Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: A small thing that I was curious about: when Billy and Sidney are in the police station, they are in two rooms/areas that are only separated by a glass wall. In real life, would a suspect be kept so close to the person they are accused of attacking?

Answer: No, this is completely incorrect from the film makers. US police stations by law have to have an interrogation cell deliberately so as to avoid the accused person intimidating witnesses or the victim, as billy does to Sydney. Even if the interrogation cell were being used when Billy is brought into the station, he would then be put in a holding cell to wait his turn - they categorically would not just allow him to sit in the public, non guarded part of the station near the accuser.


Question: When they got ready to leave the train, Rosemary Clooney was helped down from an upper berth in a hallway. What happened to the private room that the sisters started out in?

Answer: The "up all night" refers to the original plan for Bing and Danny to exit the train in New York. When the plan was changed to continue on to Vermont then probably some people got off in New York (or elsewhere) and opened up a hallway berth. The sisters took that and Bing and Danny got a room as well.

Question: What happened to the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar? They wander around Isla Sorna on this movie, but no mention is made of the dinosaurs in the original. Does anybody know about their fate? Were they killed? Did they die naturally?

Answer: The dinosaurs on Isla Nublar are not mentioned. In the first book they are destroyed by bombing, which makes the second island more surprising - a lost world.

Question: What type of car is the brown muscle car that Creasy drives at the end?

Answer: The brown car with the chrome split grille is a 1972 Dodge Charger.

Show generally

Question: In Claire and Phil's house, what is the room behind the staircase that we never see? It wasn't there in the pilot episode but thereafter, it's got a window and supposedly a good amount of space, as it's in the front of the house, in front of the kitchen. Anybody have any idea?


Chosen answer: There was a plain wall at the foot of the stairs in the pilot episode. Thereafter, there is a room, but we have never been shown what's in the room.


Question: Who was the blond woman dancing to "Everybody Loves Christmas" in that mid-credits scene? Was she Principal Carol Newman or that Shaina Twain-wannabe?

Answer: The actress dancing to "Everybody Loves Christmas" is Elizabeth Mitchell, who plays Mrs. Claus/Principal Newman.


Chosen answer: It's not that he could not talk, but perhaps he just had nothing to say. Once his skin burns off, he was still in pursuit mode to terminate his target. Before the skin burned off and he was chasing them in that scene, he wasn't saying anything either. And it's also logical to say that the wreck and gas tanker exploding, which caused his skin to burn off, likely could have damages internal components of the terminator by impact force as well as the extreme heat. So him not talking was either he didn't have anything to say, his voice generator was broken, or both.

Quantom X

Answer: Think about what produces sound coming from human mouth: air directed through the tissues of the neck and mouth, moving vocal cords in waves. After being burned, there is no tissue which can create the waves when being moved.

Question: Why does Henry ask the taxi driver to take him to jail? Aren't the police supposed to take you immediately after the sentencing hearing? Why could he make his own way to jail when he wanted, and why didn't he just run away?


Chosen answer: Convicted criminals aren't always taken immediately to prison upon their sentencing, especially when they're free on bail pending their trial and sentencing hearings. As is often the case in such instances, he was probably given a short time (usually a week) to get his affairs in order before reporting for his incarceration voluntarily; had he not reported on time, police would have been sent to procure him.


Answer: He didn't mean to take him directly to prison, he meant to be taken to the court house or police station to be taken into official custody.

My Old Lady - S1-E4

Question: In this episode JD, Elliot and Turk all have a patient that dies at the end. JD's dies from old age/refuses treatment. Elliot's dies due to the risky nature of the treatment given, if I remember correctly, however I never understood why Turk's patient dies. He's there for surgery, during surgery the surgeons find something, but they never say what it is. The young man is prepped for surgery again in a late scene and Turk tells him what is happening but we don't hear it. He then dies on the operating table. What was it they found inside the patient? And why did he die so quickly when undergoing surgery for it?


Chosen answer: When they were in the operating room the first time, they saw a black mass that wasn't the hernia. At that point they don't say anything, but when Turk is on the phone he's talking to David's dad and says it was a lymphoma. Which is basically a cancerous tumor. They don't mention in the show, but lymphomas can go undetected and spread and the longer they remain, the less chance of survival. Given the way the rest of the Turk/David scenes play out, David's cancer just went unchecked too long and spread too much where there was nothing the doctors could do.


Question: In the first film, when Jacob is jabbed in the eye before falling down it's his left eye, now in part 2 it shows he's missing his right eye instead. Am I correct, or am I confused, or is it shown from a different angle?

Answer: In the first movie Jacob Goodnight was stabbed in his right eye with a metal pipe.

It was his left eye he was stabbed in.

Answer: It was our left and his right in reality, he was facing the opposite direction.

