Super Grover

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Equipment - S5-E4

Continuity mistake: When Johnny is doing overtime with Engine 8, dispatch sends the two guys of Squad 8 on an unknown type rescue and they leave Station 8, but when Johnny and Captain Stone walk back into the kitchen, Squad 8 is still parked in the apparatus bay.

Super Grover

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Nuisance - S5-E24

Continuity mistake: When Johnny is being examined by Dr. Early and Dr. Morton, Roy is in the treatment room with them, and he's not wearing a watch, but when Roy steps into the hallway and speaks to Chet he's suddenly wearing a watch.

Super Grover

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Gossip - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: During the fire at the chemical plant, the distinctively marked SCBA tanks that Captain Stanley, Johnny and Roy are wearing, when they're searching for the missing man, change when they're inside and then finally exit. Note the different stickers, or lack of stickers, on their tanks.

Super Grover

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

I'll Fix It - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is at the scene of the oil well eruption, underneath a house which was built atop an abandoned oil field, just after Johnny tells Roy that he thinks the whole foundation is slipping, it cuts to a shot of the front porch as one of the porch columns (and part of another) breaks and falls. However, when the guys finally free the trapped man and carry him out, all the columns are upright once again.

Super Grover

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

13th Feb 2014

The Simpsons (1989)

The Simpsons mistake picture

Tree House of Horror VII - S8-E1

Continuity mistake: In "The Thing and I": After the kids have found Hugo in the attic, when Marge and Homer return home, both front door knobs (inside and outside) do not have backplates, but once Hugo escapes both door knobs have backplates. The two backplates vanish and reappear repeatedly in following shots. It's funny because when they leave to search for Hugo, Homer shuts the door with no backplates, but then Bart uses a key in the backplate to lock The Front door.

Super Grover

13th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: When Roy tells Johnny to call Barbara, who heard something that he didn't even say at the movies, in the view from the kitchen Engine 51 is not in the apparatus bay which means everyone else is on a run, but when dispatch drops tones we hear Captain Stanley respond KMG365, and then see the engine parked in the bay.

Super Grover

11th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Fools - S3-E16

Continuity mistake: At the refinery fire, when Johnny and Roy are on the tower with the collapsed worker, Roy throws the line down to Truck 127's Snorkel for their gear, and as Roy pulls it up, the gear is tied up quite differently depending on the angle of the shot.

Super Grover

11th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Fools - S3-E16

Continuity mistake: When Kent (Bobby Sherman) is ready to leave Station 51, the guys are about to sit down to dinner and the table is full of food, plates, cups, utensils, etc, but when the tones drop for the refinery fire and everyone rushes into the apparatus bay, the table is seen behind them and it's bare. Also, the order in which the guys run out of the kitchen is completely different, depending on the angle of the shot.

Super Grover

7th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Inferno - S3-E21

Continuity mistake: When Dixie has her hand caught in the coffee dispensing machine, Roy gets it free, and when she pulls her hand out all of her nails on that hand are very short in the closeup, but in following shots her nails are quite long, as usual.

Super Grover

7th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

The Hard Hours - S3-E18

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are on the "child locked in a bathroom" run, Johnny makes a hasty retreat leaving Roy to deal with the "child." The bar of soap Roy uses is on a curved pedestal soap dish, and that dish is either curved towards the wall, or turned the opposite way, depending on the camera angle.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Propinquity - S3-E20

Continuity mistake: When the victims are loaded onto the second ambulance with Roy, after the original ambulance was hit by the car, we can see the license plate, Z99977, as Johnny closes the back doors. Then while en route to Rampart, the ambulance's make/model changes with plate, Z99953, then the make/model changes yet again, but still has the same plate, Z99953.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Inventions - S3-E22

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is on site at the major chemical leak, Roy and Johnny are wearing SCBA tanks that have distinctive markings/stickers, and their tanks change while they search, locate and rescue the worker.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Hard Hours - S3-E18

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are in the basket with the man who was electrocuted by a power line, they are atop three more power lines. Chet and Mike cut the two outer lines and only the center line remains, but in the closeup of the basket there are still three power lines under the basket.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Hard Hours - S3-E18

Continuity mistake: After Dr. Early fixes the squad's engine problem, while Roy is driving we see a two-way radio mounted at the top of the dashboard, just past the steering wheel. When the dispatcher calls on Squad 51 to respond, there's a closeup of the Motorola two-way radio/Interceptor units which are mounted under the dash (near gas pedal), and Johnny lifts this mic, but then we see that he's speaking on the mic from the top of the dash. Additionally, in those two closeups of the two-way radio, we can see the gas pedal, but Roy's foot is nowhere to be seen, even though the squad has been moving all along.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Smoke Eater - S4-E16

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to the structure fire including a chemical lab, Johnny and Roy put on SCBA tanks with distinctive markings/stickers before going in, but those tanks change while inside and when they exit with the victims of chemical smoke inhalation.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Smoke Eater - S4-E16

Continuity mistake: When Captain Robertson voices his disapproval about the paramedics, while the guys are in the kitchen eating, there are plates, cups, saucers, and utensils on the table. Then Station 51 is called to respond to a child trapped at the storm drain, and when the guys run out of the kitchen we see behind them that the table is now bare.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Dr. Brackett are on 127's Snorkel while Johnny is trying to subdue Richard on the ledge, Brackett is not wearing any rings, but after loading Richard into the Stokes, when Brackett is grabbing hold of the basket in the closeup he's wearing two rings on his left hand, which vanish in following shots.

Super Grover

5th Feb 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Right at Home - S5-E17

Continuity mistake: When dispatch drops the tones at night, waking all the guys up, notice that Marco's mustache has vanished, though it reappears later. Additionally, they all get into their boots, turnout trousers, only white T-shirts, suspenders, and grab their dark jackets, but when the bay door opens they're dressed in their uniforms as they respond. Then at the fire they're in the turnout trousers, and Johnny and Roy are wearing the uniform shirts when working on the burn victim.

Super Grover

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