Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why is the word "Lorraine" scratched into the handle of Shaw's gun? The words are easily seen after Boog levels Shaw with a golf club near his gun.


Chosen answer: Shaw named his shotgun "Lorraine". He refers to the gun by the name throughout the movie. It's not an uncommon practice among hunters.


Question: When Elizabeth tries to board the Black Pearl at Tortuga, Jack is extremely unwilling to let her on. I know there's the element of what he has done to Will, but why doesn't he just let her on, and trade her as one of the 99 souls he needs? I mean, if he can leave Will on the Flying Dutchman to serve for a hundred years in his place, why can't he do it to Elizabeth?


Chosen answer: Jack is reluctant to have her on board because he knows she has her own agenda (to save Will) that could upset his plans. He is aware that Elizabeth is intelligent, strong-willed, and determined. She knows better than anyone how Jack operates, and would use any advantage to achieve her goal. It is only when Jack realizes that Elizabeth can lead him to the Dead Man’s Chest, that he allows her to join his crew. Also, having any woman on board a ship creates its own set of problems, and Jack, in particular, could be distracted by her. It's also questionable as to whether or not Davy Jones accepts female souls aboard his ship, as none have been seen. Jack may also feel enough loyalty to Elizabeth to want to spare her from that fate. He did try to retrieve Will as part of his bargain with Jones. Of course, Jack knows it is unlikely that he can collect enough souls by the deadline, and his intent is to find the Dead Man’s Chest so he can control Davy Jones, thus relieving him of his debt and controlling all the seas.


Chosen answer: Very early on, as Stark's leaving the Expo, Lee appears ahead of Stark, dressed as television interviewer Larry King - Stark even greets him as "Larry" as he passes by.


Question: Do the real Mr. and/or Mrs. Tuohy have a cameo in this film?

Answer: Just the photographs during the closing credits.


Question: During the dinner scene Jack throws something at Cal, and then later on in the scene Cal throws it back. What were they throwing?


Chosen answer: A box of matches. At 1:03:10, Cal is seen putting a cigarette in his mouth and then patting his coat pockets looking for a match to light it with.

Jeff Swanson

Question: What is the name of the card game that Von Hammersmark and the German soldiers were playing?

Answer: It's not really a card game per se (like Poker or Hearts). It's just a regular game that can be played with cards or any blank piece of paper. I've played it before and we just called it "The Name Game".


Question: This question is more based on the soundtrack of the movie. After comparing the soundtrack CD to the music scores in the movie, I noticed there's some moments where the music is only heard in the movie, such as when we're first introduced to the floating mountains or the flute music that plays when Jake learns to ride on the direhorse. My questions are: Why were these left out of the soundtrack? And where can I find similar tracks to these? Not exact tracks, in case I can't find them, but similar music.

Answer: Simply put, there is only a finite amount of storage space on a CD and something's got to give, so the composer and James Cameron decide what stays and what goes. As for finding similar music, one of the many criticisms of the Avatar soundtrack is that certain parts of it sound too much like other James Horner soundtracks. For instance when Neytiri is in the battlefield looking bewildered as people and animals are dying around her, many of the musical cues are a direct lift from Horner's other composition for Enemy at the Gates, and this is not an isolated case either.


Question: For those of you who have the DVD, what is the name of the song that plays in the TV spot "Get Ready"?


Chosen answer: "I want to leave you far behind" by Lunatic Calm.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Is there a scene in the movie where we see Everett find the gold watch in the drawer while he is looking for a hairnet? It's not on the dvd and I am sure I have seen it. My family says they have never seen it so it's driving me crazy.

Answer: I too recall that scene.


Answer: There is a scene like this, he ends up giving the watch to Pete and Pete puts 2 and 2 together and says "you stole from my kin" after they were all chased away by the law enforcement.

Answer: There is absolutely NO scene with him finding the watch.

Question: When Abe or the Princess are in the library, (but I can't remember if they are together) what is the name/author of the poem they are reading?

Answer: "In Memoriam" by Alfred Lord Tennyson.


