Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jack and Elizabeth are on the island Jack lifts the hatch to the underground cache of rum. In the first shot from below, the top stair is visible at the opening above. In the next shot from above the design/shape of the top stair is very different. Bramble disappears between shots as well. (01:36:00)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the cutting of Elizabeth's hand, the knife's blade is shown six times. 1st- a wide shot from behind, the blade has no blood on it. 2nd- a close-up, as Elizabeth lets go of the medallion. 3rd- a front shot, as Barbossa lets go of her hand. 4th- when Barbossa puts the gun back into his belt. 5th- when he holds the blade up to his face, we see both sides. 6th- when he grabs the medallion out of the chest. In each of these shots the blood on the blade differs in amount and/or position on either side. This has nothing to do with the 'dripping' of the blood down the blade. (01:12:15)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After cutting Elizabeth's hand, Barbossa says, "Waste not," and there's a wide back shot of the two of them, Barbossa is holding the knife in his right hand, and the edge of the blade does not have blood on it. In the very next shot, a close-up of the medallion falling from Elizabeth's hand, the edge of the blade now has blood on it. In a later shot when Barbossa looks at the blade, there is blood on both sides. (01:12:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Barbossa chases Jack, who knocks over a small table and he yells, "Sorry." In the next shot, that table is rolling down, with its legs facing towards the wall, with the treasure beside it. Yet in the next shot from below, the table top is close to that wall, not the legs. Also, the arrangement and existence of some of the treasures lying all around differs in the front shot of Jack and the back wide shot. (01:56:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the Dead Marshes after Gollum rescues Frodo, in the next opening shot while Sam sleeps we see the pot and pans lying on the ground near Sam's head. When he hears the Nazgul he wakes up and some of those things lying near his head earlier are not there in this shot. This has nothing to do with camera angle. (00:47:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At night at the Dead Marshes when Frodo is lying down he is holding the Ring in his hand and he's stroking the Ring with his middle finger. In the very next close-up he's stroking the Ring with his index finger then in the next wide shot he's stroking the Ring with his middle finger again. (00:47:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli fight the White Wizard who is standing on a rock. He overpowers them and when he says, "You are tracking the footsteps..." the backs of the three are shown. In this shot Aragorn stands to the right, closest to the rock with Gimli in the back to Aragorn's left and Legolas to the left of Gimli. In the very next front shot Aragorn is in the middle now, with Gimli standing near the rock. Legolas is standing in the same place. This has NOTHING to do with camera angle. (00:52:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Standing in Fangorn Forest, Legolas says, "The trees are speaking to each other," and then Aragorn says, "Gimli. Lower your axe." In the wide shot as Aragorn says, "Gimli," the trees behind and to the left of Gimli are different in this first shot then in the very next shot when he continues, "Lower your axe." The trees in the second shot are also seen when Gimli first draws his axe. (00:51:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While running in Fangorn Forest, Aragorn stops kneels down and then says, "These are strange tracks." In the wide shot preceding just as he kneels down, and in the close-up when he says those words, his position and the position of the rocks and trees surrounding him are very different in both shots. This has nothing to do with camera angle. (00:50:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Merry and Pippin run into Fangorn Forest and drop down on the ground. First there is a wide shot of Pippin falling, then there's a close-up of them, and last there's an extreme wide shot of the area. The area that Merry and Pippin are lying in is different in all three shots. (00:38:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While Sam is cooking the rabbit stew, Frodo goes to his pack lying beside the broken stone statue to take out the plates. In Frodo's close-ups the trees and bushes near the statue are positioned differently and some are even different than the trees and bushes in the wide shots. (01:41:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Gollum brings two rabbits and drops them onto Frodo's lap. When Gollum takes one from Frodo's lap, in the close-up the head of the remaining rabbit is lying on Frodo's right leg. In the wide shot when Sam takes the rabbit from Gollum and pushes him