Super Grover

27th Aug 2001

The Hitcher (1986)

Corrected entry: After C. Thomas Howell discovers a severed finger in his fries at the diner, he charges outside to be arrested by the cops. The cops grab him, pull his arms behind his back and throw him, chest first, onto the hood of his car. When they do this, his leg comes up so far behind the cops that it kicks one of the officers in the back of the head.

Correction: Jim accidentally kicking an officer does not qualify as a valid film mistake.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the sperm song, all the kids are in the living room. After the girl with no front teeth sings, all the kids stand up and say in unison "Every sperm is wanted." In the front shot, watch the kid in the green jumper. He forgets the word wanted and only starts singing it when the other kids do. It's quite funny. (Only noticeable on Special Edition DVD).

Correction: Amusing as this may be to watch, it isn't a film mistake.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Barbossa explains that because of the curse he can't feel a thing (not wind, woman, food) and sense they all have the same curse. How is it that, near the beginning of the film, Ragetti feels the coals when they fall on him?

Correction: This has already been submitted and corrected. Barbossa states, "Drink would not turned to ash...all the pleasure in the world couldn't slake our lust..." so it seems they cannot "feel" or enjoy pleasure. When the coals fall, Ragetti shouts that it's hot and burns, and later he also complains about his wooden eye hurting him, so it seems that he does feel a certain level of discomfort. When Elizabeth stabs Barbossa he does not display a reaction, however the tolerance of pain is subjective.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack is talking with Murtogg and Mullroy, the two then begin to argue amongst themselves, while Jack is in the background sneaking aboard the ship. Mullroy is holding his weapon next to him with the sworded edge, yet when the camera cuts to behind it's nowhere to seen, obviously allowing for the camera. From the front view it's back by his side, it is like this for several shots. (00:12:40)


Correction: Mullroy's bayonet is visible in all shots, it never disappears. In the two shots facing Interceptor Mullroy holds his fixed bayonet beside his head, directly in front of his right shoulder - at the edge of the left side of the screen, just as in the other shots.

Super Grover

27th Sep 2005

Jurassic Park III (2001)

Corrected entry: Spinosaurus was supposed to have straight teeth, yet in the plane sequence when there is a close up of the Spino grabbing Nash's leg, his teeth are curved back.

Correction: The fossilized teeth of a real Spinosaurus may indeed be straight, but the dinosaurs in the film have been created through research and DNA gene-splicing. Between the supercomputers, Dr. Wu and the research team at International Genetics Technologies they manage to replicate dinosaur DNA. However, they still are not precisely the same as the originals.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: For understandable reasons, when we cut to the close up of Andy's face during the waxing scene, no strips are actually taken off, though he reacts three times. You can tell because no additional hairless sections are evident when we cut back to the full shot, and because seven patches are taken off during the entire scene, which matches his body as well as the number of used wax strips lying on the bed. If he had actually been waxed during the close-up, he would have had ten patches.

Correction: Just as it is a frequent directorial decision to show action from multiple angles, in order to show the action from a different perspective, it is also common to show people's reactions to the single action, or sequence, repeatedly to heighten and enhance the drama or humor of the situation.

Super Grover

25th Sep 2005

Trick or Treat (1986)

Corrected entry: When Eddie does the laundry, the news broadcaster says "Good evening I'm Maggie Walfernandez and these are tonights top stories" indicating it should be dark out. However in following shots daylight is coming through all the windows and the back door.

Correction: Even news programs beginning at 5:00 pm, reporting on the issues of the day, would refer to it as something like, "Tonight's top stories" or "This evening's top stories," and as such, there is still daylight at that time of day, and for quite awhile thereafter.

Super Grover

24th Sep 2005

Troy (2004)

Corrected entry: When Odysseus leads the Greeks up the stairs and are trying to break through the gate that Paris and other Trojans are waiting for them on the other side, you see Paris draw an arrow and fix it to his bow. However, when the Greeks finally do break through the gate, he is seen in a self-shot drawing another arrow and quickly firing it again.

Correction: In the first shot, Paris raises the bow and nocked arrow - we do not see him let loose (note the distance between him and the window behind). Next shot is a close-up of the Greeks streaming in. In the third shot, as the Greeks begin battling Trojans in the background, Paris heads for the stairs in the foreground where he draws and lets loose the arrow - also seen in the fourth shot close-up (note the closer distance to the window). Between the first and third shots Paris could very well have let loose that first nocked arrow and turned around. No continuity error here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Marty, Jennifer, and Doc Brown travel to the year 2015. Shortly after landing the Delorean in an alley, if you look at the wall that leads out of it, you will see spray-painted on a wall the words "Class of '16".

Correction: It is quite common to refer to your future senior year of graduation, even while you're a freshman - so a freshman in September of '80 is part of the Class of '84, and that is what he/she will think of for the next four years.

Super Grover

16th Sep 2005

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Owen talks to Beru in the morning, she says, "I think so.", but her lips hardly move. (00:26:30)

Correction: Actually, when one says the words "I think so" it is unnecessary for the lips to "hardly move" at all.

Super Grover

2nd Sep 2005

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Corrected entry: When Lloyd is having his dream sequences, some of the settings involve Aspen, or a ski resort; but Lloyd is still under the impression that Aspen is a warm place.


