Best crime movie mistake pictures of 2003

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Continuity mistake: When Tapia is giving the mural artist a dressing-down, his daughter has a book in one hand for most of the scene, but when the shot changes to one from above Tapia and his daughter, the book changes to the other hand. (02:03:15)

More Bad Boys II mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Suki and Tej are being booked for speeding when they took Brian's and Roman's cars, the police officer next to them should be writing on his notepad, but instead the words are already written and he is just moving the pen over these words. (01:24:25)

More 2 Fast 2 Furious mistake pictures

Factual error: When we see the burning 'DD' in Joe Pantoliano's glasses it is not a reflection. The DD should be backwards in his glasses. (00:26:55)

More Daredevil mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the Angels are walking through the sprinklers after getting shot, you can see the bullet holes in each one of the Angels' shirts. When they get to the car, and it blows up, Cameron Diaz's bullet hole disappears. (01:20:00 - 01:21:30)

More Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Vernita and The Bride are talking in the kitchen and Vernita shoots The Bride from the cereal box, you can see the bullet hole in the back wall of the kitchen, but then a little later that part of the wall doesn't have any bullet holes. Also, not only is the bullet hole not where you see it hit in the first place, it's on the other side of the bride's head, along with the splatter from the cereal box.

More Kill Bill: Volume 1 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The chain with which El and Carolina are linked together gets cut open with a welding torch. When the chain falls down on the ground it's intact again. (00:34:50)


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Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Sam Jackson and Colin Farrell are stopped from escaping the subway tunnel at a locked gate, they get the idea to blow the lock with explosives but there is a visible, unexplained string extending from the lock as it is used to create the effect of the lock being blown off.

More S.W.A.T. mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the Mini Coopers jump out of the sewage tunnel, you can see the black ramp they launch off of to give the tunnel exit more of a dramatic effect. (01:36:15)

More The Italian Job mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the sheriff and Andy are rolling the girl up in plastic wrap, as they're lifting her out of the van, in one shot the plastic wrap completely covers her head, and in another the top of her head is exposed.

More The Texas Chainsaw Massacre mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Steve Zahn and Martin Lawrence are driving away from the police in the junkyard, they hit a car in the junkyard, and we can see the damage inflicted on it. However, in all of the shots following the car is not damaged. (00:55:35)

More National Security mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Kid crashes towards the end in his race against Dogg, a wide shot shows that he's quite far from the bike, which is in the middle of the track resting horizontally on its kickstand, with something black against the wall behind him. In the closer shot of Lawrence Fishburne running up to him, he's just struggling to his feet, so hasn't moved, yet is much closer to the bike, which is now right up against the wall, and the black object behind him has disappeared. (01:23:00)

Jon Sandys

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Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film when we see Rhodes shoot Larry in the chest, you can see an outline of something underneath his vest, very obviously a device/squib simulating being shot in the chest. (01:15:15)


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More 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out mistake pictures

Factual error: When David is reading the e-mail about his son's custody sent by his wife, the date reported on is Tuesday, 8 Oct 1994. However, that day was a Saturday. (00:48:39)

More The Life of David Gale mistake pictures

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