
Other mistake: Freeze uses his gun to extinguish the fires on top of the elevator, and that somehow gets it back to work, but it does not really make sense. His gun greatly weakens metal, as shown earlier, to the point of breaking it, and he did not shoot the engine of the elevator, which is what was shown malfunctioning.


15th Nov 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

14th Nov 2019

Demonicus (2001)

Other mistake: James is venturing inside the cave using his flashlight; forgetting the fact that the cave is perfectly lit and his electric torch serves no apparent purpose, it is shown casting a light on his own face despite the fact that he is pointing it forward. (00:03:50)


10th Nov 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

Other mistake: Freeze gets in sight of the toll booth (we see the headlights from his truck on the asphalt before it), and there's a car in the outer lane he is travelling in, but he has a (too) long and uninterrupted run in that lane. That aside, the road goes from having 4 lanes to 3 lanes and back to 4 lanes, and everyone is going at mad speed having barriers this close (especially with the toll booth not being automated). (00:27:00)


Other mistake: When Dr. Belson searches the blood donor database, a lot of weird stuff happens; first of all, he is searching it by name, and it's the name of Mr. Freeze's wife. Since for some weird reason she is shown later being in the donors database (doubtful that someone with an incurable disease would be a donor!), it should return the information about her, but it does not. Secondly, he is opening the database search again once Freeze promises the gold vein, and the form shows already the personal data of Nora but without her name this time, and including the blood type, which he types only in the next close-up. (00:20:50)


Other mistake: At the end of the third chapter of the KOF'95 story, Geese and Billy are talking in an alley. The Fatal Fury Team is referred to as "The Starving Wolves", in contrast with the name always used to translate "Garou Densetsu" in the series of games and movies: "Legend of the Hungry Wolf."


8th Nov 2019

Baby's Day Out (1994)

Other mistake: As Bink's dad looks at the ransom note, the note says "Mr. Cotwell, we have your baby. Put 5 Million $ in a trash bag in the alley behind the Ovaltine factory. No police." Then there are dramatic zoom jumpcuts on parts of the letter, ending with "By midnight." But that last part was not in the note at all. (00:15:00)


8th Nov 2019

Baby's Day Out (1994)

Other mistake: Veeko has a hard landing on top of the elevator at the construction site. It's shown when the camera pans up to him, that the elevator doors are vertical scissor gates that open sticking out of the cabin, we see the actual door going up and being lowered to close the gates. Few moments later he is crawling with his body between the cabin and the floor and yet new workers get into the elevator without pushing the gate door up into his stomach. (01:15:55)


8th Nov 2019

Baby's Day Out (1994)

Other mistake: The girder is being already lifted when Veeko finds him; he has still to talk to his buddies outside, and they need to get into the construction site, look at him. Before they go to the elevator and take it, more than a minute has elapsed but the girder has gone up just a handful of storeys. (01:09:20 - 01:10:15)


Other mistake: The Vizier tosses his knife at the invisible Aladdin and hits him, turning him visible. The mistake here is that the special effect shows appearing from nothing Aladdin holding the lamp as a whole. The lamp should have already been visible, it's the object that gave away his position. (01:18:10)


Other mistake: The evil Vizier took over Aladdin's palace and teleported it to a nearby hill (he orders so himself to the Genie, "yon mountaintop"). Aladdin and friends are shown as being at the bottom of the "mountain", but somehow, the trip that would take less than an hour takes them the whole night and they walk for endless plains with no castle in sight. (00:49:15)


Other mistake: Forgetting the fact that the night shoot in front of the cave is obvious day-for-night, since Aladdin does not spend a great amount of time in the cave and the Vizier said they needed to be there "before the moon is full" starting their journey in broad daylight when the market was bustling, it appears quite odd that he'd make his return in plain and full daylight. A whole night can't possibly have passed.


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc mistake picture

Other mistake: In the first class trial, the narration says "The air seemed to grow heavy as we sat there", with a picture of all the protagonists standing in a circle.


Other mistake: In chapter 2, the protagonist wakes up at 7am with the announcement and goes to check out Mondo and Taka as fast as he can. He meets them, and Aoi says "They've been like this all morning", but it's just a few mins past 7 and the cafeteria where all the captive kids have to gather has just opened.


Other mistake: In chapter one, when Sayaka Maizono comes to the protagonist's room and tells him in the React question; "Just a little while ago, I was lying down in my room...And all of a sudden, my door started rattling and shaking", the text is labeled wrongly as being spoken by Makoto Naegi instead.


5th Nov 2019

Belle Starr (1941)

Other mistake: The old man is plowing the field in front of Belle's old residence. The little girl picks up the doll. A second before the cut, the girl lifts her eyes from the doll and does not look at her pops, or around; she looks right at the fourth wall and smiles, waiting for her cue. (00:01:50)


Other mistake: The motor company executive angrily shows to the villainous Madras the newspaper bearing news of the dead Japanese. The date is Friday 19 June. But the day of the final confrontation a couple days later, as shown in a panning view of the racetrack screen, is June 18. (00:34:55 - 01:20:55)


Other mistake: The software the FBI agent is using to decrypt the "Stego-encrypted GIFs" says "ANOMALLIES FOUND; TRUE", with 2 Ls, and closes the report with a pretty worrisome "EXRTANEOUS POGRAM FOUND; TRUE." (00:32:30)


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