Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When the rings were forged, nine were given to the Kings of Man and they became the Ringwraiths. How is it that the three elves had no trouble, as they are all there and smiling in the Grey Havens scene? Also, what happened to the dwarfen rings?

Answer: When the Rings were created, the elves became aware of the creation of the One Ring, and removed their rings. Only when the One Ring was removed from the hand of Sauron were even those rings safe to use. It should be pointed out that the elven rings were crafted by the elven smiths themselves for their own purposes and did not have the same corrupting influence by default as the Seven and the Nine. While their rings were subject to the power of the One Ring, the elven ringbearers remained untouched by his power, tapping into the powers of their rings only sparingly to maintain their realms and only while the One Ring remained lost to Sauron (as it was for the entire time since the last war, up to and including the time of LotR). As for the dwarves, they also proved to be too hardy for Sauron to dominate and the rings merely increased their innate desire for gold. Sauron ultimately reclaimed three of the dwarven rings, which were presumably lost in the fall of Barad-dur, with the other four being consumed by dragons.

Question: One question answered on this movie says that Penguin died because he was out of the cold. Another says he just prefers cold. So does he need cold or not and why did he die?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Penguin died due to the wounds he sustained during the missile explosions earlier.


Answer: It isn't. If you look at when he dies you will see that he has cuts on his face that are bleeding red. The blue liquid is more like a bile, probably similar to saliva.

Chosen answer: It is part of the mutation that caused his peculiar appearance.


Answer: No. Although Mikayla and Mason occasionally referred to the mother, her whereabouts were never revealed.

Question: What exactly happened to Vicki Vale between movies? She's mentioned a couple times in this one, but it's never said what happened.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The same thing that happens to all the women in Bruce Wayne's life who learn his secret: She eventually realized that she would always be second to Batman, and never know if he'd make it home each night, so she left.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: They broke up. At one point in the movie, Bruce tells Selina that he had a girlfriend (Vicki), but, and I quote, "It didn't work out."

Question: After she falls, what exactly makes Selyna Kyle go nuts? And what is she trying to do to her apartment?

Quantom X

Answer: The film keeps it ambiguous. There are two ways to look at it. Scenario A- She literally died and is brought back to life by the alley-cats somehow, adapting some of their traits. Or... Scenario B- The trauma of falling and sustaining a head-injury, along with her paranoia after Schreck tried to kill her, has driven her mad, and she uses her connection with cats to build a new persona. (Which is supported by the fact that all the things she claims "kills" her with each of her "nine lives" wouldn't actually have killed her. Ex. Her one fall is broken by the kitty-litter truck. Max doesn't hit her in any vital organs when he shoots her. Etc.) Her destroying her apartment is her lashing out at all the things she used to hold dear- her vision of a normal life, etc. It's symbolic of her purging the past and embracing the future. (Plus, oftentimes when people throw fits, they'll smash stuff up).

Chosen answer: She just died, and came back to life. The shock drove her mad. She really isn't doing anything but destroying it.


Question: Why is Penguin coughing up green stuff before he dies? And is that his blood?

Quantom X

Answer: It is poison from Shrek's factory.

Chosen answer: It is suppose to be his blood.


Chosen answer: He doesn't need to be in cold to survive. He just prefers it since he's lived in the cold his entire life.


Chosen answer: Shreck was a character created for the movie. The part was originally intended to be Harvey Dent, and the explosion at the end would scar him, paving the way for Two Face in a third movie, but the filmmakers opted for an original character instead. The name comes from a German actor who played Count Orlok in "Nosferatu".

Chosen answer: This is actually the 4th film directed by Quentin Tarantino. While he did write From Dusk Till Dawn (also True Romance, between Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction), he did not direct the film.

Question: At the start of the movie we see McClane arriving on the plane and he has his gun on him, would a detective really be allowed to carry his gun on board a plane?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Yes, at the time this film was made; McClane would only need to have his badge and credentials verified by airport security.


