Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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I, Mudd - S2-E8

Question: Mr Sulu appears in the beginning, but disappears throughout the rest of the show, where to?

Answer: It's not explained. If a character is not integral to the plot, there's no reason for them to reappear.


Answer: No.

Question: Why is the dude lying and telling Jackie Treehorn that the amount of the ransom is only half a million dollars? Thus, he also cuts in half his own commission.


Answer: He's not talking about the ransom, he's talking about Bunny's debt to Treehorn, which is half a million dollars. His commission is 10%, which gives him $50,000, far more than the $20,000 he'd been promised by The Big Lebowski.

Question: If there are no emotions, how do they fall in love? Preston shows signs with his wife while on the drug.

Answer: I think in Libria marriages only exist to keep the human species going. There is no "love" per se. It was Viviana Preston who really showed emotion (because she was not dosing) during the scenes that we see through Preston's memories. I believe Preston attacked the men who burst into their apartment out of a sense of preserving his family unit, nor necessarily out of a sense of loving his wife. His inaction after he found out she was a sense offender (and not returning her kiss before she was dragged off him) and the fact that he coldly attended her incineration without a single emotion visible on his face show that he probably didn't feel grief at the time at all. On the other hand, Preston WAS set up because "Father" was looking for a man who had "the capacity to feel, without yet knowing it," (even with the Proseum) and so some minor displays of emotions towards his wife and children would make sense.

Question: It's been a while since I've seen the movie, so I could be forgetting something. But why do Maurice and Brian say a sad good-bye at the end of the film? Sure, Brian can't go down to the monster world any more, but there's theoretically nothing stopping Maurice from coming up to visit him in the future pretty much whenever he wants. Does Maurice just think he shouldn't see Brian any more or something?


Answer: It was time for Brian to grow up, to stop believing in childish things, like monsters under the bed. When you don't believe, it isn't real and anything that isn't real can't hurt you.

There's a big problem with this answer. The movie has shown that monsters are totally and objectively real. How exactly can Brian "stop believing" in something he knows to be 100% true.

Answer: It was not meant to be literal, like pretending your toys are real or having an imaginary friend, you block it out and become an adult. "Christopher Robin." That movie had him growing up and believing his friends were imaginary. Same thing with, "Hook"

Question: What did Nicki yell out at the end to the killer before he killed her?

Answer: She yelled "I'm the one who paid you."

I, Mudd - S2-E8

Question: When Kirk and crew neutralized all the androids on the planet, what happened to the androids on the Enterprise running the ship?

Answer: After causing Norman to overload, all of the other androids shut down. The same could be said for the androids on the Enterprise.

Answer: If all the humans beamed down and only Androids were on the ship as Larry Mudd said then how did they get back aboard the Enterprise if all the robots were shut down.

Answer: It starts with when Charizard was Charmeleon. Charmeleon did listen to Ash briefly but after Ash made him purposely lose to a weak Pokémon, Chameleon felt betrayed and decided not to listen to Ash because of what he did to him. When Chameleon turned into Charizard he still was mad at Ash for making him lose to a weak Pokémon. But he kind of listened to him but not that much since he was still mad at Ash. In Charizard Chills Charizard is hit by an ice beam which makes him ice. Ash, Misty and Tracy, decide to melt the ice and try to warm him up then Ash decides to do it, Charizard now realises that Ash did everything for him and finally decides to fight for him.


Hogwash. Right after Charmander evolved into Charmeleon, he blasted fire at Ash's ear, which was supposed to suggest/hint/foreshadow his disobedience. The main reason for Charmeleon's disobedience is the fact that Charmeleon are much more aggressive than Charmander in nature. Charmeleon didn't feel betrayed after Ash ordered him to lose. He never held a grudge against Ash but, even after evolving into Charizard, despised him for quite a long time. After Ash took care of Charizard after he got frozen by ice beam, Charizard understood that Ash never gave up on him. His disobedience was nothing personal. After Charmander evolved into Charmeleon, he instantly grew much more aggressive and prideful, even before his encounter with Paras. After evolving into Charizard he retained this attitude. Only after Ash unfroze him and helped him warm up, he regained his respect towards him and decided not to disobey him anymore.