away, the second rabbit is lying on Frodo's lap differently than the close-up. Also in the close-ups of Gollum we see the structure behind Gollum that has Sam's gear lying beside it. In the wide shots some of the gear is arranged differently. (01:41:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Frodo, Sam and Gollum are resting at the Dead Marshes. When the camera is in front of Frodo the sunlight is on Frodo's left side and on Sam's face. However, when the camera angle is behind Frodo's right shoulder the sunlight is on Frodo's right side. The right shoulder shot is shown six times and it goes back and forth between both shots. (00:44:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Interceptor, after Elizabeth lifts the hatch and comes up on deck, Anamaria says, "The Black Pearl. She's gaining on us." In the very next shot of Elizabeth, behind her on deck is the crewman with the tan hat. In the next shot as she looks out towards the Pearl, up at the top of the rigging are two crewmen, one of them is the same crewman that was just on deck in the previous shot. He's the one who stands on Cotton's left in Tortuga when Jack inspects the "able-bodied crew." (01:21:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Frodo, Sam and Gollum are resting in the middle of the Dead Marshes. In the wide shot, Sam gives Frodo some Lembas and takes a piece for himself. Sam breaks his apart and smells it a couple of times, while looking at Gollum he holds the Lembas away from his face. Next there's a close-up of Sam holding the Lembas right near his mouth. The piece of Lembas is much bigger in this close-up, than in the very next shot, showing Frodo and Sam. (00:42:50)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the opening close-up shot of this scene just before Gollum says, "We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious," Frodo and Sam are seen sleeping side by side. In the next wide shot of them they are sleeping perpendicular to each other. (01:38:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Gollum is trying to catch the fish in the rocky bed of water, in the wide shot, Frodo and Sam are walking in the background. The background seen behind Sam and Frodo in that wide shot, is very different to the background in the very next shot, seen behind Frodo and Sam, when Sam says, "Hey stinker," and in the rest of the shots in this scene. The column in the wide shot is the same column seen behind Sam, when he says, "Because. Because that's what he is Mr. Frodo." There are three distinctly different columns shown in the close-ups! (01:36:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Edoras, after Wormtongue spits on Aragorn's hand and runs away, a man shouts, "Hail Theoden King!" The crowd bowing at the bottom of the stairs in this wide shot, is more dense, than in the close-up shot after, where the crowd is very sparse to the right. Not to mention some people are arranged quite differently. (01:23:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After the sweeping pan of Edoras, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn ride up towards the Golden Hall. In the first shot, behind them is a wood fence with a wood ladder, leading up to a tower and seen behind Legolas are two girls standing on stone steps. Also seen in this first shot, to Gandalf's right, is a man with a white beard, hooded shirt and long vest. In the very next shot, is the same bearded man (use zoom) wearing the same clothes, standing near a cart. In the next shot, the first close-up of Aragorn, to his left, are a woman (partially seen) and two men wearing hats, standing under a wooden structure. Aragorn looks up at the Golden Hall, and sees Éowyn. The next shot of Aragorn, behind him to his left, are the same wood fence, ladder, tower and two girls on the stone steps, as in the first shot of them all. As they continue to ride up, Gimli remarks, "You'll find more cheer in a graveyard." Just after Aragorn looks up at the Golden Hall again, in the next close-up of Aragorn, to his left, are the same woman and two men standing under the same wood structure, as in the first close-up of Aragorn!! (01:16:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After seeing the Mûmakil, Frodo and Sam are captured by Faramir's men. In the close-up shot as Frodo says, "We are bound to an errand of secrecy..." he's being held by one of Faramir's men around the shoulders and Frodo is holding the man's forearm. A second man is close to Frodo's left whose right hand is down. In the very next wide shot Frodo is holding the man's arm differently and the second man to his left is not only further away, he's standing differently and grasping the hilt of his sword in front of him. In the next two close-ups of Frodo, he's holding the man's arm exactly the way he was in the first close-up. It's also obvious in the wide shot that it's the scale double of Frodo. (01:45:25)

Super Grover

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