
26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 11: The Heiress - S2-E3

Other mistake: Mando's ship is completely devastated, gaping holes in the hull, patched up fuel lines, engines malfunctioning, and on top of that entirely flooded. The Mon Calamari repairs it for 1,000 credits and the protagonist acts like he's been ripped off. When Mando in season 1 turned down the bounty for the guy who missed bail, Greef Karga offered him 5,000 and Mando replied that it does not even cover fuel. As exaggerated as it could have been as a statement (he was complaining and perhaps haggling a bit), and as bad as the repairs prove to be, 1,000 sounds disproportionately small for repairs on massive structural damage AND refuel.


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2

Other mistake: When the Razor Crest is beginning to fall, a shot shows the interior of the ship; the cargo is entirely unsecured and the eggs inside tumble all over the canister with no dampening to their inertia. The motion shown was just a mild tilt of the ship from one side to the other as the ship was about to fall. To imagine the cargo staying intact in those conditions during the manoeuvres shown before, which were tossing the frog lady in the cockpit all over the place, is inconceivable. (00:16:50)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 9: The Marshal - S2-E1

Other mistake: The acid the dragon spits is purported as highly corrosive, literally melting people, however Mando is unaffected by it despite being bathed in it. His armor might be Beskar, but there are plenty of spots (those that his enemies constantly seem to miss) that are not. He should be at least in some discomfort and in need to change, and not carry around his neck a cape soaked in venomous dragon vomit.


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 7: The Reckoning - S1-E7

Other mistake: Kuiil says (and shows in the montage) that the droid had to be taught everything from scratch (takes days of practice to handle a bottle and pour a cup) and has developed a new personality. Yet it is highly skilled in combat as if it could access all the abilities it had when it was a bounty hunter. Either a droid has a 'muscle memory' that needs to be built back from scratch, or it does not. With his master having been in the army as a mechanic, it's strange to say the least that he could make a killer droid out of him, and that the droid can ride with mastery a speeder bike when he never practised it.


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 7: The Reckoning - S1-E7

Other mistake: During the episode, everyone mentions that as a precautionary measure, Cara Dune should cover her arm tattoo that shows her status of (former) shock trooper for the Rebellion. Nobody even remotely mentions the Rebellion tattoo she has on her cheek showing she is a survivor from a planet vaporized by the Empire. It's like going to a Nazi meeting covering your Allied army rank but sporting a Star of David tat on your face. You are not making it much better. Nobody seems to notice though.


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 4: Sanctuary - S1-E4

Other mistake: Gina Carano charges at the clueless Mandalorian, punches him right in the helmet, then misses him as he reels back against the wall, hitting the wooden boards, and going "Ow." For the rest of the fight she punches his solid steel helmet again several times including the big overhand right that floors him, and HE is the one that gets hurt. (00:09:00)


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 2: The Child - S1-E2

Other mistake: To look for the beast wanted by the jawas, the Mandalorian enters the cave and uses a flashlight. But as it was easy to presume, and we see in the following episode, his scope can detect lifeforms and heat signatures even through walls.


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Season 1 generally

Other mistake: In the first episode, Mando's job appears to get the baby preferably alive, but "proof of termination is also acceptable, for a lower fee." This makes not much sense per se (The Client is shown in the last episode as being subservient to Moff Gideon and he wants the Baby alive), but in the rest of the series it's even worse, since when we see people trying to kill the Child they do it in a suicidal manner (the guy turning his back to Mando to try and axe the kid) or that wouldn't leave a body to retrieve blood from (sniper from distance in 1.4) or any remote proof (pilot that would blow the ship, no ion cannon, in 1.5).


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian - S1-E1

Other mistake: Even if the structure of the door was damaged by the shots shown, Mando, who sprinted to it with remarkable celerity considering he just finished shooting, wouldn't have enough strength to just kick it open (it's visually implied that they took one door each). Needless to say also if the gun was able to punch holes into walls, it should have damaged the unarmored enemies maiming their bodies - obviously it's a limitation due to rating. (00:34:00)


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian - S1-E1

Other mistake: Mando and the droid have trouble dealing with enemies that pin them down into the doorway overwhelming them with firepower, even before the big machine-gun-like weapon is brought in. Then Mando hops on it, and suddenly all the firepower the enemies had and that had the heroes unable to move is gone, entirely, they can't shoot at him when he's a static target, and actually stick all out like perfect targets leaving their cover.


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Show generally

Other mistake: The weaponsmith is smelting Beskar in a furnace in the first episode and the metal is liquid without any sort of incandescence. In the credits roll of episode 3, the artwork shows it red-hot, and in the season 2 finale we see it actually getting red-hot.


25th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian - S1-E1

Other mistake: Greef Karga is lying out the next possible assignments for Mando. He says that there's "a bail jumper, a bail jumper, another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler." Good, but there are 5 pucks on the table. Who's the extra guy? (00:12:00)


22nd Jan 2021

Pay the Ghost (2015)

Other mistake: Mike's professor friend finds the key to the mystery (the symbol of an ancient Celtic Goddess, called...the Celtic Goddess?) in a non-so-ancient text; "The Legend of Good Women" by Chaucer. Hardly the text to use to dig up for ancient pagan rituals and forgotten deities. (01:04:45)


22nd Jan 2021

Pay the Ghost (2015)

Other mistake: The scene with Nicholas Cage browsing with his wife a series of pictures of missing children has a fundamental flaw; the idea is that "most" children who go missing on any day other than Halloween are found, but on Halloween the % drops to "just half." Look at the screen while Cage is saying this; it's not at all what it is shown. The cases solved in the first 'random' day (they have a red stamp on the kid's pic) are way less than 50%, not even 30%. (00:45:30)


Other mistake: The aged children from the first movie find the old kite and Michael decides to throw it away, setting in motion the titular event of this movie. Problem is, the yellow border here is neat and along the whole perimeter, while in the iconic finale of the previous movie, one side of the lozenge was patched up with newspaper. (00:18:45)


22nd Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

22nd Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

Tsubasa Is Sieged - S1-E14

Other mistake: When the Shimada players listen to the pep talk from their number 10, their jerseys just go crazy; some have written "Shimada" on it, but some others "Shimad" and there's a guy with just "SHIMA" on it. (00:05:00)


22nd Jan 2021

Pay the Ghost (2015)

Other mistake: To prove his point to his wife, Mike searches a database for a certain date. It's the date of their son's birthday. Cage says "on July 15", but if you look at the screen, the search is for "past 6 years, April 27." It's a double mistake, since he then does another search, which produces different results...but on screen, the date is always the same one. (00:45:30)


21st Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

21st Jan 2021

Kyaputen Tsubasa (1983)

No Easy Way - S1-E12

Other mistake: Izawa's ball for Tsubasa has an impossible trajectory, coming down diagonally to the left after ascending diagonally to the right without curving. (00:07:50)


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