Question: How come in the scene where Kirk rescues Captain Pike from on board the Narada, Pike appears to be able to move fine with only some assistance from Kirk, but at the scene at the end he is in a wheelchair?

Answer: The wheelchair may well be just a temporary measure. While Pike's able to move with Kirk's assistance, he's clearly not enjoying the experience, but, given that it's get moving or stay on a doomed ship, he just has to go for it. Even with the advanced medical technology available to them, it's not unreasonable that he wouldn't be back to normal immediately, and thus using a wheelchair for the time being is a sensible move, rather than continuing to move under his own power and risk damaging things further.


Answer: This is just my opinion, I don't have any references to back it up. In the original series episode "The Menagerie" we learn that Captain Pike was severely injured, unable to move or talk. He is at Spock's court martial in an automated wheel chair. I believe his being in a wheel chair in this movie is a reference to his original series appearance and is another example of the alternate timeline.


Question: In the movie there are eight dogs and one dies falling on the snow, which leaves seven. In the end there are six. Did I miss one? Thank you very much for your help.


Chosen answer: Yes you missed Old Jack, who's too old to go with the others on their journey and dies at base camp.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Question: If I'm correct, Carrie's mother (in both the movie and book) believes that Carrie had her period as a sign of some sin. However, the Bible itself has verses that mention periods. Being a religious fanatic who has most likely read the Bible several times, why isn't Carrie's mother aware of menstruation being natural?

Answer: Carrie's mother is not just a fanatic, she is also completely insane. To her, menstruation is a sign of Original Sin, the one committed by Eve in the Garden of Eden, and a mark that all women (and men!) are sinful in themselves.


Question: After Paulie is shot, Clemenza says, "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." Do the two men then walk home, catch a cab, take a bus?


Chosen answer: No, and this is explained in the book. Everything was pre-arranged, and the entire trip was a ruse solely to execute Paulie for him helping set up the hit on Don Corleone. Clemenza had Paulie drive them in Paulie's car on the pretense of looking for apartments to house Corleone "soldiers" in the event of a gang war. He directed him to drive and then stop at that specific isolated location (supposedly to relieve himself) where Rocco then shot him. Another car is waiting nearby to pick up Clemenza and Rocco.


Question: Does Missingno, the infamous "Pokemon 000" glitch from Pokemon Red/Green (Red/Blue in the states) appear in this movie?

Answer: Missingno is a glitch from the video games, and is not a real pokemon, so no.


Chosen answer: Candace Cameron, the actress portraying DJ, was visiting family the week the episode was filmed.

Question: During the revolving door scene, how was Miley able to redo Hannah's make-up over and over again when it took so long for her to do it at the start of the movie before the concert?


Chosen answer: During a concert, a lot of makeup is used to show through the bright lighting. In this case, Miley may have needed little to no makeup. Also, since Travis is shown asking for the check and Miley goes back and forth so much, it may have taken her a long time, which is why she had to run off every time she got to the restaurant after a few seconds.

Question: When John discovers the disturbing paintings in Esther's room towards the end of the movie, a couple of them are life-size depictions of 2 people in sexual acts. To me, the man and the woman look like John and a "normal" sized Esther, as if she painted the scenario that she would have liked for herself. Did I see that correctly or were those just 2 random people?

Answer: Yes, I think it intentionally looked like John and a fully grown Esther; she was drawing her fantasies.

Question: What are the military ranks of Tucker, Watts, and Halsey? It's stated that Sharpe & Davis are Colonels, and Lev is a Colonel in the Russian military. Gruber is referred to as Sergeant, but so far, the ranks of the last 3 weren't mentioned.


Chosen answer: It is not mentioned in the movie. However, we can assume that Tucker and Watts are mid-grade officers. They would be below the commanding colonels, but above ensigns because of their flight status. Likely they are lieutenants or captains.


Answer: They're introduced as "Nasa Pilot Watts" and "Nasa Pilot Tucker", they're likely civilians. There are civilian Astronauts in the Space program. There's even wings for a civilian pilot.

Chosen answer: Because there was no real need for him to talk.


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