Super Grover

3rd Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Darling rushes back to the nursery, realizing that her children are home, she stands at the doorway facing Wendy, John and Michael and the blankets on Wendy's bed are very messy. However, when she hugs the children the blankets on the bed are spread quite neatly. (01:36:20)

Super Grover

29th Sep 2004

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Matt and Jenna meet at the park before the photo shoot, Jenna hands Matt the envelope. In the shot facing Jenna she holds up the envelope with her left hand, but in the next shot the envelope is in her right hand as Matt takes it from her. (01:02:35)

Super Grover

29th Sep 2004

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Continuity mistake: In her apartment, when Jenna walks into the hallway as she hears the musical tone of her cell phone, the position of her white coat differs in the wide shot and close-up and then when she runs out of her apartment as well. (00:15:50)

Super Grover

29th Sep 2004

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Continuity mistake: In the basement, when Tom-Tom tells Matt that Jenna is in the closet waiting for him, the TV is angled facing towards the stairs. However, when Jenna looks out from the closet to see everyone gone, the TV is facing the closet. (00:11:20)

Super Grover

29th Sep 2004

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the six girls arrive for the party, in the first shot Tom-Tom tosses her blue jacket, then the second girl lays her red jacket and the third girl starts to put her pink jacket into Jenna's arms. Yet, at the start of the next shot facing Jenna, she holds only the blue jacket, since the red jacket is gone, the pink jacket is placed in Jenna's arms on top of the blue jacket and then the red jacket is thrown into her arms from off camera, before the rest of the girls dump their jackets into her arms. Then in Jenna's close-up, the jackets are positioned very differently in her arms. (00:08:15)

Super Grover

29th Sep 2004

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Alex walks into the hallway wearing a towel, the towel is wrapped around him differently in the first shot when he asks Jenna for conditioner and then when he whips the towel off. (00:16:20)

Super Grover

29th Sep 2004

13 Going On 30 (2004)

Continuity mistake: In her apartment Jenna walks out into the hallway, looks at herself in the mirror and stumbles backwards over the shelf behind her. There is a short stack of magazines on that shelf, yet when Jenna looks at herself in the mirror the stack of magazines is at least three times as high in the reflection. (00:14:10)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the Hogwarts Express, Hermione first watches as Ron tries to turn Scabbers yellow, she then joins them inside before she actually leaves and in these consecutive shots, her tie differs. (00:36:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Harry walks into Ollivanders, in the overhead shot of the shop the table is angled directly in front of the ladder. Yet, when Mr. Ollivander hands Harry the second wand the table is beside the ladder in this shot. (00:25:00 - 00:26:25)

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The way in which Mr. Ollivander holds out the second wand for Harry to try differs, in the shot facing Mr. Ollivander and the next shot facing Harry. (00:26:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the first overhead shot of Dumbledore's study as he presumably starts to discipline Harry and Ron the corner of the rug below lies flat and evenly under Fawkes' perch. However when Dumbledore stands up to hand Ron the letter for Azkaban the rug differs greatly, though it has not been touched. (02:17:55)

Super Grover

22nd Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: During the final scenes in the airport, as Juliet and Peter run toward Jamie and Aurelia, in the first shot passing on Juliet's right is a bearded man in a suit jacket. In the next shot as Juliet kisses Aurelia the same man just walks through the doorway and starts to pass Juliet. Then in the next shot he enters once again walking behind Jamie. There are others in the terminal whose positions also differ in consecutive shots. (02:06:40)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jamie and Aurelia meet up with Juliet, Peter and Mark at the airport terminal, Mark's coat collar jumps back and forth between being up in the back or lying entirely flat depending on the angle of the shot. (02:06:50)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sam sneaks past the airline employee in the first shot the jewellery salesman unloads the employee's arms and tosses his coat over his left arm, then puts his gloves into his left hand and takes his luggage with his right hand. However, in the next shot the gloves have vanished. (01:59:55)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: After the airline employee does not allow Sam through to the gate the jewellery salesman loads his bag, coat and gloves into the arms of the employee which gives Sammy a chance to run for it. The position of all his belongings in the arms of the airline employee changes between shots. (01:59:45)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Karen spots David at the school before the performance, the positions of the striped scarf around her neck and the hanger in her hand differ in the side shots and the shots facing her, as well as her hand position in consecutive shots. (01:49:15)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: After opening her gift from Harry, Karen excuses herself and goes to their bedroom. In the two close-ups the oval photograph of Harry and her is beside the stereo, albeit their position differs a bit and the Joni Mitchell CD is lying on the stereo, but in the wide shot of Karen the photograph is gone and the CD is positioned quite differently. (01:28:50)

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During David and the US President's press conference, the people standing near Natalie at the back of the room change in the close-ups, semi close-ups and wide shots. (00:42:50)

Super Grover

20th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Sarah is leaving Harry's office, Karl walks in and Sarah backs up towards the coat rack behind her which stands right beside the cabinet. When Sarah walks out in the next shot, the coat rack is visible through the glass wall and it is now much closer to the doorway. (00:19:40)

Super Grover

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