Casual Person

6th Oct 2013

Premium Rush (2012)

Premium Rush mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wilee phones Manny early on in the movie, Wilee unlocks the chain to his bike and the bike and chain fall to the floor. Wilee then picks up the chain and doesn't pick up the bike. But by the time he finishes the call with Manny, the bike is now back to being laid against the tree, when it was on the ground moments earlier. (00:05:00)

Casual Person

The Great Gatsby mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When George kills Gatsby, Gatsby falls into the pool with his arms by his side, but from a reverse angle, his arms are raised in the air. (02:02:35)

Casual Person

The Adventures of Tintin mistake picture

Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When Tharkey re-enters the plane where he and Haddock made camp, Haddock asks "Any sign of him?" Tharkey replies and you'll see the sky in the background is grey due to the storm. Shot cuts to a wide angle where night suddenly comes from outside of the window. (00:16:55)

Casual Person

Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: Just after Haddock finishes saying "That's not my idea of a vacation," he goes to read his newspaper. On the front page of this newspaper is a headline that reads "Ray Jones." About seven seconds after this happens, the shot returns to Haddock where we can see the headline is now twice as small as it was before. (00:01:55)

Casual Person

The Adventures of Tintin mistake picture

Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When Haddock points out to Tintin he was dreaming about the crash on the news, the background shows a pitch black sky (around 11 o'clock sky). Yet a further two shots later, the background shows a partially lighter sky (still night, around 7 o'clock). (00:03:55)

Casual Person

The Adventures of Tintin mistake picture

Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: After finding out Chang was in the plane crash, Tintin shouts "No!" Directly 180 degrees in the background is a woman sitting on a table. In different shots of Tintin, that same woman is seen sitting on a table almost 140 degrees in the background. (00:05:15)

Casual Person

The Adventures of Tintin mistake picture

Tintin in Tibet: Part 1 - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When Haddock starts lowering Tharkey into the cave, a rope is wrapped around a walking stick. There are three loops around the stick to begin with. A couple of shots later in a close-up of the stick, there are now only two loops in the rope. (00:19:05)

Casual Person

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: After the interrogation, Skye tells Agent Coulson about Agent Ward. Coulson says during this scene,"It's a magical place" and Skye says "Ward doesn't like your style. Kinda think I do." At The End of this line, Skye is looking at Coulson. In the next shot, she's suddenly looking 90 degrees in the opposite direction. (00:26:55)

Casual Person

Agents of SHIELD mistake picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: In the interrogation room, Skye asks "The truth. What are you after?" and Agent Ward replies "World peace." A few seconds after this line, the light on Skye's head and hair keeps appearing/disappearing/changes position. (00:22:25)

Casual Person

Agents of SHIELD mistake picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Agent Ward goes onto the aircraft to find Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons having an argument, Simmons put a cup of coffee on the desk. It vanishes from the desk a few seconds after she does this. (00:15:40)

Casual Person

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: As Mike watches the news in the cafe, he is seen lowering his head just as the shot from the reverse angle ends. From the following shot in front of him, he is seen lowering his head a second time. (00:11:10)

Casual Person

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Ward is in the apartment in Paris, he begins a fight with two people. At a point during this fight, a couch is knocked over and two cushions fall off the couch. The cushions disappear a few seconds later. (00:04:45)

Casual Person

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene where Mike and his kid have a conversation outside a toy store, an explosion comes from the top floor of an apartment building. Just before Mike runs off to go save some of the people from the building, he says "Stay with Bernie" to his kid and Bernie then does this. After he says this and runs off, the kid and Bernie are a good foot away from the toy store. The next shot when Mike shouts "Watch my boy!" to Bernie, the kid and Bernie are a great distance away from the toy store without any time to move. (00:01:20)

Casual Person

3rd Oct 2013

Now You See Me (2013)

Continuity mistake: After Daniel makes the rabbit "disappear" from the rabbit box, Henley begins to look "shocked" and raises her hands halfway. From one angle, her hands are turned 180 degrees, but from a reverse angle, her hands haven't been turned an inch. (00:55:10)

Casual Person

3rd Oct 2013

Now You See Me (2013)

Continuity mistake: Just after Daniel and Henley put the rabbit in the box at the New Orleans show, Daniel closes the lid to the rabbit box. Daniel then says "If you'll say the magic word?" to Henley. Henley at this point, has both of her hands on her hips. Then her hands in front of her belly held together. The shot after that shows her hands are behind her back. (00:55:05)

Casual Person

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