
The Best Keeper of the Tournament - S1-E25

Other mistake: Nakanishi is giving orders from behind, where, according to the commentator, he has a clear view of all the players. We then have a quasi-POV shot, and due to the peculiar perspective choices of this anime, we can see that from Nakanishi's spot he sees basically nobody, since the players disappear past the horizon. (00:17:00)


P.O.V. - S1-E13

Other mistake: At the speed a forklift goes, even if it crashed into the side of a big ship it would never punch a huge hole as it tore through paper like shown here. (00:20:00)


31st Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

No Victory in Semi Final - S1-E21

Other mistake: When Sawada scores, in the reaction shot on the various team members Kisugi is smiling/laughing instead of being angry/worried, and the player who just lost the ball is in the background. (00:10:15)


31st Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

Soccer Is My Dream - S1-E20

Other mistake: In the aerial view of the stadium that follows the intermission with the sushi chef and Genzo at his mansion, there are 23 players on the field. One is the referee, you might say. In that case, the view is missing the linesmen. (00:07:20)


31st Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

30th Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

Fast Game in the Mud - S1-E13

Other mistake: When Genzo browses the coach notes and figures out instantly what should have been obvious to anyone (the opponent never conceded any goal, that is no small detail!), the way the action of the opponent is shown, both attackers were in offside. (00:11:55)


30th Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

No Easy Way - S1-E12

Other mistake: The same play-by-play commentator covers both the Nankatsu and the Meika matches, happening simultaneously in two different areas of Japan (and with no television coverage...of course, who does live commentary on elementary school matches anyway?).


30th Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

No Easy Way - S1-E12

Other mistake: During the montage with the victorious march towards the semifinals, a Nankatsu supporter is waving a pure white flag instead of the team one. (00:11:00)


30th Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

No Easy Way - S1-E12

Other mistake: The perspective when Mr. Ozora tells Tsubasa "I'll let you go to Brazil" is wrong; it looks like he's standing right in front of him, but he's on the bleachers. (00:04:50)


30th Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

The Provocation - S1-E11

Other mistake: The tryout match happens on a field with no audience at all. Hyuga just lies there on a bench without anyone saying anything to him. Both the coach and Misaki know who he is, but nobody noticed him when he was a hugely conspicuous presence. Of course his interference in the match is pure anime silliness; nobody bats an eyelid during his invasion, and he fetches the ball from the forward unnoticed, coming from the opposite goal area.


29th Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

No Easy Way - S1-E12

Other mistake: Morisaki is the substitute keeper, but he has the number 1 jersey (See next episode for an explanation about this part being prolly a mere continuity error). He also did not appear in the tryouts or the previous matches. He is wearing the Nankatsu Elementary school jersey but it's supposed to be a different character from that keeper - incidentally, in the match against Shuutetsu that keeper did at least a great save, better than anything Morisaki is able to do in these early episodes.


29th Jan 2021

Ava (2020)

Other mistake: Ava disposes of her target and reports her Executive code (74598CG). Then she gets as reply from her handler "Management code 840227." Later we see Duke's management code, and it's different (96729CF), which is also the one she types on the plane.


29th Jan 2021

Ava (2020)

Other mistake: The opening credits show a bit of Ava's rather extravagant biography. She is involved in a DUI accident that kills two people; the news article says that it happened "early Thursday morning." What follows is a police photo labeled 06/27/95, a Saturday. Then we see the police report; not only the incident time is 10:30 PM, but the date is March 15 1999, which was a Monday. It is not separated incidents, since the police photo is then shown again, next to the "Thursday" article (and the fact described in the article is life-changing). (00:08:10)


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