Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I'm not sure if I must ask this in BTTF 1 or 2 but can anyone explain me why the mall is called 'twin pine mall' and 'lone pine mall' in the other movie?


Chosen answer: In BTTF 1, when Marty goes back to 1955, it's revealed that there used to be a farm where the mall was located, and there were two pine trees on the farm, hence the Twin Pines Mall name. But while Marty was escaping the farmer, he runs over and kills one of the trees, thus altering the course of time and leading to the Lone Pine Mall name.

Jeff Swanson

Question: I have three questions regarding the end scene. 1. How come Jean can't crush Wolverine's body? I ask this because we can see her easily kill all people who walk too close to her. 2. Why didn't Wolverine inject Jean with the cure instead of killing her? 3. What would happen if Jean got injected with the cure?


Chosen answer: 1) Apparently the combination of Logan's unbreakable skeleton and healing factor was enough to keep Jean from shredding him - it's possible to see his body getting damaged and repairing itself in a few shots. 2) Because, while he's capable of getting close to her mostly intact, the same isn't really true of anything he might be wearing or holding, so any cure syringe he carried with him would be destroyed. 3) Who knows? Given her extreme power level, the cure might or might not have worked, and, considering the final shot of the movie, which suggests that the cure isn't permanent anyway, her powers would likely return before long.


Question: This has been killing me ever since I saw the movie. How did Harvey and Rachel get tied up in the warehouse? Who did that? Some sites say that it was Wuertz and Rameriz and that they were corrupt. But when Dent confronted both of them they said "I didn't know what they were going to do to you." What do they mean by that?

Answer: It's pretty straightforward - Wuertz and Ramirez were involved in kidnapping Harvey and Rachel and handing them over to the Joker's men, but they weren't aware that the pair would subsequently be tied up and surrounded by explosives; that was done by the Joker's henchmen.


Question: What are we supposed to believe at the end of the film? Or is it deliberately left ambiguous? My mum had this theory that Pi made up the animal story to escape the reality of his ordeal. What do you think about the ending?

Answer: It's completely up to the viewer to decide. There's no right or wrong answer.

Question: I find myself confused about the money. The chip from the GT40 contains the information about Reyes' money and cash houses and that there is 100 million dollars spread throughout 10 cash houses. That would mean that there's 10 million in each house. The group decides to split it 9 ways since there's 9 of them (before counting Vince which makes 10). They burn the money from one cash house so wouldn't that mean there's only 90 million dollars left that Reyes' had locked away in the safe and put into the police station to split amongst 10 people?

Answer: Theres no telling how much money is in the safe. First, just because there are 10 safe houses, does not mean it is divided equally between them. Second, there may be more locations where his money is located that we (and the characters in the movie) are not aware of. Third, we have no idea how much money was burned at his safe house. Plus I doubt very much a man this rich and powerful would put every last dollar he has into one safe. Sure there were millions in the safe to split between them, how much though is a mystery.

Carl Missouri

It's also not known how much was in the vault to begin with before all the money was consolidated.

Answer: I think the chip they found gave a pretty accurate amount when they mentioned it was basically a schedule for deliveries and pick-ups to every safe house, and the weight of the money gave the numerical value. So give and take a certain amount, that's where Toretto comes up with one hundred and eleven split equally to Roman that has him changing his tune in about a second.

Answer: Yes, though the Draculas could turn him into a vampire.


Show generally

Question: This is a two-part question. 1. In one episode, the SVU team must get a man to confess to committing several murders and if they can't after 24 hours, they have no choice but to let him go. What is the name of this episode? 2. During the interrogation, the man gets up in Detective Stablers face and screams, "I'm a murderer! I'm a murderer! I kill people! What are you gonna do about that?" That sounded like a Confession to me, so why wasn't he immediately arrested?

Answer: 1- It's probably "Rage" from season 6, though there are several similar episodes. 2 - I could go to the police and say I'm a murderer, but without details, it's not really any use. They knew he was just playing with them and wanted to taunt Stabler.


Wasabi Warriors - S1-E1

Question: We learn in the "Wasabi Warriors" episode that Kim is a proud member of the Black Dragons; does anybody else wonder why she didn't get involved in the cafeteria fight when she saw her teammates getting beaten up?

Answer: If you noticed, Kim was not sitting with the Black Dragons, so it's safe to assume that she didn't approve of their bullying tactics. She also flashed Jack a smile during the fight, so it's pretty obvious she had no interest in getting involved.

Answer: Probably because Kim had a crush on Jack.

Answer: Because she must have not liked to get in fights or she doesn't like the male black dragons.

Question: What weapon does Hale Caesar use during the final fight? Is it a modified version of the AA-12 or a custom-made piece for the movie?

Answer: It is a slightly modified AA-12.


Question: More of an observation than a question, but it has occurred to me that the movie leaves a rather significant loose end unresolved. At the beginning of the film, Miss Gulch is going to have Toto destroyed. Nothing happens to change that. Dorothy's adventure/dream in Oz didn't get rid of the real woman back in Kansas who wants her dog dead. Am I missing something, or are we just to assume that because Toto got free from the basket, Miss Gulch didn't notice?

