Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Elizabeth says, "Lower the anchor on the right side," Mr. Gibbs' right white collar is under the leather strap buckled correctly and Will's neck scarf is crooked. In the next shot, when Elizabeth says, "On the starboard side," Mr. Gibbs' leather strap is not buckled properly, his right white collar is over the strap and Will's neck scarf is straight. When Mr. Gibbs says, "Daft like Jack," his white collar is under the strap again and one end of Mr. Gibbs' neck string is much longer than the other end. Also, Will's right white shirt collar is over his vest. Yet when Mr. Gibbs says, "Do it, you gobs..." the ends of Mr. Gibbs' neck string are even and Will's right white collar is under his vest. (01:24:00)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the Fort, the two columns of soldiers separate and Norrington walks into view. It's shouted, "Right about face," and the soldier behind Norrington on his left has his black bag to his side. When "present arms" is shouted, the soldier's black bag is in front. Also, Governor Swann, in the front wide shot, is standing on the second step from the bottom. In the next close-up, he's standing on a step further up - the soldier to his left in the previous shot was standing on the same step as him. (00:11:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the Governor's servant opens the door and is shot by Pintel, the position of the servant's body and also in relation to the door, varies while he's lying on the floor in the three shots of him. (00:32:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the barrels are being tossed off the Interceptor there is a shot of a crewman in an orange jacket holding a cannonball in his hands and passing it to someone on his left. As the shot pans to the side, behind that crewman that passed the cannonball, we see part of the head of someone and also see Will's shoulder and arm - he just climbed out from below deck. Yet in the very next shot, Will is just coming up from below deck. (Perhaps better in slow motion.) (01:22:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Elizabeth has a light tan and her hair has lighter streaks running through it, in the shots on the island with Jack. In the following scene, on the Dauntless, her tan is gone and her hair is normal again. Confirmed on commentary. (01:35:00 - 01:40:00)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barbossa takes the sword out of his own chest, he then stabs Jack with that sword, and he stabs Jack right under the strap and buckle. As Jack walks backwards, into the moonlight, the skeletal Jack appears and now he has the sword over the strap and buckle, in his chest. The length of the sword between the guard and his chest differs greatly, as does the amount of sword that protrudes from his back. (01:55:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Just before Elizabeth whacks Jacoby, she asks, "You like pain?" and in the first shot as she starts to swing her hair has some waves and curl to it. Mid swing it cuts to the second shot, and when she says, "Try wearing a corset!" her hair is totally flat with no waves or curls whatsoever. Then, in the very next shot it's actually full, wavy and curly. (01:59:45)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When young Elizabeth holds up the medallion, and she sees the Black Pearl, her fingers are positioned differently in the wide shot and in the close-up shot of the medallion. (00:04:40)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the opening of the scene in the cave of treasures, Jack lifts up a well endowed golden statue, looks at it awhile and tosses it back into the pile, as he clues Will with talk of honesty and dishonesty. Later in the scene, Jack and Barbossa are fighting in front of that same pile and the golden statue that Jack had thrown earlier is now sitting upright behind the chandelier. (01:51:40 - 01:52:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Will has a small tear in his shirt at the right shoulder. Sometimes it's bigger, sometimes it's smaller, and the shape changes throughout the movie. (00:48:30 - 01:22:50)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Pintel and Ragetti walk into the stateroom, Pintel carries the folded dress for Elizabeth in his arms. She walks over to them. In the next shot, the folded dress is now folded differently in Pintel's arms. Also, when they tell her she'll be dining with the Captain, Ragetti's collar is under the strap on his shoulder. After she answers them, in their next close-up, his collar is straight and over the strap. (00:54:15)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Elizabeth asks, "Well, then can't we lose them amongst those shoals?" in the front shot, her hair is in front of her shoulders and in the side shot, her hair is behind her shoulder, on her back. This occurs many times throughout the film with Elizabeth's loose, long hair - wet and dry, such as on the dock, after Jack rescues her in Port Royal, and after Will rescues her when they board the Interceptor. (01:21:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: As Jack and Will are walking under water, holding the boat over their heads, in the interior shot, when the camera pans into the water, Will's right sleeve is covering his right arm, but in the wide shot, Will's right sleeve is rolled up to his elbow. (00:45:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Legolas leaps onto Arod, the men on horseback change in their arrangement, as they charge towards the Warg Riders. In one shot Gamling is just drawing his sword, while riding between Theoden and Legolas. Next shot is a Rohan rider directly behind Legolas. Then in the next shot of Theoden, it shows Gamling drawing his sword again, riding behind Legolas. (00:10:45)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Warg raises his head from his kill, he spots Gimli and he growls, showing his blood stained teeth. There are spikes on both sides of the harness around his neck. When he charges toward Gimli, Legolas kills him and he falls right in front of Gimli. There are no spikes on the harness, nor are his teeth stained with blood as before. (00:11:20)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Brego comes up to an unconscious Aragorn, his sword is lying on his left side, perpendicular to his body, with the blade facing towards his back and the hilt facing his front. In the next shot, before Aragorn even rolls over onto his back, the blade is now pointing up his back and the hilt is at his thigh. Also once again, the tear in the coat and shirt at Aragorn's left shoulder is very different in both shots, as it is in many of the following shots too. (00:20:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: On the way to Helm's Deep, when they stop for the night, Éowyn offers Aragorn some stew. As Aragorn is putting the spoon into his mouth, in the wide shot, there is a piece of 'white food' hanging over the side of the bowl near his right hand, Aragorn's hair is messy, blowing on his forehead and his hair is put behind his left ear. In the following close-up shot of his reaction to the taste of the stew, the 'white food' isn't hanging off the side of the bowl, his hair isn't as messy on his forehead and he has more hair in front of his ear now. (00:01:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Gimli is lying with his face under the water, after jumping off the Deeping Wall and landing on the Uruk-hai. In the close-up, the right arm that grabs Gimli's shoulder to help him out of the water is Legolas' right arm. Yet, in the wide shot, suddenly it is Aragorn helping Gimli to his feet, not Legolas. (01:11:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the Uruk-hai are on the causeway, after using the battering ram on the door. The shape of the opening in the door varies between the outside shots and indoor shots. (01:16:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Gimli yells, "Aragorn!" then as he jumps into the air, on that same wall, is a dead body hanging over the edge, next to the smoldering lantern. In the earlier shot, just before Aragorn lifts his head down below, as the camera panned over the Deeping Wall, there was no dead body lying at the top near the edge, next to a smoldering lantern. (01:10:20)

Super Grover

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