
12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Stupidity: Gibbons knew a whole day before, with picture evidence, that the bad guy planned to spread the deadly gas using a submarine he had in his basement, but he did nothing as simple as deploying boats, putting barriers on the river, or troops riverside which would have entirely invalidated the Machiavellian plan of the adversary. We see that he and even his subordinate XXX boss the local police around at will and he's able to mobilize the whole Czech aviation at the snap of a finger ordering them to essentially exterminate the entire population of their capital city (!) no questions asked, so surely it was not a problem of having his hands tied by bureaucracy or anything.


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Stupidity: Vin Diesel and Asia Argento drive past a few villagers who are totally unfazed by the fact that they just witnessed a potato cart explode in flames with a car sprinting through it. How violent must the Bohemian countryside be for villagers to be so blasé to drive-through pyrotechnics? (01:44:50)


Stupidity: Xander tells Jane Marke that Xiang "is not the bad guy" and should be let free. The movie narrative of course backs it up. Slight problem; in the movie opening, Xiang retrieved the Pandora's Box shooting DEAD several perfectly innocent security agents. There's no mistake about it, we see his bullet blowing the head of one of them off. So much for the good guy that should walk away free, and Marke does not object this simple fact, but just says they need a scapegoat.


Stupidity: It was completely pointless and counterproductive for Marke to involve Cage at all in the Detroit operation, since the rogue guy was just a sweaty executive with no backing, no resources and a single bodyguard with a handgun, trapped in a condemned building. Her team of boy scouts would have done the job perfectly fine, or the local SWAT team would have been in the right spot much quicker. Anyone working in a team and with better body armor than Vin Diesel's tank top, really.


Stupidity: At the very beginning of Donnie Yen's fight inside the CIA conference room, security barriers start descending in the room, windows first and then doors, but somehow the exitway for him (which even communicates with the main elevator. Not a secure bunker or anything) starts shutting down a minute later so he can baseball slide past it before it closes. That's pretty nonsensical security protocol. In fact, the whole operation is successful because apparently the CIA Headquarters lack any cameras and sensors in the corridors, security at the lower floors, main doors, perimeter, especially during the top brass meetings (that happen in a room with huge windows with reinforced glass a man can break jumping at it). (00:09:20)


9th Sep 2020

Mulan (2020)

Stupidity: Bori Khan is a skilled archer and a man without honor. He's not fighting fair, and cares just to win, as established and explicitly said. He shoots an arrow at Mulan, the Witch gets in the arrow's way sacrificing herself to protect her...and for no reason whatsoever he does not shoot anymore, giving the chance for the two girls to share their very special dramatic moment together, but creating a colossal plot contrivance. It is a know movie cliche for the fight to 'pause' around the main character, but here we have a sniper who desists completely (he won't shoot anymore) for absolutely no reason. (01:29:00)


Stupidity: Martino's plan involves walking across the desert for 200 miles, in a raincoat, dress shoes, and nothing to cover his head. That's just silly and probably needed no sabotage from the killer at all, but he realises his compass was broken and his canteen emptied when it's already too late to go back.That's no subtle sabotage, in particular the compass being shattered, glass included. He didn't even perform a rudimentary check on his survival kit. (00:50:00)


Stupidity: Like in a previous movie adaptation (and unlike the novel), Lombard finds out way ahead of time that only another 'Indian' is left besides him, and knows they have the gun, but he lead them to the last body turning their back and leaving the gun to them, against any logic and declared purpose. It makes even less sense in this version than in the 1945 version, given the outcome. In the novel, the gun is stolen from him.


Stupidity: Ilona Bergen's murder happening as shown is laughable; she sees the hand with the syringe coming, slowly, at her, and not only she can't defend herself or avoid it (because, damsels in distress in the 60s, you know), but she does not even scream. There's no way the killer could have been sure, or even take a calculated risk, to murder her in such a way. (00:55:25)


Stupidity: Lombard has already figured out who the person on the beach is, and that therefore Vera is the only remaining suspect - yet not only he never tries to take his gun back, but he leads her to the beach keeping his back constantly turned to her. That's incoherent with what he knows and how he acts later. (01:28:00)


Stupidity: The trail of yarn supposedly unveiled by the cat - besides the 'small' detail that comes down with perfect timing that the murderer couldn't have planned - has also a pattern that is only meant to imitate what happens when a cat plays with a ball of yarn; in reality it couldn't have such a precise trail, and yet retaining loops that wide and neat. (01:00:00)


Stupidity: The doctor smells the poison in the glass, but to be perfectly sure, decides also to taste it. Why not, what could possibly go wrong?


1st Jun 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

30th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Jororo Farewell - S4-E11

Stupidity: The secret service's purpose is to protect the prince of the nation. There's a roadblock (a watermelon truck across the lane). They could and should turn the car around and/or avoid the obstacle, but what they do is instead stop the limousine and walk out, right into enemy fire, leaving open the doors. Stellar work. (00:26:30)


28th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Squeeze Play - S4-E7

Stupidity: Hard hats are a necessity but they leave something to be desired in terms of comfort and nobody really is overly fond of them. Yet in a Hollywood clichè, the construction workers chilling at the bar outside of work wear their hats, even the one guy who is retired (and still somehow knows where the guy Magnum looks for currently is). (00:16:50)


25th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Distant Relative - S4-E4

Stupidity: Magnum needs to convince Rick that his sister is not what he thought, but he does not use the most obvious information about it - that she never graduated from the school Rick is adamant about and that supports the whole "innocent church girl" image.


25th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Smaller Than Life - S4-E3

Stupidity: Everyone refuses to believe Waldo and treats him as a complete fraud once Magnum finds out that he was discharged from the CIA a couple years before, but it's rather preposterous; the man has been a CIA agent as he mentioned, and for over 20 years. That is not like discovering that he lied about everything, and nobody would shrug off everything he says without a second thought.


24th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

22nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Texas Lightning - S2-E17

Stupidity: The bad guy wants to know what did Jeannie do and how, and yet 5 seconds later an accomplice of hers is caught and he orders without a second thought to kill him on the spot, not even trying to get the information from him. (00:18:25)


22nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

One More Summer - S2-E16

Stupidity: Not Darcey nor anyone on the team including the good natured coach and people who care for him finds strange in the least that the doctor keeps giving him cortisone shots for a year. Anyone who played professionally or had to deal with injuries in any way (which should include Magnum too with the beatings he took) would find amazingly strange such a treatment this prolonged and with no benefit.


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