
30th Dec 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

29th Dec 2019

High-Rise (2015)

Other mistake: The protagonist is reading the booklet illustrating the wonders of his home. Something strange about it; the paragraph by the title "State of the art lift system", with a big lift icon to the side, has merely the first couple of lines talking about lifts, and then moves on, without any transition, to the subject of pets, adoption and all related matters. (00:03:35)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: Daphne's dad drops the Legitimate Tulip badge in front of her so she'll avoid getting hurt, but when we see him do that, he does it before the warning for the ball is heard and seemingly not looking at the danger (especially in the second shot, when he is peeking from the corner). So his action makes no sense. (00:16:55)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: For some reason, getting to school Velma does not simply fail to change path for anyone in her way, but actually, deliberately, gets in the way. During that sequence, she ends up bumping a girl with a muffin, and stomping on it. But the girl with the muffin was already in the same spot (just past a couple who is chatting) well before, when Velma moved between other two chatters, with a guy on a scooter changing course. (00:06:15)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: Daphne and Velma ruin Mikayla's exhibition that is set to begin at 4 PM, so they must be in the corridors way before that time (when they poke out of the locker secret door from the inside, the hallway clock does in fact point 5 minutes to 4). They get then chased by the ghost and find the secret lab. When they come out of it to prepare for their Bloom mission, they pass in front of the principal's hall as one of their first actions, and it's a quarter past 7 (or 6). There's really no way they spent over two or three hours doing all that - not to mention that during the call with the mom she says she was tired and wants to finish the work tonight, which is something certainly possible to say mid-afternoon but more likely at an hour when it is dark outside like the one shown in the film finale, and Velma picks up the a drone that is snoring in a rather dark room, making even more obvious how the time seem to have gone by in a blink. (00:51:35 - 00:58:17)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: It is revealed - well, spoiler! - that the one of the characters is a hologram. The problem with that is, the immaterial hologram (he is presented as such), has had a few interactions with objects. In the scene at school the principal did not touch him, making it plausible, but then he ate a piece of pizza, which should have been holo-pizza. Assuming it is possible (it's all his own tech after all) in the very final scene he has more. One could say that the chair he initially sat on turned on its own and so it is automated, but he actively flips a switch on his desk, and he sits on a different office chair, making it also wobble under his weight. It should be noted that Daphne spots the fact that he is a hologram by pointing to the projector for it, but there was never any light beam like that before (would have been super-obvious in the theater scene earlier) and Bloom always cast normal shadows. (00:33:15 - 01:02:50)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: Velma has to climb to the top of the Bloom Bracket. When the chart is shown before the montage, a girl called "Kristina Davies" (blonde with short hair) is in second place behind Mikayla Martin. Once the bracket is shown after the glue prank during track and field, Velma is climbing above a Kristina Davies who is in 148th position, and has the profile photo of a dark haired girl with long curly hair. When she climbs above number 88, the same name is at the top of the screen. How many Kristina Davies could there be in that school? (00:48:05 - 00:48:45)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: The second time we see the 'French toast' scene, Daphne says the line on top of the stairs in a different way from the first. She is simply standing with both feet on the penultimate step, while the first time around she began saying the line when one of her feet was still in motion. It also takes her twice as long, no cuts, to get to the bottom of the stairs. (00:04:30 - 00:16:30)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Other mistake: Nothing about Nedley Blake's interference in his daughter's morning routine at home makes remotely sense the way it is shown. It takes him 18 seconds (with cuts) to do something that needed to be made in the 6 seconds it originally takes Daphne to come down the stairs, and the first time around he was also shown arriving from the kitchen, which would further expand the time needed (considering also that the second time he apparently dropped the tray, causing rattling noise that Daphne should have heard). Not only that; the playlist action (which is something her computer science mother could have easily done with actual software, especially given the level of tech available to every teen in the movie) takes twice as long too, and at the end of it he exits the frame from the wrong direction - he should have headed left, because he needed to get into the closet to pass Daphne the proper clothing posing as the automated wardrobe.


28th Dec 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Other mistake: During the mission on the capital of the Gamila empire (Scenario 49: Closing the Books), when Soji (if he's your main character) receives his robot back, he says "The accelaration on this is great now...", with poor quality control for the typo (should be "acceleration").


28th Dec 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Other mistake: During the game the word "Naive" is used somewhat frequently and spelled two different ways; one is with a normal letter " I " that creates no issues whatsoever, the other is with a different spelling (probably with the I with diaeresis, " ï ") that may not be visualized correctly, as several times (such as in one of the dodge quotes by Ryoko or in cutscenes) it appears as Na·ve. There's no reason why there should not be a consistent way to spell it, anyway.


28th Dec 2019

Super Robot Wars V

Other mistake: Koji Kabuto's phrase attacking characters with shields such as the Lambda Driver or Distortion Field is "Mazinger's power can smash through an barrier", with an obvious misuse of 'an' in front of a (n) consonant.


Destroy Gundam! - S1-E2

Other mistake: Bright gets notified that one of the two Zakus is approaching at a velocity 3 times higher than a normal mobile suit's. However, the two dots on the radar (Char and his subordinate Slender's) move in parallel at the same speed. (00:18:15)


Garma Strikes - S1-E6

Other mistake: When Amuro exits the Gundam cockpit after successfully repelling Garma's forces, his hair is colored jet black instead of brown (nothing else in the scene changes color and it is a fairly mundane transition, so it's not a matter of light). (00:19:50)


Escape from Luna II - S1-E4

Other mistake: Bright realises that the door is unlocked as he pounds on it. The sliding door opens just a little, and the power is off, so it is implied and shown initially that they can be moved by hand. However when they go out of the room and when they go free Sayla and the others, it looks like the door are opening by themselves, not slid open by hand. (00:12:30)


Vote to Attack - S1-E3

Other mistake: During the loading operation of the Zakus, the catapult is broken, and one of Gadem's subordinates dies in his arms. The guy has been hit by a salvo of bullets from the Core Fighter, thick enough to make holes in the ship hull, but no hole whatsoever in his spacesuit, visible entirely. (00:17:15)


28th Dec 2019

Batman (1966)

The Joker Is Wild (1) - S1-E5

Other mistake: The Joker's escape is so cartoonish and ridiculous you wouldn't even know where to start; besides the fact that the explosion somehow engulfs instantly the whole baseball field, the guard on top of the wall is following his movement with the gun, so he sees the Joker, therefore the smoke screen is useless, not more effective in any way than the mere surprise of a coil suddenly springing up from the ground.


28th Dec 2019

Batman (1966)

The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4

Other mistake: In the pre-credits recap of part 1 of the episode we see Bruce awake and staring in horror (with actually a super hilarious face) at the furnace. It was not part of the previous episode at all and in fact Bruce wakes up only in this second episode.


28th Dec 2019

Batman (1966)

The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4

Other mistake: Penguin is able to follow from his office the unconscious Bruce Wayne on the conveyor belt. Considering the angle and how it keeps perfect close-ups of the moving target, it would mean he has a security camera in the back of his shop that is pointed on the conveyor belt and is mounted on a dolly (and he is not doing anything to control it). Definitely wins him Evil Overlord points. (00:02:40)


28th Dec 2019

Batman (1966)

The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4

Other mistake: Penguin says that his sleeping gas' effect lasts 18 hours, but Bruce in his shop woke after mere minutes (sure, the extreme temperature helped him regain consciousness, but something as potent to knock you out for 18 hours with a small whiff can't completely lose effectiveness just because your feet are getting a little hot). (00:20:15)


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