Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dilemma - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Johnny explains to Roy how he met Cynthia, he says that he "TX'd for Kirk on B shift," and at the end of the episode we see Kirk, who traded shifts with Chet, and Kirk is even played by the same actor who played 110's Kirk, Tom Wheeler's partner in a previous episode Publicity Hound, and also in the next episode, Crash.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Publicity Hound - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: While John's lying in the lateral tunnel when digging to reach Helena, his entire uniform is covered in dirt, but when John pulls her out and is with Roy in the rescue shaft, John's uniform is only a little dirty, nowhere near as filthy as it was just moments before.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Nurse's Wild - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: At the liquor store, when Roy is seeing to the store owner with chest pains, Roy snaps a black headed lead onto the disc, but in the man's closeup it's a white headed lead. Then when Brackett orders countershock, the lead is back to black.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dealer's Wild - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: At the airport, when Roy is being told about young Frankie flying the airplane because his father had a heart attack, we see that Roy's wearing his uniform shoes, but in the shot of Roy following the airport employee while they're running into the building, Roy (perhaps his double) is wearing tan work boots. The uniform shoes are back when Roy uses the grounded plane's radio mic.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Botulism - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: After Squad 51 is dispatched to "possible heart case" when Roy and Johnny walk into the house, we can see in the hallway and there's a bureau against the wall, but when they leave that bureau is gone and now there's a painting on the wall which we should have seen in the earlier shot, but it wasn't there.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Wedsworth-Townsend Act - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Brackett and Early walk into the treatment room with the boy whose rabbit is stuck inside a sousaphone, they head into the treatment room opposite the receiving entrance, on the same side as the nurses' station. However, after the rabbit's rescued, when Dixie opens the door so the boy can leave the room we can see it faces the wall and treatment room beside the nurses' station. I would provide treatment room numbers, but the room numbers keep changing in this episode.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Wedsworth-Townsend Act - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: At the very start, as the camera moves through Station 10, the Battalion Chief's vehicle is parked beside the fire pole, but when the tones drop and everyone rushes to the rigs, the Chief's car is now parked much further up, closer to the apparatus bay door.

Super Grover

4th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: After the cropduster crashes, when Roy and Johnny pull the pilot out of the overturned aircraft and begin working on him, Johnny's medical holster with penlight, forceps and scissor is clipped at his right hip and the other holster's at his left hip, but when Johnny shouts to Chet about giving the victim oxygen, Johnny's holsters have switched sides.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dilemma - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: After being dispatched to "industrial accident at railroad yard," once they rescue the man from the train car carrying trichlorethylene, when Roy and John are standing beside Engine 51 we can see the empty red disc on the side of the engine covering the real engine company number (127), as well as the American flag sticker on the windshield. Earlier, when they were dispatched, there's no disc or sticker in the closeup of Engine 51 (played by Engine 60).

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dealer's Wild - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: At the scene of the traffic accident, after removing the injured driver from the overturned tanker, when Roy gets the Biophone from the squad and John runs over to the ambulance stretcher, notice the red rectangular material adhered to the front of Engine 51's cab. We know that Engine 51 does not have a license plate on the front of its cab, and during this scene Engine 51 is being played by the real Engine 127, whose license plate is at the front of its cab.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dealer's Wild - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When Roy brings the injured tanker driver into the ER, the attendants wheel the stretcher down the hallway passing treatment 3, and after Roy asks Brackett and Early a pointed question about the trucker's condition, the doctors also walk down the hallway passing treatment 3, in the direction of the nurses' station. But then we see that Early and Brackett are with the patient in treatment 3, which is right beside the ER's receiving entrance.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Brushfire - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is being dispatched to the brush fire, there's black tape on the chrome trim of the squad's lightbar, but when Squad 51 arrives on scene the black tape has vanished. Then later at Rampart, after Brackett calls Roy a hose jockey, the black tape is back, but vanishes again when they rescue the injured looter.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Cook's Tour - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: While Early is trying to remove a young boy's hand from a vase, in the shot from inside the room he's in treatment 3 with a windowless door, but when he steps into the hallway and asks Sharon for ice cubes he's at treatment 5 with a window on the door.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Evans complains to Dixie that she's been waiting two hours to have her cigarette burn taken care of, in her closeups her handbag strap is over her shoulder, but in wide shots her handbag is hanging from her arm.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: When Brackett tells Dixie about the visiting administrators she's holding a clipboard, but when she's stopped by the man whose son has an arm injury, Dixie's now holding a brown folder.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: Roy and Johnny are at the nurses' station discussing the problem of non-emergency calls for paramedics, then it cuts to Dixie in the waiting room, when a nurse asks Dixie if the ER can take a pediatric patient who needs treatment immediately, and Dixie tells her to go to Morton in treatment 3. Then when Dixie speaks to Mrs. Evans we see that young girl being brought to treatment 3. During the next two minutes while Dix walks up the hallway, she quickly speaks to Brackett, then to an impatient parent, then to that nurse again, then Brackett again, and finally to Roy. When Roy asks Dixie where Johnny is, Dixie tells him in treatment 3 (dubious how she would even know that fact), and when Roy walks in to get Johnny that pediatric patient who was just brought to treatment 3 is not in there, instead Morton is examining Wild Bill.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: After Johnny and Roy get back to the station and find Bill, who's filling in for Chet, in the kitchen cooking Chet's awful stew recipe, the tones drop and Squad 51 is dispatched to "man unconscious." Just as the bay door opens we can see Engine 51 parked in the bay, but when the squad heads down the driveway the engine's now gone. This presents another problem, because if the footage shows the engine gone, then why is Bill still at the station cooking stew instead of being with the rest of the engine company?

Super Grover

25th Aug 2014

Emergency! (1972)

It's How You Play the Game - S4-E19

Continuity mistake: At the scene of the vehicle accident, when Roy's on the Biophone with Rampart the squad's lightbar is on properly, the center chrome piece has vertical slats that face forward. However, after the victim is removed from his vehicle, when Johnny's on the line with Rampart note the squad's lightbar again, the center chrome is now on backwards, the solid side faces forward.

Super Grover

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