Best crime movie mistake pictures of 2009

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Factual error: In one scene, focused on a period wood-staked pickup truck parked on the street, you can see clearly a modern Jeep Grand Cherokee parked on the other side of the street.

More Public Enemies mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the guy on the roof stands and takes aim at the window in preparation for Brian, the film crew are reflected in a window behind him. (00:13:00)


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Continuity mistake: When Alan and Doug the drug dealer are suggesting more accurate names for roofies, Doug places one hand on his hip with the other down by his side, but in the next shot, both hands are resting on his stomach. (01:21:30)

Cubs Fan

More The Hangover mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the very beginning, when Quaid has finished showering and is picking his phone, wallet, badge, keys, etc, there is a shot of his hand as it is picking up his cellphone. Cut to a wide shot of him and the objects have moved. For example, the coins have become a close cluster, his pack of cigarettes is no longer on the newspaper, and his badge has switched places with the lighter. (00:02:45)


More Horsemen mistake pictures

Character mistake: While examining "Diagramma della Verita" in the Vatican archives, Langdon is careful to use a cotton glove and a pair of tongs to turn the pages. But when he returns later to search the Bernini texts for clues about the "fire" church, he turns the book pages with his bare hands. (00:36:30 - 01:04:55)

Cubs Fan

More Angels & Demons mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the start, Simone puts the rubber tube round her arm. Camera cuts - it's no longer round her arm and she puts it round again. (00:03:35)


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