
7th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Missing in Action - S1-E9

Stupidity: The poor soldier Magnum is looking for during the whole episode falls into the water once the agent shoots at him. You can't really tell if he was hit, where, how badly, but does not matter; somehow, in a reverse of the proverbial plot armor, Magnum and his girlfriend just assume he's dead and don't even attempt to dive in to save him. He's dead, because they read the script and know he is. (00:45:00)


7th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Missing in Action - S1-E9

Stupidity: Magnum must have been blind to Miss Newton and Laura to his right, and even worse for Eric, who had a much higher vantage point, with Newton dragging Laura around through a perfectly clear space. (00:45:00)


Stupidity: In the flashback about the way the victim was poisoned, it would seem that the murderer straight out went to a waitress and handed them a single chalice of poisoned champagne, ordering the waitress to give that exact glass to the victim. That's just a little bit absurd; if it's a flashback based on a testimony, the case should have been solved in 0.1 minutes once the waitress says that that very well known person asked them to bring a glass to the victim - it's a request highly unusual and that would be easily remembered. If it's just some wild guess of the detective, that's a mighty strange way to imagine how things went, rather than just the killer slipping venom in the victim's glass when they were not looking. (01:04:00)


5th May 2020

Plot of Fear (1976)

Stupidity: In the first murder, the victim is strangled, frontally and bare-handed, by a woman his size, and his only reaction throughout his agony and protests is to put his hands on hers. You gotta have no instinct of self-preservation whatsoever. (00:02:00)


4th May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Skin Deep - S1-E6

Stupidity: TC moves down the cliff to help Magnum only after a whole lot of time has passed, but he had to hear the shots being fired in the uninhabited island way earlier than that.


3rd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

No Need to Know - S1-E5

Stupidity: Magnum saves the day in a dramatic car chase...but just in the previous episode it was shown that the Robin-2 Audi has a car phone. He could have simply told everyone over the phone to get out of the vehicle.


3rd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Thank Heaven for Little Girls and Big Ones Too - S1-E4

Stupidity: It is stated that the security has been "really tightened" because of the Gauguin, and "the place is harder to break in than a safe." So, what's the security for this multimillionaire picture? An alarm that goes off if someone touches the painting, but it switched off completely if just someone flips an unprotected switch positioned less than 10 feet away. Even a kid could dispose of that - which is what happens - but it's not like a siren going off in the middle of a remote estate would discourage a thief that can simply run away with it. (00:23:25)


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

China Doll - S1-E3

Stupidity: The villain of the episode is supposed to be a fearsome martial artist who killed with his bare hands dozens of people (a dozen alone is made of Mai Ling's relatives). This killing machine has one small weak point; he 'blinks' before striking. But it's not even a 'blink'; he squints. Hard. For long. Not even the worst amateur boxer has such a gigantic weak point. He also gets distracted by a helicopter flying in the distance forgetting completely about his opponent and letting them grab a gun and calmly point it at him.


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

China Doll - S1-E3

Stupidity: Higgins tells Magnum that he needs to get out before he opens the safe. Magnum then gets all sassy and asks "Shall I open it?" and proceeds to activate the statuette that unveils it, then pauses. Higgins is outraged and then goes ahead and opens it dialing the combination. Higgins' behaviour here is absurd; he gave up and handed Magnum the victory in their petty squabble when Magnum proven nothing. Magnum is the security consultant of the house, it is unthinkable that he would not at least know where the safe is, but it's also rather obvious that he did not know the combination. You don't get a safe assuming that nobody will ever know where it is; keeping it out of sight and reach is a plus, but it's not really its point. (00:19:30)


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii - S1-E1

Stupidity: You'd expect Magnum's friend Dan Cook to be quite smart and adept with military affairs and regulations, being an NCIS guy, but just look at the guys who tricks him; they both have terrible hair and sloppy care of the uniform, and the guy who greets him has a messy 'stache no Marine could wear. (00:09:30)


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii - S1-E1

Stupidity: The gag with Magnum not noticing Higgins lurking at his home is fun, but for that to work he needs to completely overlook the fact that the lights are on, and walk perfectly backwards without jumping in surprise when he bumps the back of the leg against the dogs. (00:37:30)


Backlash of the Hunter - S1-E1

Stupidity: Rockford knows almost nothing about the guy who is tailing him except that he noticed him while he was grabbing a bite with his client. Regardless of that, he sends the same client to seduce him, just assuming that he won't be able to recognize her. And it works. Is Lindsay Wagner this hard to forget, that this guy just an hour or two later isn't able to tell it's the same woman his target was meeting?


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

...By Its Cover - S3-E20

Stupidity: Magnum and the policewoman do the stakeout and tailing for the drug deal using TC's chopper. A crooked cop that can't spot a helicopter on a nearby roof, a helicopter following his car, and most importantly, a helicopter landing right on the top of their apartment house building, should consider a career change or a hearing aid.


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Forty Years from Sand Island - S3-E17

Stupidity: Magnum just assumes that the accident that happened to Higgins is an attempt to Higgins' life due to the earlier meeting, without even remotely considering the (he believes) drug dealers Magnum just messed with and that saw him drive away in that same car that gets sabotaged. Higgins never takes the Ferrari, so a sabotage aimed specifically at him is incredibly unlikely - as it's in fact the case. Just one of those things to keep the plot going.


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

I Do? - S3-E16

Stupidity: Marsha and Magnum have staged an elaborated (and expensive, even involving a rented cottage and a wedding ceremony) cover-up to suss out a money leak from the company. Despite that, they are screaming about their scheme with an open door and the airhead secretary right there.


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Birdman of Budapest - S3-E15

Stupidity: After much buildup about the necessity to approach cautiously the KGB agent because she'd kill on sight, she does nothing of the sort; despite having intent to kill and putting her hand on the gun, she does not shoot Higgins or her assassination target, making the subplot about the infiltration pointless.


2nd May 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Basket Case - S3-E14

Stupidity: For the episode to happen as shown, Magnum and Higgins must have had replicas of every knick knack in the house - a fact that never happens during the series. They can't know with precision the plan of the evil parents, but they are perfectly prepared for it.


Murder in the Polls - S6-E8

Stupidity: The bad candidate is debriefed about the journalist that is gonna interview him less than 10 feet away from her, and there's no way she would have not heard them. Catherine and Peter hear him and they are maybe 10 times further away. (00:02:05)


Stumped in Murder - S6-E4

Stupidity: Humphrey has just 4 suspects who did not have a chance to flee the scene. He needs to find out who shot the victim, but does not ask for a gunpowder residue test for them. The fact that he does ask for that very same test for the resolution of the following case in the next 2-parter episode makes this omission more glaring - it also would have not interfered with this particular case.


Stumped in Murder - S6-E4

Stupidity: The attempted sabotage was a fake, but even with that taken into consideration, it makes no sense that the culprit would do it in the middle of the day, with the car in plain view in front of the police station AND an open market.


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