Casual Person

3rd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Jong-gil gets tackled by a zombie that lands on top of and falls off the train, she drops her handbag and it lands far in front of her. In the shot from the side, where she begins to turn over, the bag is not visible beside her. When she sits up in the next shot, the bag is suddenly visible beside her again. (00:47:22)

Casual Person

3rd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Seok-woo runs through the door at Dajeon Station, he helps Sang-hwa and the baseball team keep the doors shut. Seok-woo is shown pressing against the door with his forearm and elbow. His head is almost pressed against his forearm, and one of the baseball players has his hand pressed against Seok-woo's elbow. We are then shown a shot from the zombies perspective, where his forearm is much further away from his face and much lower down the door, and the hand of the baseball player pressed against his elbow is nowhere in sight. (00:46:14)

Casual Person

3rd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: Just after the homeless man puts a coat over the soldier attacking Seok-woo, and after the shot the homeless man running through the door, Seok-woo is shown sitting on the floor behind a yellow line in front of him. When Sang-hwa tells him to come on, Seok-woo begins to stand, and he is now shown sitting directly on the yellow line whilst he is standing up. (00:45:59)

Casual Person

3rd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Seok-woo is being attacked by the soldier zombie, just after he finds the book on the floor, his left hand is shown grabbing onto the soldier's shoulder. It then cuts to a close-up of the zombie, where he shoves the book into its mouth and Seok-woo suddenly has his left hand on the soldier's head. (00:45:29)

Casual Person

3rd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Seok-woo gets tackled by a soldier zombie at Daejeon Station, when he is first shown on the floor, he places his hands on the soldier's shoulders to keep him away from him. His hands are shown pressed against the shoulders in the first shot. When the camera changes to a different angle, his right hand is suddenly grabbing onto his clothing. (00:45:24)

Casual Person

2nd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Jin-hee, Jong-gil and the train attendant get into Car 14 after fleeing the zombies at Daejeon Station, in the shot where the attendant begins to close the door, Jong-gil is facing towards the door. But in the next shot, as the door closes, Jong-gil is suddenly facing the opposite direction. (00:47:54)

Casual Person

2nd Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: Just after Su-an and Seong-kyeong help up In-gil and the zombie begins chasing them, Jong-gil is shown sitting on the ground in the background. No-one else is shown in the background at first, but in the next shot, Jin-hee and the train attendant have suddenly appeared behind her to help her up. (00:47:39)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: Just after Seong-kyeong has placed the newspapers over the sliding door, Seok-woo goes to check if Su-an is OK. He puts his hand near the top of her arm, but in the next shot, his hand is suddenly lower down her arm. (00:28:10)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Seong-kyeong takes out a sweet for Su-an to eat, the sweet packet she is holding has the top section torn off it, with the top section still attached to the edge of the packet. The top section is shown hanging over the front side of the packet when she takes the sweet out and is still shown on hanging over the front side when she says "This is Sleepy. Say hello." When Su-an goes to touch the pregnant belly bump, the torn off section is now on the back side of the packet. (00:36:13)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the train begins to stop at Dajeon Station, Su-an is shown sitting beside the window looking out as it begins to slow. In the next shot, her hand is suddenly placed on the window sill. The direction in which she is looking also changes between shots. (00:31:14)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: Whilst the passengers are walking to the front of train, Seok-woo pulls down a chair for Su-an to sit down. After pulling down the chair, he tells her he'll give her mother a call and places his right hand on his leg when he does so. In the next shot, his right hand is suddenly in front of him and being pulled away. (00:33:43)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Train to Busan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sang-hwa is fighting with his first zombie, just as Seok-woo begins to walk past him, Sang-hwa's hands are shown holding onto the zombie's neck, but in the next shot, his right hand is suddenly holding onto the zombie's head. (00:25:38)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Train to Busan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sang-hwa is holding onto the first zombie he comes into contact with, he grabs onto the zombie's hair and some of its hair is in the gap between Sang-hwa's thumb and finger. In the next shot, that hair in between his fingers is no longer there. (00:25:45)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the first zombie is attacking the female train attendant in the middle of the train car, the wide shot shows the zombie using her left hand to hold down the attendant's left arm. A closer shot of the zombie attacking the woman is then shown, where the zombie is holding onto the attendant's head. (00:22:02)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the train is pulling out of the station, Su-an is shown looking out of the window and sees a zombie attacking another man. She is lying back in the seat, then sits up when she first sees the attack. When the shot cuts to an angle outside the train, Su-an is now leaning towards the window. (00:16:00)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the female train attendant Hyde-young bumps into the male train attendant walking out of the toilet, he tells her to adjust her scarf, to which Hye-young pulls on her scarf and rotates it. When the camera changes to a different angle, the hand that she had on her scarf is now on the back her shirt collar. (00:13:43)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the passengers are first boarding the train, just as a couple ask the female train attendant where Car 4 is, two women can be seen boarding the train behind the attendant. The attendant then points to Car 4 and a man with a suit and backpack has suddenly appeared alongside the two women. (00:13:05)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Su-an looks at the flake of ash in her hand from the fire, in one shot, her hand is in a completely straight position, but in the next shot, her fingers are suddenly in a curled position. (00:12:34)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Seok-woo realises that Su-an already has a Nintendo Wii, she says "Children's Day this year", whilst holding the box containing a Wii that Seok-woo got her. As she says this, her right thumb is shown placed near the top of the side of the box. In the next shot, her thumb is suddenly further down the side of the box. (00:08:10)

Casual Person

1st Sep 2020

Train to Busan (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the birthday present that Seok-woo gives to Su-an is first revealed to be a Nintendo Wii, Su-an's right thumb is shown placed over the Mario on the box art. In the next shot, her thumb is suddenly placed nearer to the side of the box. (00:07:50)

Casual Person

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