Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the scene in Transfiguration classroom, the students' positions in the class are constantly changing - for example, there is a blond girl sitting in the middle of the class in one shot, then in another she is back in a corner. (00:48:15 - 00:49:20)

Correction: This is not true. The students sit in the very same seats, whether in a front, back or side shot. Different girls are being confused as one girl.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the Ford Anglia drives away after ejecting Ron and Harry, the boot (trunk) of the car is open. The boot remains open as the boys chase the car. Yet, as the car passes Hagrid's cabin, the boot is closed. (00:28:49)

Correction: When Harry and Ron chase the car, there is a shot in between the 'trunk open' shot and the 'trunk closed' shot and it's when Ron says, "Dad's gonna kill me." In that time the car could very easily close its own trunk just as it closes and opens its own doors, etc.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After the Pirates on the Black Pearl pillage the town and they are bargaining with Elizabeth, they are standing in the open moonlight, however they do not look like skeletons.

Correction: Before the shot of Elizabeth on the small boat with the pirates there is a shot of the moon being covered by thick clouds. So when she is aboard the Pearl with Barbossa and his crew there is cloud cover overhead, hence the pirates are not in skeletal form.

Super Grover

27th Sep 2004

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: The newscaster states that Godzilla's appearance in New York is the greatest disaster since the World Trade Center bombing. It is unknown what year this is supposed to take place. The WTC was destroyed by terrorist attacks in 2001. The movie was made in 1998 so it seems the writer had a premonition. Also, when the various camera shots show the NYC skyline, you can see the WTC buildings, although in this movie, whatever year it was to take place, they could have been rebuilt.

Correction: You are quite wrong. The movie was set in the present day of that time in 1998. The reference was for the first terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, on February 26th 1993. That bombing caused the deaths of 6 people, thousands of people injured, including firefighters and police, damage to PATH train mezzanine and the cost of the damage was more than half a billion dollars.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the first spell is performed on Harry during the Duelling Club, he flies through the air. He lands pretty softly considering from how high he fell. (01:07:25)


Correction: Harry does not 'land softly', he slams into the mat both visually and audibly, as did Lockhart earlier and Draco in the next few shots.

Super Grover

21st Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Corrected entry: When the man wrapping the necklace for Harry reveals the Christmas box, the necklace is still in its bag and standing up on the counter. No-one touches it, yet when Harry leaves the jewellery counter, the bag with the necklace in it has vanished. (01:16:55)


Correction: No, the bag with the necklace doesn't just disappear, it is boxed out of camera shot. Between the time that the sales clerk says, "But you said you wanted it gift wrapped sir.", Harry stammers, "I did, but I I..", the clerk says, "This is the final flourish." and Harry asks, "Can I just pay?" - the large gold box is set on the counter and the sales clerk merely places the clear cellophane bag with the necklace into the box and closes the lid. That is why the sales clerk takes out the sprig of Holly -it is the 'final flourish' for the top of the gold box.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the hand grabs Harry in Knockturn Alley, you can see that one of the CGI fingers goes THROUGH Harry's hand.

Correction: The Hand of Glory used in the film, seen in Borgin & Burkes, in the theatrical release and in the deleted scenes, is a mechanical hand, whose wires are hidden underneath the pillow and shelf it sits upon and controlled off screen. Nevertheless, I still looked frame by frame and at no point do any of the Hand of Glory fingers 'go through' Harry's hand.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Elizabeth is running from the pirates the chandelier falls down, but when she runs into the dining room you can see that it is back up hanging on the roof.

Correction: The large chandelier in the FOYER does fall and we do NOT see it back up. As Elizabeth runs into the dining room, behind her we see a glimpse of another similar light fixture that is attached to the wall at the stairs - it is NOT the large hanging chandelier that fell. Then when Elizabeth is in the dining room, the chandelier we do see in the next few shots is the one that hangs over the table, in the dining room.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Charles is getting his letters returned to him, presumably by McLeod as the viewer is led to believe, you can see that the address he is sending them to lacks a zip code.


Correction: Mail CAN be forwarded or returned without the zip code. It just takes longer, as it must be hand sorted.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene with Harry and Voldemort, when Harry puts his hands on Quirrell's face and pushes him against the wall, you can see the wall behind Quirrell is flat, in the next shot there are two large holes in the wall and in the next shot the wall is flat again. (02:12:44)

Correction: The surface of the stone wall within the pillars at the side of the landing that Harry and Quirrell stand on has a distinct texture and look. After Harry lays his hands on Quirrell's face, Quirrell moves backwards and stands in front of the very same wall as in the next two shots when he walks towards Harry while disintegrating. Shadows on the wall and camera angle somewhat alters the appearance of the rocky surface behind Quirrell.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the troll scene, there is a row of hooks in the bathroom. An item (towel or shirt) is hanging on one of the hooks behind Ron as the troll tries to hit Harry with his club and Harry says, "Do something." We next see Ron looking around. Before Ron says, "What," the item on the hook disappears. The item reappears before Ron casts his "wingardium Leviosa" spell. (01:11:13)

Correction: The white cloth hangs on the 4th hook from the right, directly under the torch. In the close-up of Ron that you speak of, the 4th hook and the area below it, is blocked from view behind Ron's body. It cannot be presumed that the cloth is not there, if it is impossible to even see the hook from which it hangs.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the end, when Dumbledore is announcing the house cup winner, there is a dark skinned boy behind Ron (on the other table.) But after he announces Ron's extra 50 points he's gone, and there's just a group of girls behind him.