Show generally

Question: In the third episode of the first series the family visit the farm for Karen's birthday treat. This means that her birthday must be September, being so the evenings still seem light. But jump to the fifth series when Karen starts comprehensive (year 7), it is often mentioned that she is 11. If her birthday is in September, shouldn't she have turned 12 already?

Answer: Acording to all online sources, her birthday is 30th August 2001. It's also documented that in Season 5 she is in year 7 and 11 years old. If her birthday is 30th August, she will start year 7, 2 days after her 11th Birthday so this is correct.


Answer: He's punishing Michelangelo for disrupting the session with Keno, which he used as an opportunity to diss Raph.


Show generally

Question: Diana worked with both Steve and his son. What're the odds the son wouldn't find something suspicious about her given that his father may have told him about her when he was a kid?


Answer: Suspicious about what, the fact that she's the same Wonder Woman from the 1940's. She explained, she was over a thousand years old or the fact that same Diana Prince worked for him, as his father. She could explain she's her own daughter.

Unruhe - S4-E4

Question: When Gerald is holding Scully hostage, Scully says that she has no unrest but Gerald says she does. What did Gerald think Scully's unrest was?

Answer: Gerry Schnauz thinks all of his victims suffer from "howlers" in their brains, which is why he lobotomizes them. In Scully's case, it should be noted that the spot where he said her howlers were was the same spot she received her cancer diagnosis, so it could be assumed that his other victims might have had other legitimate maladies they didn't know about.


Question: Why did Bruce need to fake his death? Why couldn't he just leave?


Answer: He wanted to start a new life, which means shedding all aspects of his old one. Bruce Wayne was still a person of interest in the Gotham Wall Street scandal, with his death, his will would provide for and aid all the people affected by it.

Question: When Yosemite Sam flies out of Toon Town and lands in front of Lt. Santino and Eddie, does he say, "Great Horny Toads" or "Green Horny Toads"?

Answer: He says "great." That's one of his catch phrases from the Looney Tunes cartoons.

Question: Why does Charles look out of the window in the end of the movie, when he's teaching a class?

Answer: Presumably he is sensing the presence of Jean/Phoenix.


Answer: "Club Mario" was reruns of the original show repackaged with new live action segments. It was a cheap way to present the old animated episodes as a new show. Club Mario was incredibly unpopular and eventually reruns of the original show with the Captain Lou Albano segments were aired in its place.


Question: I never saw it from the beginning. Does it actually show the home invasion, or is he just telling us about what happened?

Answer: The theater version shows the wife's rape and murder, but not the daughter's. When the little girl interrupts her mother's rape, Darby smiles and laughs as he tells Clyde and Ames, "I'll take care of her, kids like me." He then picks her up and carries her into another room as Clyde's wife stares at Clyde as she dies and that's when Clyde blacks out.

Answer: We see Clyde answer the door and immediately get assaulted, but we do not see his wife's rape, nor the murders of the wife and daughter.


Answer: He's in prison for killing Darby and Ames, though factually, since he hasn't even been charged with either murder, he should be in county lockup. This is a pretty glaring goof for a film that makes commentary on America's justice system.


Question: Who could they return the money to? The guy who paid Vincent was killed.


Answer: The money would be returned to the police and used as evidence. Even though Beetroot is dead the police still need to do an investigation to close the case. Since the $4 million was used in a felony (conspiracy and theft), the money would be impounded by the city.


Answer: In a nutshell, it's because the film's protagonist is a mentally disturbed killer, and certain groups in America thought the film's violence would lead to copycat behavior.


I never got this aspect of the controversy, if anything, it goes to show what can happen when mental illness goes untreated.


I agree with you on that, but unfortunately, there's so many people, at least in the United States, that have no sense of nuance and are prone to knee-jerk reactions. They would rather condemn and blame different kinds of media for society's ills, rather than stop and look at the message something is trying to tell.


I read about the concern over possible copycat behavior in an on-line article; Phaneron's answer is correct.


Answer: Because the left thought it would encourage violence and mocked liberal run cities.The right thought the same on violence, it seemingly justified a mentally ill guy's actions, that it made white businessmen bad guys. Both sides in general only complained about Joker for attention.


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