually more obvious than two characters sharing names.


Question: In the scene where Vincent chases Max onto the subway, it appears they don't get on the same train. Am I missing something?

Answer: They board the same train. The whole deal with the two trains is just to keep the suspense going and keep the viewer guessing whether Vincent chooses the right train or not.


Question: In what state is the reservation in the film supposed to be set in? The boy who speaks constantly (can't remember his name) speaks with a Minnesota accent, but I never heard references to Minnesota in the film. Can someone help please help me with this?

Answer: Smoke Signals was shot on site at the Coeur d'Alene Reservation in Idaho. The actor who plays young Thomas Builds-the-Fire (the one in braids and glasses) is from Canada.

Answer: No particular or symbolic reason, but the producers got a lot of flak for not ending this season in the traditional manner, so they decided to open the following season with opening doors.

Question: When the Greeks are trying to burn a mark on Briseis, one of them says "Better to be a Spartan slave than a Trojan." and then someone else yells "Achilles." as Achilles arrives. What did he say? Or what was he going to say?

Answer: He was warning the other soldiers that Achilles was coming.

Question: When monster-things start to attack Bugs and co. in area 52, Bugs put a packet of microwave popcorn into one of them, causing popcorn to shoot up into his face. Who is the monster and where's he from?

Answer: It's the alien from "The Man from Planet X".

Question: This is a general Star Wars question: Do Luke and/or Leia ever come into contact with their family on Naboo - Padme's family? This may have happened in the novels.

Answer: So far, they haven't. In fact, until recently, they didn't even know their mother's name. However, it is not impossible that this may happen in the future. In the novel "Dark Nest 1: The Joiner King" (published in July 2005), which takes place 35 years after Episode IV, they finally discover their mother's first name, which could perhaps lead to further investigation. We'll just have to wait and see.

Question: If I remember correctly, in the trailer the magazine that the Wolf was reading was called "The New Porker" or something similar. Any reason why it was changed to "Pork Illustrated" in the final film?

Answer: The gag is that the wolf has developed a peculiar sexual fetish: he wears women's clothing for fun and is attracted to pigs. The magazine was changed for the trailer to be less suggestive (and thus to make the trailer G-rated).

Question: Why was the film banned in Malaysia?

Answer: Malaysia imposes strict morality codes for films, books, etc. and J.M. Barry's suspected homosexuality and pedophilia, although not portrayed in the movie, may have been deemed too controversial and offensive a topic for their culture.

Answer: A little obvious: the second film was a box office disaster, so Burt bowed out.

Question: I need some translation help here. Firstly when Marion is having the drinking contest and has drunken her final drink, she lowers the glass slowly making everyone think that she has lost. Then she shouts a word twice (Bistoti or something like that) and wins. What does that word mean? Also when Indy is mourning over Marion's "death", two guys in suits come over to him and tell him something in a foreign language. While I have a vague idea of what they said, I was wondering if anyone knew for sure.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It's Russian, погоди or pogodi. In Russian meaning hold it.

Chosen answer: The two men say to Indy "Der Herr in der Bar mochte immer ihnen sprechen". This is translated as "The man in the bar wants to talk to you". The word in the bar that Marion says is "Pistole", which translated means "Hold it! or "Wait a minute!"

Question: What does Agamemnon yell right before the Greeks charge in the first battle?

Answer: He doesn't yell any words, just an expression of anguish over his brothers death.

Question: Near the beginning of the film, there is a character named Bomb Voyage who speaks French with English subtitles. What does he say in the French version of the film?

Answer: He says the exact same thing, and in French, but they used a different actor (the actor in the English version speaks with a highly exaggerated and ridiculous accent). Oddly enough though, they kept the English subtitles.

Chosen answer: It is most likely Michael screaming, but playing very slowly, so that it gives it a creepier effect. Also, these "howls" sound sort of similar to his grunt, thus, this seems more plausible.

Question: I have heard the following story about this film: one of the assistant producers met with Quentin Tarantino. Quentin talked about how much he liked the film, and the producer asked him which bit he liked best. He replied that he liked the lighthouse scene the best, and the assistant producer laughed out loud, and said that the main producer would be amused to hear him say that - because he pinched the scene from Reservoir Dogs. Is this really true?


Chosen answer: Specific aspects of direction may be from Reservoir Dogs, but the scene itself plays out almost exactly the same as in the book.

Question: I heard in the DVD commentary that what the Russian gangsters are saying in the beginning is total bull, because they ran out of time to translate the actual dialogue. Is there anyone from Russia, or who speaks Russian, that can understand what they are saying?

Answer: Yes, I can speak Russian, and what they said in the movie did make sense but they spoke so horribly it was almost impossible to understand them. But it wasn't bull.

But what was said?

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