Correction: It is very clear, the same children are behind Ron in ALL the shots, they just move a bit, so some are more visible than others in two shots and Ron receives 50 points.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In their first flying lesson they are all lined up standing next to their brooms and when the teacher walks to the end of the line, the camera cuts to her feet walking. The brooms have somehow disappeared on the side closest to the camera in this shot. (00:56:55)

Correction: No. As the camera pans Madame Hooch walking past the students, the broomsticks in the background are beside its owners and there most certainly ARE broomsticks at the FOREGROUND of this shot (belonging to the unseen students, close to the camera). The bristles of the foreground broomsticks appear fairly large in this shot (as they are right in front of the moving camera), whereas the background broomsticks and its bristles appear smaller.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Dobby visits Harry in the hospital, he bashes himself on the head with the bottle of Skele-Gro. Before disappearing, he puts the bottle down on the table at the foot of the bed. After he disappears and the shot changes, the bottle is back in its original place on the side-table at the head of the bed; the table at the foot of the bed is empty. (01:01:50)

Correction: Whether viewed in the widescreen or fullscreen DVD, the Skele-Gro is not on the table beside the bed, when Harry is back in bed, while they bring Colin in and only PART (the right side) of the rolling table at the foot of the bed is actually visible in that shot.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the Whomping Willow hits the windshield, just after the car falls to the ground the glass cracks, but it barely hits it. (00:27:45)


Correction: No glass cracks after they fall from the Whomping Willow. When the car falls out of the Whomping Willow and hits the ground below, Ron lays on the gas and pulls away just quick enough as the Whomping Willow slams a huge part of itself onto the GROUND, so it does NOT touch the car as it speeds away. All the severe damage to the car's glass windows is done while still UP in the tree, where it is perfectly visible as it happens.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry and Ron have just rushed into McGonagall's classroom, she transfigures from a cat on her desk to herself, walking towards them. In the first shot, we see the left side of her face, and she is not wearing glasses. When the shot changes so that she's facing Harry and Ron and we see the right side of her face, her glasses have appeared out of nowhere. (00:50:55)

Correction: The glasses appear in the SAME shot AS she transforms. In this ONE shot, as she walks towards Ron and Harry, first the left side of her face is visible, then the back of her head and last the right side of her face WITH the glasses, all perfectly visible as she stops right in front of the two boys with the 'McGonagall scowl' on her face, to which Ron exclaims, "That was bloody brilliant!"

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the very start, when Harry is looking through the book Hagrid gave him in the previous film, Hedwig's cage is on the table beside him. In the Dobby scene, it's gone. When Ron comes to rescue Harry, it's there again. (00:01:10 - 00:05:15)

Correction: During the 'Dobby scene' Hedwig's cage is NOT gone. Hedwig's cage is on top of the dresser beside a lamp, in the same place as the earlier shots and where it always is. The cage can be seen 1) when Harry closes the bedroom door as he sees Dobby on his bed, 2) when Harry apologizes for supposedly offending Dobby, 3) When Dobby bangs his head and yells, "Bad Dobby!" the first time.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the Fellowship are taking a break right before the crebain come, Boromir is sword fighting with Merry and Pippin. There's a far away shot where Merry starts fighting Boromir. Then there's a close up shot where Pippin starts to fight Boromir.

Correction: Go back and advance that scene shot by shot and you will see that you are wrong. Boromir twirls his sword and ONLY LOOKS at Merry, but continues to fight with Pippin. It is PIPPIN'S shoulder, arm and sword (NO yellow vest) that are shown close-up, fighting with Boromir when the shot faces Boromir. Pippin has a white shirt, that has a decorative color thread running through it on the cuffs and on the front of the shirt. Pippin is fighting with Boromir the ENTIRE time, UNTIL Merry says, "You look good, Pippin." while chewing, at which point Boromir starts to fight with Merry.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, where Boromir is collecting wood and he has the fight with Frodo, Frodo puts the Ring on his finger, somehow it went from the chain he had it on to his finger without any problems. the next time he has the Ring is when he takes it off (no chain) and offers it to Strider (no chain) when he is down by the river, he has it on the chain in his hand...too much action going on with that chain. (01:12:30)

Correction: Afraid of Boromir, Frodo takes the Ring while still on the chain, quickly slips it on his finger, disappears and runs away (as we see the log that he steps on move). The next few shots are of Boromir finally coming to his senses. In that time Frodo, while STILL invisible wearing the Ring, CAN slip the chain off his head (it is long enough), simply undo the clasp (still wearing the Ring) and slip the chain into his pocket very easily. After the shots of Boromir, we have shots of Frodo wearing the Ring without the chain, while still invisible. Later, when Frodo offers the Ring to Aragorn, there is still no chain. Then when he is down by the shoreline there has been PLENTY of time to slip the Ring safely back onto its chain. In both instances there are perfectly plausible explanations.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Harry, Ron & Hermione are discussing the chamber, after Harry says 'But if there really is a chamber of secrets and it really has been opened,' you can see Malfoy, Crabbe & Goyle are just about to pass the group. Then it changes angles and Hermione says 'the heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts...' and it goes back to the wider angle and they're right behind them again.

Correction: There is nothing wrong with the walking continuity of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle behind Harry, Ron and Hermione. In the first wide shot of the entire hallway Malfoy et al are just walking closer, but STILL way behind when it cuts to a quick shot of Hermione. As the next close-up of Ron opens, Ron begins to speak as Malfoy is coming closer, then Malfoy et al pass Ron on his right.

Super Grover

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