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Continuity mistake: After Inspector Todd is shot, Axel chases after De Wald and fires at the truck. When the guy at the back of the truck is shooting at Axel, we see multiple bullet holes near the truck's back right window, but in his close-ups the bullet holes are gone. The window frame's scratched paint differs as well in the close-ups. We know it's the same window because we also see him in the shot of the truck's interior.

Super Grover

More Beverly Hills Cop III mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Frank and Tony are talking with Flo and Tony is holding a bong. Through most of the scene, the bong is in Tony's right hand. But in several shots, it switches to his left hand. In one part in fact showing a side angle, Tony has the bong in his left hand and holding it on his leg. It then cuts to a close up and Tony points to Frank with the same but now empty hand. (00:05:40)

Quantom X

More Pusher mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the basement of the Orpheum theater, Holmes takes a lamp off of a wall and places it on the floor. The shot cuts, and the lamp is back on the wall. When the shot cuts again, the lamp is back on the floor. (01:29:25 - 01:30:45)

Cubs Fan

More Without a Clue mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The blood on Marv's chin appears and disappears when he's being interrogated by Wendy and the girls.

More Sin City mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: While singing in a duet with Miss Piggy, CĂ©line Dion is wearing a dress with a strap over her right shoulder. Near the end of the song, the strap is suddenly on her left shoulder.

More Muppets Most Wanted mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the drive-in shootout scene, the camera and crew are visible in the rear view mirror in the cab of the white Dodge pickup fleeing De Niro and Kilmer.

More Heat mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Diamond Dog puts the hat on in the plane after it's hijacked, he puts it on backwards.A second later, it's on straight without him turning it around. (00:43:55)

More Con Air mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Starsky and Hutch are both called in to the boss' office after robbing a bookie and destroying a Cadillac's roof. When Hutch walks into the office, the top drawer on the right side on the boss is closed. But when the shot changes to the boss when he starts talking to Hutch, the drawer is open. (00:05:20)

More Starsky & Hutch mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Bobby's wife is dragged to her knees by the chain, you can make out the shape of her knee pads under her trousers. (00:41:10)


More Saw 3D mistake pictures
More Dick Tracy mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the car chase near the start, the blue and white cars hit bumper to door. When the tank type car hits them they are end to end. (00:22:00)


More A Good Day to Die Hard mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Drebin chases the doctor out of the hospital, the doctor gets a car, while in the background, Drebin falls from the ladder. Drebin then emerges from under the car. The doctor drives off, and Drebin enters the foreground. Look in the windscreen of the car Drebin emerged from. The top of a man's head with grey hair appears at the end of the shot, thinking it's over. This is the stunt double that dropped from the ladder. (00:32:25)

More The Naked Gun mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: After Phil drives the truck off the cliff, and it explodes in a burst of flames, there is a shot of Andie MacDowell and Chris Elliot staring in shock at the disaster. The two actors are bathed in an orange glow supposedly coming from the flaming wreckage. But in the lens of the TV camera Elliot is holding, there is a noticeable reflection of the lighting equipment used to create the glow effect on the actors. (01:04:15)

More Groundhog Day mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The chain with which El and Carolina are linked together gets cut open with a welding torch. When the chain falls down on the ground it's intact again. (00:34:50)


More Once Upon a Time in Mexico mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Alan and Doug the drug dealer are suggesting more accurate names for roofies, Doug places one hand on his hip with the other down by his side, but in the next shot, both hands are resting on his stomach. (01:21:30)

Cubs Fan

More The Hangover mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Bruce Wayne is heading to the hearing at the courthouse, he checks his revolver to make sure it's loaded. His intent is to execute Joe Chill for killing his parents, so he would need a working gun. But when he opens the cylinder of the revolver to make sure it's loaded, you can see that all of the bullets have had the primer removed (the end of each bullet casing has a hole in it.) This is done to make each round impossible to fire, for safety on the set. (00:22:55)


More Batman Begins mistake pictures
More La Confidential mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Jill and Cynthia meet by the water towards the end, Jill produces her gun and is told to throw it in. As she's holding it you can see the base of the grip and there's no magazine in it - hardly the most effective weapon... (01:26:45)

Jon Sandys

More The Whole Nine Yards mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the final scene where Roxie and Velma are dancing in the concert hall, Roxie is on the right and Velma is on the left. They then turn around, and from behind (same point of view as before) they're suddenly the other way around. (01:44:20)

More Chicago mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Sam Jackson and Colin Farrell are stopped from escaping the subway tunnel at a locked gate, they get the idea to blow the lock with explosives but there is a visible, unexplained string extending from the lock as it is used to create the effect of the lock being blown off.

More S.W.A.T. mistake pictures

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