Casual Person

24th Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Joe is in the diner for the first time in the movie, he is sitting in the corner of the booth. As the waitress says "How's the French?", Joe is now suddenly sitting in the middle of the seat. Then when the shot cuts back to Joe, he is back to being in the corner. (00:02:45)

Casual Person

24th Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Suzie is looking at herself in the mirror having a cigarette, she has make-up on and some of it is wrongly smeared around her eye. When she is sitting on top of Joe a few moments later, the smeared make-up around her eye is gone and she is just wearing make-up. (00:22:40 - 00:23:15)

Casual Person

21st Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Joe pushes Kid Blue into his silver bar vault, Kid Blue attempts to climb out, but Joe closes the door and Kid Blue traps his fingers in the door. His fingers are at first, all stretched out, but by the next shot, his fingers are suddenly closer together. (00:28:40)

Casual Person

21st Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When the waitress Beatrix is pouring coffee into Joe's mug at the diner, an angle from far away shows Beatrix's right arm with the kettle in her hand pouring the coffee into Joe's mug and her left arm is by her side. In the next shot, as she goes to leave, her left arm is now suddenly placed on Joe's shoulder. (00:02:50)

Casual Person

21st Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: After Joe puts his gun in the basket at the start, he walks over to a slot to put the silver bars in. A CCTV camera is visible duct taped to the wall with a wire attached to the camera. The wire next to the camera goes on for a few inches before there is a bend in the wire going upwards. After Joe says "Two, Jedd" the shot cuts to a close-up of the CCTV camera, and the bit of wire before the bend is shorter than it was before. (00:03:15)

Casual Person

21st Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Sara and Cid are practicing maths on the multiplication grid, Sara asks what is 8 X 7 and Cid puts a 56 on the board. The 56 is located one next to the end grid in the first shot, but by the next shot, the 56 is suddenly located at the corner of the grid. (01:12:10)

Casual Person

21st Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: In the "loop closing" montage, after Joe is shown at the cafe speaking in French to the waitress, he is shown looking at his stopwatch and the time reads 2:29. The following shot shows a tied up man appearing from the future on the white sheet. Joe then shoots the man, but it is noticeable that the angle of the gun and the position of the wound after he is hit do not match up. The gun itself is aimed at the man's head, possibly higher, but the wound itself is shown in his chest. (00:09:10)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When they bring the old man from District 11 to the front of the crowd to be shot down, after Katniss is dragged back inside the building, the old man turns his head to the right, to face the crowd. In the next shot, he's suddenly looking straight forward. (00:20:45)

Casual Person

The Big Bang Theory mistake picture

The Rothman Disintegration - S5-E17

Continuity mistake: After Amy returns to the apartment for the Grease DVD and discovers Penny doesn't like the painting, she then exits the apartment with the painting and the DVD with her. When Amy says to Penny she doesn't need her pity, the DVD is placed above the hanging string of the painting. In the next shot, as she walks into the hallway, the DVD is suddenly almost half below the string.

Casual Person

15th Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Sara goes to shoot the rock salt at Joe, she cocks the gun and raises it to a 90 degree angle. In the next shot, as she fires, the gun is suddenly lowered slightly. (01:01:15)

Casual Person

15th Sep 2014

Looper (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Abe raises his hammer to break Kid Blue's hand, Kid's hand is shown making a clenched fist. But when the hammer hits Kid, his hand is perfectly flat on the table. (00:54:35)

Casual Person

15th Sep 2014

Doctor Who (2005)

Doctor Who mistake picture

Robot of Sherwood - S8-E3

Continuity mistake: When Robin Hood has finished introducing the merry men to the Doctor and Clara, Clara says "You really are Robin Hood and his merry men" and she is shown with her arms parted away from each other. In the next shot, her arms are suddenly closer to her. Then in the next shot, her hands are now closed together. (00:08:25)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the Winter Soldier approaches the car before throwing the grenades at it, one shot shows a water trail dripping at the front of the car he is hiding behind. A few seconds later, after Romanoff ambushes him, a wide angle is shown as he throws her at the car and the water trail is no longer there. (01:17:35)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Just before the Winter Soldier ambushes Steve, Romanoff, Sam and Sitwell in the car, Steve suggests they use Sitwell to bypass the DNA scans and access the Hellicarriers directly. Sitwell then says it is a terrible idea and Steve slightly turns his head to the mirror in the centre of the car, then in the next shot, his head is suddenly turned to Sitwell. (01:13:25)

Casual Person


Continuity mistake: When Steve goes to pull open the cabinets to reveal the secret elevator, there are cobwebs covering part of the cabinet. Next shot, the cob webs have vanished. (00:58:15)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Steve and Romanoff are at the camp site, they enter an office. As they enter, the door is mostly open, but closed by a few inches. In the next shot, just as they discover the portraits, the door is fully open. (00:57:40)

Casual Person

7th Sep 2014

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Continuity mistake: After K remembers to leave a tip, the meteorite that was intended to land on Earth ends up hitting a satellite. The shot returns to Griffin, where he is shown to be looking uncomfortable and turns his head back round. Then as he says "That was a close one" in the following shot, he is suddenly looking calm and smiling. (01:38:00)

Casual Person

5th Sep 2014

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Continuity mistake: When K zip lines down back to the beach, the sand shows light amount of tracks on the sand. In the next shot, the tracks in the sand have become much heavier. (01:31:30)

Casual Person

5th Sep 2014

Men in Black 3 (2012)

Continuity mistake: After K has placed the ArcNet on the Apollo rocket, he goes down a zip line and meets up with the Colonel on the beach. The shot from the zip line shows the colonel to be standing on the sand. Next shot, he's suddenly standing on the arrow signs between each zip line. (01:31:30)

Casual Person

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