Correction: While awake, though Lloyd may have the mistaken impression that Aspen is warm, it does not discount the fact that when asleep, anything is possible in dreams. So in his dream, the idea of a snowy Aspen, however inaccurate for him, is still only a dream.

Super Grover

31st Aug 2005

Passions (1999)

Correction: On the 8/23/05 episode, Ivy said that her last name is Crane, and there are several explanations. To try to deliberately impress the reporter (Chris) for whatever conniving reason, that she was once a Crane (married to Sheridan's brother Julian, no less), or it could have been an accidental slip of the tongue because she spent so many years as a Crane. But regardless of what the reason is, this is still just a character's mistake.

Super Grover

1st Sep 2005

Batman Returns (1992)

Corrected entry: In both scenes with the 'helicopter' umbrella, it shows simply the small spokes attached to the handle. Now, even if there were a motor small enough to drive the 'blades', its not spinning near fast enough, the 'blades' are nearly big enough to move any air, and the absence of a tail rotor would mean that anyone standing on the handle would be rotating the opposite direction as the blades.

Correction: At a certain point there must be a suspension of disbelief, when it comes to particular 'gadgets' in this movie and others like it. To actually put forth an explanation, as to why an umbrella-copter would not have the ability to fly is both silly and unremarkable.

Super Grover

1st Sep 2005

Titanic (1997)

Corrected entry: In the shot just before Jack is about to draw Rose's naked picture, Rose hands Jack a dime to pay for the drawing. However, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the portrait on the dime, was not the president until 1933-45, so a dime in 1912 would not have his picture on it.

Correction: The dime that Rose hands to Jack is a Barber dime, minted until 1916, and it features Miss Liberty, whose head is facing towards the right. The Roosevelt dime features Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who faces the opposite direction towards the left, and this dime has been minted since 1946.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the chest waxing scene, the woman doing the waxing is really laughing after the first pull. She manages (barely) to control herself during the next ones.

Correction: The woman laughs when she rips the hair off a grown man's chest - well this is not unrealistic at all, and quite surprising that she doesn't laugh some more with the next couple of tugs. Regardless, this is not a film mistake.

Super Grover

30th Aug 2005

Hot Shots! (1991)

Corrected entry: When Ramada is interviewing Topper in her office, she lists off the difficulties that his father had. She says "In 1971 his Visa card was cancelled." BankAmericard did not change its name to Visa until 1976.

Correction: In this instance it does not matter that National BankAmericard Inc. changed the name BankAmericard to the easy, memorable name Visa in 1976. Since it is the exact same card, it is hardly a mistake to have referred to it as the commonly known Visa card in the early 1990s, when the film was made - even though the card cancellation occurred in 1971, when it was still BankAmericard. Regardless, this is a character's choice of words, not a film mistake.

Super Grover

21st Aug 2005

Troy (2004)

Corrected entry: Near the start when we see Achilles on his ship with his soldiers, the camera cuts to a soldier walking along the rowers, in this shot we don't see the main sail, yet when it cuts to him again coming up to Achilles the main sail is just behind him. We should have been able to see this in the previous shot from the soldiers feet. (00:34:35)


Correction: When this shot opens the camera is way down low, just at the height of the starboard side rowers. The stern rigging at starboard are visible beside these men, when Eudorus' legs come into view, as he begins walking from the stern towards the bow. As the camera continues to follow Eudorus' legs, the base of the mast - which is farther up on deck, would be wholly impossible to see, because many other men's legs are on deck in front of Eudorus' legs, and because of the unusual angle of this shot. In the next overhead shot, Eudorus has already passed the mast and heads to Achilles at forward deck; and as a side note this does not grate with continuity, because it is unnecessary to see Eudorus walk the entire length of the deck on camera.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the opening shot when the camera pans towards to ship, note there is no large plank holding a sail, yet when we see Elizabeth and you look in the background, a plank and sail has suddenly appeared. (00:25:00 - 00:50:00)


Correction: In the opening shot of the film, just as it starts panning in on Dauntless in the foggy mist, the spritsail yard - with its furled spiritsail (the "large plank holding a sail"), IS visible in front of the fore-mast sail, directly above the ship's prominent figurehead, at the top of the screen. Much of the length of the bowspirit - from which the spritsail yard hangs, is blocked from view by the figurehead, as the shot is angled up, however, in the following shots on forward deck the bowspirit is more visible (note the figurehead below it).

Super Grover

Correction: After Barbossa slices Elizabeth's palm, in the first shot, he squeezes her hand closed so the blood stained medallion is tightly enclosed within her grasp, and as Barbossa grips her hand he turns her hand so it is palm side down, over the Aztec chest. It cuts to two shots of the pirates hooting and hollering - and we do not see Elizabeth's hand. Then in the fourth shot Barbossa holds Elizabeth's wrist, as he forces her to drop the medallion. There is plenty of time between the first and fourth shot for Barbossa to change his grip.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Just after Elizabeth threatens to drop the gold coin into the sea, her body's direction changes in subsequent shots from turned at a side to facing the captain of the Black Pearl. (00:38:20)


Correction: While Elizabeth's head faces Barbossa, the position of her body remains consistent within the shots, as she stands beside the guard rail holding the medallion over the water.

Super Grover

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