Super Grover

11th Sep 2015

Friends (1994)

Correction: Yes, we see the movements of someone in Monica's apartment (#20), who is either Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, or Ross, all of whom walk out of that apartment when they hear Rachel shouting.

Super Grover

11th Jan 2012

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: At the end of the film, they are in the helicopter and in the air, you see a shot of inside the helicopter. Outside the opposite window is land, then when the shot changes to view the large birds, they are flying above water. Inside is always land, outside is always water. Then when the camera pans out to view the helicopter fly away, it is above the ocean with no land in sight.


Correction: When they're all in the chopper at the end, the pilot's flying parallel to the island's coastline, with the island to one side and water at the other side. In the interior shots from the passenger cabin, whenever the camera faces the starboard window (behind the chopper pilot) the island vegetation is seen, and when Ellie and Alan look out the port side window we see the water. Then the last exterior shot is of the chopper as it flies out to the open waters, with the island already behind them. Nothing inconsistent about any of these shots.

Super Grover

3rd Feb 2016

Friends (1994)

Correction: The shower curtain is there in all shots. The first two shots where we can see the bathroom are from the angle near Joey's bedroom door (off set), and from that angle we actually do see the vertical edge of the grey shower curtain - between the bathtub and toilet, then we next see the bathroom from the angle near the foosball table so we're able to see much more of the shower curtain.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Finn and Rey climb the ladder and find Han and Kylo Ren on the bridge, Finn is wearing Poe's jacket (he is seen as if he had just put it on). But in the previous sequence, they started to climb the ladder with Rey wearing the jacket.

Lucy Villa

Correction: After their mission to disconnect wires and such in the other building, yes, we see Rey and Finn begin climbing the outside ladder while Rey's temporarily wearing Poe's jacket, however, quite a bit of time passes and there are more than a dozen shots of Han, Kylo Ren, and Chewie before we even see Finn and Rey again, appearing from the doorway while Finn's adjusting Poe's jacket that he has just put back on - Rey took it off and Finn put it back during offscreen time.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: While at Maz's castle, Finn's blaster suddenly goes missing. He had it when Maz gives him the lightsaber, but once he comes out of the castle it is gone. He even tells Maz that he needs a weapon. She reminds him about the saber. He has the blaster when he gets to the Resistance base.

Correction: There's really nothing sudden about it. Finn has the blaster while in the castle's basement with Han and Chewie, when Maz hands him the lightsaber, but then the First Order's attack rocks Maz's castle. After this we have no idea what transpires while they're all inside the castle, and quite a bit of time passes until we see Han, Chewie, Finn, and Maz climb out of the castle rubble, which is when Finn no longer has that weapon. And Finn does not have a blaster with him as he exits the Falcon, when they get to the Resistance base.

Super Grover

We do know what transpires when they're in the castle. According to deleted scenes and the novelization, Stormtroopers capture them and force Finn to drop his gun. Then Han begins to insult Snoke and the First Order (revealing he noticed Finn was wearing Stormtrooper boots and that's how he knew he was lying about who he was) and Maz uses the Force to collapse the corridor on the troopers, allowing them to escape. But Finn left the blaster behind.


30th Nov 2015

Game of Thrones (2011)

The Climb - S3-E6

Corrected entry: When Jamie Lannister, Brienne of Tarth and Lord Bolton are at the dining table discussing the fate of Jamie and Brienne, Lord Bolton suggests King Robert is keeping Jamie's father busy. However, at the time of this event King Robert is long dead, and Joffrey is the new king. (00:32:30)

Correction: Actually, Roose Bolton says, "King Robb is keeping your father quite busy," meaning Robb Stark the King of the North, not King Robert Baratheon, who has already died.

Super Grover

30th Sep 2015

M*A*S*H (1972)

Dreams - S8-E22

Corrected entry: When she comes down the steps in BJ's dream, the backdrop behind where she's standing at the top of the stairs is white. When BJ goes back to work, the OR doors open, and the top of the stairs is now black.

Movie Nut

Correction: What you're noting is BJ's dream (more a nightmare) with his wife Peg. She first appears at the top of a phantom stairway with a white backdrop, at the OR's outer doors - where stairs don't actually exist. When Peg leaves she walks up the phantom stairway with a black backdrop, which has moved and changed direction, and is now at the OR's inner doors - where stairs don't really exist either. During the dream BJ's dressed in a white tuxedo and they're dancing through the OR - where dancing never occurs. When Potter hands BJ the scalpel, BJ performs surgery in his tuxedo - which would never happen. This is a dream sequence involving a non-existent stairway with a non-existent backdrop, and formal attire and dancing in the OR. The significance of a stairway becomes clear in 9x14 "Oh, How We Danced" when BJ reveals to Hawkeye his dream of an evening with Peg. And even within this episode's dream we can infer that to BJ, seeing Peg with the white background at the top of the stairs of the outer room, is as if she's heaven-sent, and to him it represents life, joy, and being home with his wife, but later when they're in the OR Peg's forced to leave on the stairs which are now at the OR's doors, and within BJ's dream it's as if the OR is his personal hell and the black backdrop represents his reality of war, death, and BJ being away from his wife and family.

Super Grover

19th Oct 2015

Annie (2014)

Corrected entry: We learn that Annie is unable to read. If this is so then how was she able to read the note that she has with her?

Correction: When Annie's reading the note on the back of Domani's receipt for "the millionth time" we see that she's not actually reading it, because she has the words memorized. She treasures those words, and every time that note was read to her when she was younger it just became ingrained in her memory.