No, he was stabbed in his left eye. When facing the camera, the pipe is on the viewer's right which is his left.


Question: How did Thomas manage to get into the elevator at the start of the film?

Answer: Thomas was placed there by the lab workers at W.I.C.K.E.D. Boys were being sent up once a month in it as part of an experiment. Thomas, however, works for W.I.C.K.E.D. Although his memory was wiped like the other boys, he, and also the girl, knowingly took part in the experiment in order to change the conditions of the test.


Question: What year does this movie's climax take place in? Because a mutant wearing a mouth gag with ginger hair can be seen as one of Stryker's prisoners, and this prisoner is meant to be Banshee. However, in Days of Future Past, it is mentioned that Banshee died at some point before 1971 due to experimentation, I realize there are other continuity issues within this "canon" and that some of them have been rectified if not completely erased from the timeline, but I love Banshee and am just trying to connect each of his appearances. It makes sense that he would be a prisoner of Stryker's since Stryker and Trask were working together in 1971, but only if the end of Origins takes place before then.

Answer: The climax took place on 3 Mile Island which had a partial meltdown at their #2 reactor in March of 1979. This meltdown could be cover in the story for the damage to the island.

Question: What is the name of the song that plays when Mia is inspecting the royal guard?

Answer: Canon in D.

Question: What exactly is the re-education that people keep talking about?

Answer: As this is a totalitarian government, they would re-educate (reprogram) its citizens into whatever social and political beliefs they advocate. This would allow them to better control the population and prevent dissension and rebellion.


Question: Is the movie supposed to have any connection with the Avengers? Is Xandar one of the nine realms? Does the orb have anything to do with the power of the Tesseract?


Chosen answer: Each realm is actually more of a dimension than a single world. So Xandar would be part of Midgard. The orb is the housing for one of the Infinity Gems. The Tesseract is also an Infinity Gem. The stone in Loki's scepter and the Aether from Thor: The Dark world are two others. All 6 gems can be combined on the Infinity Gauntlet which enables the user to do whatever he wishes just by thinking about it. Wielded by Thanos, among others, in the comics.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What kind of helicopter is that Alex was about to get into but didn't?

Answer: Sikorsky S-55.

Answer: There's no indication they were meeting for the first time, in fact they seem to know each other as Sgt. Carter addresses Andy only as "Sheriff". Gomer Pyle just says his two favorite people are "meeting face to face", and obviously in the pilot episode Sgt. Carter wasn't one of Pyle's favorite people yet.


Question: What is the orchestral music playing while Howard is chasing the ball through the Mall of America?

Answer: "Russian Dance" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Michael Albert

Question: I haven't read the books, but Aragorn was born 10 years before the events of "the Hobbit", and given the fact that he's therefore 70 in Lord of the Rings I'm assuming Middle Earth years are somewhat faster than years as we know them. So that means Aragorn is really about 5-6. And I know Legolas isn't meant to be there in the first place, but when Thranduil tells Legolas to seek out a ranger by the name of "Strider", surely that's a plot hole or something that has happened in the "future" in the books that they've added to the movie as an explanation as to how Legolas came to find Aragorn. Also the last we see of Saruman and Sauron is Saruman saying "leave Sauron to me " So... What happens? We're kinda left hanging, we don't know what happens between them or for that matter how Sauron ends up in Mordor. Loved the movie but unfortunately I have questions.

Answer: When Aragorn was 25 he left Rivendell to travel the world, having had his proposal to marry Arwen rejected by Elrond. Hence he is absent during the time period of the Hobbit, having gone to Rohan and then Gondor in disguise. During his travels he becomes very well known among the Elves, owing to Elrond raising him and Galadriel welcoming him to Lothlorien after he comes back from his long travels. Even before, he had served in the Rangers of the North as he was growing up, where he gained the nickname Strider. Legolas already knows Aragorn before LoTR, as Aragorn had initially left Gollum in the care of the wood-Elves before someone helped Gollum escape.

Answer: Aragon is 87 in LOTR: Two Towers (as mentioned in the extended edition). The Hobbit takes place about 60 years before that so Aragon is 27 at the time. Sauron is banished to Mordor in Battle of the 5 Armies. You see his "spirit" flee and the White Council, mention he went back to the east. Between Sauron and Sarumon, it's mentioned more in other LOTR books, but Sarumon (while still technically good) has been looking for the One Ring. He does not join Sauron as much as uses the alliance for his benefit hoping to find the ring first.

Answer: The years are not significantly different, Aragorn is simply descended from a race of very long-lived men.


Answer: Mr. Scrooge is a moneylender and Bob is his clerk. Moneylendering is different than something like a bank loan because interest rates are much steeper and usually the last resort for poor people who can't get bank loans. In essence he's a loan shark.


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