Answer: It is highly assumed that Miss Gulch died in the tornado - she was riding her bike at the time the tornado hit. Many sites online support this theory.Other than that it is never mentioned.


Question: Why did Mahoney get a medal at the end? All he did was run up a building and got himself taken hostage. Hightower deserved his cause he knocked the guy out, saved Harris and Mahoney and defused the situation. Even if it was for bravery or heroism, Mahoney achieved nothing with his actions and shouldn't have been rewarded.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Just because you fail in your attempt at heroics doesn't mean you weren't brave as hell for trying. Mahoney knowingly put himself in a very dangerous situation with the sole intent of saving two of his fellow officers. That's bravery.


Answer: There could well have been multiple outfits planned for Vanellope from the beginning. The gown could be just for making announcements between levels, while the tracksuit could be what Vanellope changes into when she actually joins the races.

Bag of Magic Food

Question: When Pippin and Merry are with the orcs (or uruk-hai or whatever they're called) one of the orcs keeps insisting on eating them. What does he mean when he says, "Do they give good sport?" And then he does this weird thing with his tongue to which Merry looks at him oddly. I don't know what he meant by that. (00:29:45)


Chosen answer: "Do they give good sport" is simply a way of asking whether they're being kept alive to provide later entertainment; could they be used in some sort of organised hunt, could they serve as gladiatorial fodder in an arena fight, that sort of thing. The weird thing with the tongue really just seems to be a sort of odd tic, designed to emphasise his rather disgusting nature.


Question: Why was the design of Ghost Rider and the Hellcycle changed? Plus, in the first movie he had gained control of his transformation. So when he is trying to leave after interrogating a lowlife thug, does he look like he is unable to keep the Ghost Rider in check?

Answer: They were changed to look "grittier". It was just a stylistic choice though, it's not really related to the plot in any way. As for the second part, at the end of the first movie, he had a much greater degree of control over the Rider, but not absolute control. Being in such a sinful place to interrogate the "thug" strained his ability to resist the transformation.


Radio Days - S6-E4

Question: I was wondering, when Rebbecca was doing the interview at the hospital, she called herself Rebecca Donaldson. I was wondering why she wasn't using her married name.


Chosen answer: Celebrities and people in the public eye often decide to keep their name, at least when doing their performance or public appearances. It creates a continuity for fans who knew and followed them before their marriage. Anna Faris is married to Chris Pratt, but still uses Anna Faris as her name. Rebecca could easily change her name in her private life but remain Rebecca Donaldson when in the public eye.


Question: The Jackal shot Koslova just one time. Why do we see two bullet wounds on her shirt?

Answer: It's not known if it's a bullet wound or just blood that somehow was transferred to that part of her shirt. She was bleeding heavily and moving around quite a bit when she is first shot.


Question: What happened to Anakin Skywalker's father?

Chosen answer: According to his mother, there was no father; Anakin was conceived through the Force itself. Expanded Universe materials suggest that this occurred either as part of or as a consequence of Sith experiments carried out by Darth Plagueis, with the intent of creating the ultimate Sith apprentice.


Question: Shortly after Leo enters a pod to try and save Pericles, the crew of the Oberon receive a distress signal from an old man. Who exactly was that guy?

Answer: It's Lt. General Vasich. It's a message from the future--or from the past depending on how you read the timeline--made after they attempt to rescue Captain Davidson and get thrown in time to well before Leo arrives on the other side. That's why Vasich looks so confused after seeing the message.


Question: Ralph is only the bad guy of the video game during the hours when the arcade is open, just like the other villains. In fact, when he is not playing his role, he acts like a good guy which he prefers, though some other video characters, including the Nicelanders, fear him, knowing he is supposed to be a villain. Particularly, Gene mistreats Ralph since he doesn't approve of Ralph's behavior of wrecking the building. Why is Ralph still treated like an enemy by Gene and the Nicelanders despite the fact that being the bad guy is only his role? Even if the Nicelanders know their game will be unplugged without Ralph being present?

Answer: Because it's easier for them to simply tell themselves that that's what he is. Especially since he can still accidentally destroy an entire apartment without intending to. And they simply wouldn't imagine that Ralph would leave, because he'd end up just as homeless as them if he did.


Question: It is stated that once Vanellope crosses the finish line, she is no longer a glitch, but she still glitches even then since she retained that power. Also, she couldn't leave her game due to her glitching power. However, she is seen at Felix and Calhoun's wedding which means she is out of her game then. Was that possible then? If so, then how?

Answer: What Sour Bob says is that once Vanellope crosses the finish line the game will reset and King Kandy's damage to the game's code will be undone. After that happens Vanellope can still glitch because she learned to control it before crossing the finish line; it's no longer an involuntary side-effect of damaged code, it's something she just knows how to do. Likewise, her newly repaired code allows her to leave the game when she wishes.


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