Super Grover

15th Oct 2015

Criminal Minds (2005)

Correction: Blake's overwrought because Reid pushed her out of the way of the bullet that hit him, so she calls him by her dead son's name - Ethan. At the end, when Blake accompanies Reid back to his apartment she says that seeing him like that touched a nerve, and Reid asks Blake who Ethan is, so she tells Reid all about her son Ethan who died when he was just nine years old, and also tells him that Ethan would have been a lot like him.

Super Grover

10th Apr 2015

Cinderella (2015)

Corrected entry: As Cinderella and the prince are leaving the home, her stepmother is standing on the staircase watching them. In the close-up there is a sconce with three candles on the wall to the stepmother's right. In the long shot the sconce and candles have vanished.

Correction: The second shot of Cinderella's stepmother is taken from beside the stairway - note the painting at the top of the stairs and the candle sconce at the bottom of the stairs, with three vertical rows of the wall's floral design between the painting and sconce. However, the first (and third) shot of Cinderella's stepmother is taken from the foyer - part of the stairway wall is blocked from view by the arched doorway, and viewers can only see two rows of the vertical floral design on the wall past the painting, so the sconce is just not visible from this angle.

Super Grover

28th Jul 2015

Criminal Minds (2005)

Protection - S10-E22

Corrected entry: When the teacher is being "mugged" she is wearing a flowery shirt and red cardigan but when the BAU show up she has a navy polka dot shirt on and a grey cardigan. Also the "mugger" has a dark shirt then a checked shirt. (00:15:45 - 00:16:30)

Charlotte Bell

Correction: This unsub was diagnosed with severe paranoid schizophrenia, and is currently in a delusional state, with his delusions driving his vigilantism. During the entire episode the unsub sees things that are not real, and we the viewers are seeing what he sees, such as his conversations with Patricia and Melina Valdez, whom he had already killed. In the unsub's delusional state, the teacher wears a reddish sweater and flowery dress, and "mugger" wears a black jacket, which is different from what they're wearing in reality as we can see when the bodies are found. It also happens with the young woman and her boyfriend - in the unsub's delusional state she wears a reddish sweater and flowery dress and boyfriend's in a black jacket, but in reality she's wearing a black tank top and black pants, and in her account of the incident the boyfriend's in a tee shirt.

Super Grover

5th Mar 2015

Criminal Minds (2005)

Demons - S9-E24

Corrected entry: The female agent is with Spencer Reid after he is shot and is saying to him to stay with her and starts calling his name, "Ethan, Ethan." His name is Spencer.

Correction: Yes, Alex does call Spencer by her dead son's name Ethan. This was done quite intentionally in the script. At the end of the episode, when Alex accompanies Spencer back to his apartment after he's released from the hospital, Spencer asks Alex who Ethan is, and she tells Spencer about her son, who died when he was nine, then tells Spencer that Ethan would have been a lot like Spencer. Rather poignant.

Super Grover

Pilot - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When Charlie and Jake walk into the kitchen for the first time after going shopping, there is a dent in the fridge, when Alan comes in a few seconds later, the dent is gone.


Correction: The small dent doesn't vanish. It really is just the camera's angle, and how the lighting hits the fridge's stainless steel surface which affects the visibility of the small dent. We can still see the dent when Alan tries to open the glued cabinets.

Super Grover

6th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Correction: When Billy Zimmer is introduced to Roy and John, what he actually says is, "Gentlemen, how do you do."

Super Grover

24th Feb 2014

Jaws (1975)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Brody picks up a floating oxygen tank, revealing that it's empty. Full tanks would sink from their weight, not float.

Correction: The Aqua-Lung scuba cylinder is not floating, it's lying on the cabin table's wood debris which is moving about, with water splashing all around it. Nothing reveals the scuba cylinder to be empty.

Super Grover

24th Feb 2014

Jaws (1975)

Corrected entry: Brody hands Hooper the spear gun while he's in the shark cage. Seconds later he's cleaning off his goggles using both hands. So where did the spear gun go?

Correction: Brody holds out the hypodermic spear (shark dart filled with strychnine nitrate) while Hooper wipes his goggles and places it around his head.

Super Grover

24th Feb 2014

Jaws (1975)

Corrected entry: When Quint is being attacked, his machete is in his left hand. When he's dragged into the water, it's in his right hand.

Correction: The machete does not change hands between shots. Quint is holding the machete in his left hand, then there's a closeup of the shark's snout, and then a closeup of Quint's face as he spits blood, and it's not until the fourth shot we see Quint holding the machete in his right hand, which he had time to do during those closeups.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the shot where Bart is causing avalanches, there is no lake/river by the house. When Homer decides to go and save his family one has suddenly appeared. (00:45:55)


Correction: We see the body of water at the bottom of the hill, below the cabin, when Maggie is lying on the ground making a snow angel, right before Bart claps and causes the avalanche.

Super Grover

5th Jul 2013

World War Z (2013)

Corrected entry: After the cop breaks off the side view mirror of the family car and they take off to follow the trash truck, it is back on.

Correction: It's not back on - there's a brief shot where it looks like it is, but a closer examination will show the broken wing mirror mounting is just conveniently lined up with a white marking on the road.

Super Grover

2nd May 2013

Benidorm (2007)

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1

Corrected entry: At the start of the episode when Mick asks Janice if she wants anything from the shops, he is wearing a white wristband. In the next shot when he crosses the road the wristband has changed to red.

Correction: The wristband he wears is red plastic that has a white insert, with Solana written on it. Most of Solana Resort's guests wear it. The red and white color duo is visible on Mick's wrist (as well as other guests' wrists) during the episode.

Super Grover

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