Best crime movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: When they find out Lecter is on the elevator, they look down the shaft at him and there is quite a lot of blood on his back, so much that it even reaches down to his belt. However when they open the elevator shaft and the body falls down, there is only a small amount of blood on his back. (01:23:40 - 01:24:50)

More The Silence of the Lambs mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Thomas Crown is sailing, you can see the weather change from very dark and stormy, to just cloudy, to blue sky and sun, depending on the shot. (00:36:30)

More The Thomas Crown Affair mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When McClane is driving the police down the ramp to the tunnel so he can elude the helicopter, the car's windshield doesn't have any bullet holes or cracks in it, even though it did just a few seconds earlier. (00:37:55)

More Live Free or Die Hard mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bryan chases the spotter, all of the cars that had to stop are all positioned at different angles. After the spotter dies and Bryan walks back along the bridge, one of the shots shows all of the cars now parked in a perfectly straight line.


More Taken mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Vernita and The Bride are talking in the kitchen and Vernita shoots The Bride from the cereal box, you can see the bullet hole in the back wall of the kitchen, but then a little later that part of the wall doesn't have any bullet holes. Also, not only is the bullet hole not where you see it hit in the first place, it's on the other side of the bride's head, along with the splatter from the cereal box.

More Kill Bill: Volume 1 mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After Gromit runs away he starts looking at signs. In one shot, a blue sign goes over the one Gromit is reading (Room to Let), but in the next shot it's not. (00:12:20)

More Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the honeymoon sequence at the end of the film, if you look at the right top of the flowers in the vase during the "flowers covering nipples" bit, you can see a bit of red duct tape covering Liz Hurley's nipple from behind the flowers. (01:22:20)

More Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Gene Hackman is helping his wife zip up her dress her hair goes from hanging straight down her back, to being over her shoulder. It cuts without giving enough time to assume that she moved her hair.

More Under Suspicion mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, when Bruce Willis notices the writing on the aspirin bottle, he leaves it in the phone booth and the camera jumps towards it a couple of times. In the first shot the writing's almost vertical, but in the following shots it's at a definite angle. (01:48:35)

Jon Sandys

More Die Hard: With a Vengeance mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Memphis is driving Eleanor he backs up and hits the right rear-view mirror. He stops, leans out the window and sees that it is dangling. The very next shot it is back to normal and it stays that way for most of the rest of the movie. (01:34:34)

More Gone in 60 Seconds mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When D-Fens is in Whammyburger, there are two spots on the right shoulder of his shirt that keep disappearing, reappearing, and changing positions. (00:41:15 - 00:44:30)

More Falling Down mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: In the opening scene, the helmet closes on the guy's head. Inside there are spikes on all sides, but when his head falls to the ground the blood only comes out the bottom. The spikes should have also gone into the other side of his head and blood should have run down his face to the floor. (00:04:20)


More Saw II mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Candy is talking to her boss, he puts the money in the box and it changes position, then even disappears in one shot. (00:19:05)


More The Devil's Rejects mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When David pushes the pallets onto the car, it's obvious that there is no-one inside. Similarly, when he uses the forklift to pick up the car a few shots later, we see inside the car and there is only a badly constructed dummy-type object in the back seat, and no real people. Even if they had bent down, they should still be visible. (00:09:00)

More American Yakuza mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Monte Carlo is battling with the Camaro, they go off road into a field. During a certain shot, the Camaro has to jump a hill and it goes airborne. While it's airborne, you can see the entire front end is destroyed. However, after it lands, you can see the front end of the Camaro is in excellent condition and it remains intact for the remainder of the film. I would guess that they used at least two Camaros for the film. (00:26:10)

More Black Dog mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: Right after one of the Mountie's cars is split in half by the snowplow, you can see the mini-wheel used to keep the half-car propped up.

More Smokey and the Bandit II mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Quinlan is with Joe Grandi at the bar, Quinlan breaks his sobriety while seated at a round table, but in the last overhead shot the table is rectangular. (00:57:00 - 00:58:25)

Super Grover

More Touch of Evil mistake pictures
More Dick Tracy mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the car chase near the start, the blue and white cars hit bumper to door. When the tank type car hits them they are end to end. (00:22:00)


More A Good Day to Die Hard mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Drebin chases the doctor out of the hospital, the doctor gets a car, while in the background, Drebin falls from the ladder. Drebin then emerges from under the car. The doctor drives off, and Drebin enters the foreground. Look in the windscreen of the car Drebin emerged from. The top of a man's head with grey hair appears at the end of the shot, thinking it's over. This is the stunt double that dropped from the ladder. (00:32:25)

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