
12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Xander switches off the submarine by tearing off its HD, the flame of the rocket wildly varies in intensity and colors in each shot of the sequence. (01:51:00)


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Stupidity: Gibbons knew a whole day before, with picture evidence, that the bad guy planned to spread the deadly gas using a submarine he had in his basement, but he did nothing as simple as deploying boats, putting barriers on the river, or troops riverside which would have entirely invalidated the Machiavellian plan of the adversary. We see that he and even his subordinate XXX boss the local police around at will and he's able to mobilize the whole Czech aviation at the snap of a finger ordering them to essentially exterminate the entire population of their capital city (!) no questions asked, so surely it was not a problem of having his hands tied by bureaucracy or anything.


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Harpoon in hand, Xander yells to his driver "There's a bridge" pointing at a railway bridge with characteristic metal archways. "Cross the bridge!" he orders, and they do cross a bridge that is blatantly different, with no metal structure. (01:46:20)


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Character mistake: When Xander tells Yelena "There must be something we can use", she goes through the manual and reads aloud "Harpoon, gun, parachutes built into seats, ejectable roof." Minutes later, Xander says that they must have missed something, and she says "Weapons, there are more weapons here in the back", and there's the harpoon gun she already read about earlier, she was even on that page of the manual. (01:43:50)


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Asia Argento unties Xander with a knife she had strapped to her boots. In close-up, the boots are army-like with a dark olive color, but when she was sitting down, and even better when she later has to put her feet on the car pedals, she is sporting pointy camel-yellow boots. (01:35:30 - 01:45:40)


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Stupidity: Vin Diesel and Asia Argento drive past a few villagers who are totally unfazed by the fact that they just witnessed a potato cart explode in flames with a car sprinting through it. How violent must the Bohemian countryside be for villagers to be so blasé to drive-through pyrotechnics? (01:44:50)


12th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Some potato carts are blocking the road. We see the accident spot and there are several people by the carts taking care of the injured driver, with very few potatoes on the asphalt. When Yelena fires the rockets, no people are by the carts anymore, and as they drive through the flaming wreckage there are many more potatoes - of course since the cart just exploded, but they are all perfectly still and not burnt, not looking at all like they come from a cart that blew up in an inferno of flames a split second before. (01:44:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Toby arrives to bring XXX his new modified car, as he drives it around the court you can notice a policeman appear all of a sudden in the shot with the close-up on the GTO on the grill; was nowhere to be seen before. (01:40:40)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Revealing mistake: When the cop that Xander drove insane gets wasted, the holes on the armchair don't match in timing nor pattern the ones in the door, and somehow the gun pierced the door, his body and the stuffed furniture without even producing entry wounds on his chest. (01:21:45)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Milan Sova pulls a gun on Xander, in the wider angles his left hand rests on the inside of the armchair, by his thigh, while in the closer angles it is on top of the armrest. (01:21:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Other mistake: Coming out of the same door he went through at the beginning of his dungeon quest, Xander shoves back the guy he stunned; considering the sedative is supposed to last for 12 hours, what is he doing standing there? But if we assume that sedation in movies does not matter and you can just wake someone up with a slap on the cheek, fine; there's still a continuity mistake when we consider that Xander pushes him back quite far but when the two henchmen come out of the door they find him much closer. (01:19:20)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Character mistake: In the theater, Gibbons tells Xander that the scientists Anarchy99 have on their payroll are "specialized in biological weapons." But Silent Night, as it turns out, is not a virus or toxin, but it's chemical based, so their old Soviet creation they are specialized in is not a 'biological weapon' at all. (01:08:15)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Xander whips out the binoculars to look at the bad guys dressing up the submarine, his fingers are positioned differently on the device between shots. (01:13:10)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Factual error: Not only Xander is able to see perfectly through the wall with his X-ray binoculars; he even takes pictures, of a computer screen. That's some serious techno (il) logical miracle. Even better: he snaps these x-ray pictures also using a flash. (01:13:50)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Yorgi turns towards Yelena when it's time to admit her for the first time inside the secret basement and starts talking; At "Through this door..." his arms are down, but in the next shot when he finishes the sentence he's leaning on it with his left arm completely raised. (01:10:40)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Xander puts the first explosive on a bike. The backing of the bandage falls on top of the box he dropped on the ground, forming a curve. In the next shot the backing is gone. (01:09:50)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Other mistake: Kirili shoots the first time in the crowded square, people walk about as if nothing happened, give out leaflets and all that, nobody is even curious about the noise. (01:05:30)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Other mistake: During lunch, Yelena learns about Kirili waiting outside in sniper mode. As she speaks with Xander, his wristwatch says it's 12:35, but the restaurant's clock says it's 5 past noon. (01:03:15)


11th Sep 2020

XXX (2002)

Continuity mistake: Xander just told Yelena that he's taking her to lunch. Cut to Yorgi's bed, with a random blonde asleep in it. Her hair is off her right shoulder, but in the following shot she's visible in the background, with hair covering that shoulder and part of her chest. (01:00:30)


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