I'm not sure how this works now but even as recently as 10 years ago, many departments required off-duty carry, except in certain situations. Now I know it's optional for many.

Question: When Cal decides to bribe Murdoch with money to guarantee a spot on a lifeboat, what was the point of even doing so? Was it just because of the "women and children first" policy? Being in first class would seem to put women, children, AND men at a higher priority.

Answer: "Women and children first" means just that, regardless of class. Cal had to make sure he would get a spot instead of some third class passenger.


Answer: Cal would have had to get on after all the women and children (first class second and third) He probably knows the lifeboats would all be full by then so he tries to bribe and get on one before it is too late.

Answer: The policy set by Captain Smith was "women and children first" but some of the ship's officers understood that to be "women and children only" and this is reflected in the movie to how some of the officers behaved - even Murdoch, Cal bribing Murdoch for a space was likely to try persuade him to look the other way.

Question: Zartan asks the real president where the prison is where Cobra Commander and Destro are held. But didn't Zartan take the president's place at the end of the first movie, before those two were captured between films? So if that is something that would be told to the president, wouldn't Zartan already know? Or is this a major plot hole?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Zartan is assuming the identity of the President. He doesn't have access to every single piece of information that the President knows. That's why the real President is kept alive in the case that Zartan needs information he doesn't know. Zartan can only do so much to look like and act like the President, but he has no idea about top secret information such as that. As for why Zartan would wait so long to free Cobra Commander and Destro, either that was part of Commander's plan, or Zartan has his reasons.


Chosen answer: "Live to Win" by Paul Stanley.


Chosen answer: Thawne spent his whole life wanting to discover the speed force. When he did, he became The Flash of his time. But Thawne couldn't live up to Barry's legacy. It drove him mad. And drove to eliminate Barry.


Question: To destroy the bomb attached to the gray adhesive substance, Flash begins rapidly vibrating his hand, which forms some sort of energy ball which he throws at the bomb. What exactly did Flash do?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Could be a couple of examples seen in the comics. One, static electricity. The second, more plausible theory, is he moved fast enough to gather a small portion of the speed force to throw at the bomb.


Question: How does Flash's costume fit inside the small confines of his ring like that and come out so easily? And how the heck does he get it back in his ring?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Flash pushes his suit inside the ring at high speed to close the lid, locking it in place. When he opens the ring the high tension shoots it out like a jack in the box.


Answer: The Flash's suit is a friction proof high compression micro fiber designed by star labs, the suit is easily folded down to the size of a dime and is pushed into a high tension spring. To release it the Flash just clicks the rings insignia.

Question: Looking at a gun in a case, and then a picture of the Wayne family, Barry asks "What happened to you, Bruce? You were the James Bond of Superheroes." He then follows up by saying, "What turned you into the Unabomber?" What is a Unabomber?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The Unabomber was a man named Ted Kaczynski who planted and mailed bombs between 1978 and 1995 which killed 3 people and wounded 23. Basically Barry is calling this version of Batman a psychopath.

Question: General Lane shows Hal Jordan the alien, Abin Sur, that Green Lantern in a water preservation chamber. General Lane talks about how the ring launched off in space away. Yet Abin Sur is still in his green lantern uniform. The uniforms are generated by the rings, so when it flew away, wouldn't Abin Sur's uniform vanish? Especially over the course of 8 years as General Lane claims?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It really depends on the writer. In many stories the suit vanishes as soon as the ring is drained of energy, in other cases, where a character dies, the suit remains on the character. This could be interpreted as a way to identify the body as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. But that is just one theory among the comic community.


Question: If Reverse Flash wants to destroy Flash so bad, why doesn't he go back in time and kill him as a kid? Reverse Flash has to know who Barry is as he was able to slip his outfit into Barry's ring and put it on him. So he knew Barry is the Flash. He even calls him by name towards the end of the film.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Reverse Flash can not kill Barry in his own timeline. If he does he will erase his own timeline out of existence, essentially killing himself. With Barry screwing up history after saving his mother, Reverse Flash is now free to kill Barry.

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