Super Grover

26th Aug 2003

The Goonies (1985)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the kids are entering the hole in the basement of the lighthouse (i.e. the start of the tunnel), Data is seen wearing a pair of white Nike shoes. In the next shot, where his feet are coming down the tunnel, his shoes have changed to a pair of grey/black Nikes.

Correction: Those are not Data's sneakers they are Mouth's black Nikes. We first see a close-up of the bottom of Data's legs, wearing the folded blue jeans and white high-top Nikes with the blue swoosh, stepping down just over Stef's head as she is descending. Then we see a close-up of the bottom of Mouth's legs wearing his zippered space pants and black low-top Nikes. Then we see a shot of Data's face as he is heading down. Data's sneakers never change.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the phantom and Zohan are discussing shoes and the Zohan lifts his feet fighting the enemies, Zohan has one foot with a sock on and one without.

Correction: Unless there is more to this entry this is not considered a valid mistake. Please reword the submission to clarify the continuity error, and resubmit it. Such as, Zohan wears two socks and then one disappears, or Zohan wears only one sock and then instantly wears two.

Super Grover

13th Nov 2008

The Happening (2008)

Corrected entry: When Mark Wahlberg goes to look in the abandoned truck for a map, the door chime is sounding but the driver's door is closed, only the passenger door is open.

Correction: When my van's front passenger door is left open the door chimes as well.

Super Grover

27th Aug 2001

Independence Day (1996)

Corrected entry: As LA is destroyed, you see Jasmine sitting in her car. As she turns around in her seat to see the fire ball coming at her, you see the entrance to the tunnel is an arch. As she runs through the tunnel, the ground is level. But the morning after, she has to climb up to get back out of the tunnel entrance, which is now a complete circle. It looks as if she's coming out of a large drain pipe. (00:48:55 - 00:52:30)

Correction: The tunnel Jasmine and all the others are in has a four car lane width. The hole she and Dylan walk through is hardly wider than the width of a single car. Just look at its Octagonal nut-like edge that is seen in the wideshot, when Jasmine emerges - that hole is not supposed to be the tunnel's exit or entrance! Actually, it IS a large concrete drainage pipe from the tunnel's storm water run-off control system, which was dislodged during the massive devastation.

Super Grover

18th Aug 2005

Independence Day (1996)

Corrected entry: When David is outside of the White House and he calls Conny, she walks over to the window with her phone by her right ear, then she swaps it to her left when she's looking out the window, but in a shot of her looking out the window, it is back by her right ear. (00:40:40)


Correction: No, it is not. After David calls Connie and she switches the phone to her left hand, before she pulls the curtain back, in the next interior shot, facing David and Julius outside, it is Connie's right hand that we see holding the curtain. Then it cuts to a close-up of Connie, who is STILL holding the phone in her left hand, just before her arm drops down as her mouth drops open in shock.

Super Grover

10th Sep 2003

Lucy (2003)

Corrected entry: While Arnaz is known as a womanizer during his marriage to Ball, Ball herself was known to have extra-matrial affairs in the last few years of their marriage. She is depicted as a faithful wife in the film which is untrue in real life.


Correction: "Untrue in real life" is just an opinion, thereby not valid. Though some have made claims, such as Zsa Zsa Gabor's allegation, Lucille Ball's lack of marital fidelity has never once been substantiated, whereas Desi's has.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the reptile house at the zoo, Dudley yells at his parent to come and see what the snake Harry is looking at is doing. The problem is that Dudley is facing the opposite wall when he yells out and hasn't even seen the snakes' enclosure yet.

Correction: The Burmese Python is lying down motionless at the bottom of its enclosure, when Dudley decides it's boring and walks to the exhibit behind Harry. During the conversation with Harry, the snake perks up, raises its head up high, to Harry's shoulder level, then moves about very animatedly when Harry turns to look at the zoo sign and continues talking. The next time we even see Dudley, his head and body are already turned halfway towards Harry's direction, whereupon he shouts for his parents to come see what the snake is doing. It is clear from Dudley's body position that he has just seen the snake's very noticeable actions, as it was speaking to Harry.

Super Grover

2nd Nov 2008

Cars (2006)

Corrected entry: During the flashback sequence of the interstate opening, we can see that Guido was already in Radiator Springs back then, which was some time in 1950's or 1960's. How come after living at least forty years in the United States, among cars speaking English, he hasn't learned the language besides "pit stop" and few other words? It can't count as the character's mistake since, no matter who you are, after years of living in society speaking different language it's natural to you to understand at least basic sentences.

Correction: No, actually it isn't quite as natural as you might think. Coming from NYC, I know/knew people who are/were (some have passed away) immigrants from many places, including Italy (Sicily as two would put it) and Greece, who have been living in the States for 40-50 (or more) years, but who still cannot put a coherent English sentence together. They speak their native languages to children, grandchildren, etc. Amusing how one woman had a fit when she learned of a grandchild goofing off in school, and then yelled in her native language for the student to take learning in America more seriously...

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Troy sings his song alone in the darkened gym, there are six retired jerseys hanging on the wall, including his own and Chad's. Schools don't usually retire the jerseys of athletes who are still there.

Correction: Schools may not "usually" do it, but it does not mean a school would never do it. Besides, Troy and Chad have played their final game as Wildcats, so they are no longer active members of the team.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack and Will first go onto the Interceptor they are dry even though they just came out of the water.

Correction: Well actually, they didn't "just" come out of the water. It takes a good bit of time to carefully climb up the huge backside of Dauntless, wrap the rope around the rudder chain (to disable it), then continue up to the deck. Their clothing dries up in that long span of time.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the Evans siblings are sitting in the library, copying the article about Gabriella winning a math contest, the picture of her is on the left side of the text, on the computer, but when it comes out of the copying machine it is on the right side of the text.

Correction: When Sharpay and Ryan search the internet, the top two results refer to Gabriella. Sharpay clicks on the the first, under the heading "Whiz Kid Leads School to Scholastic..." and the story comes up with a photo to the right, showing Gabriella in a blue shirt holding a plaque, to which Ryan remarks, "Wow! An Einsteinette." Then, when Sharpay clicks on the second top result under the heading "Sun High Marvel Aces Statewide...", the story comes up with a photo on the left, showing Gabriella in a yellow striped shirt holding a tall trophy. When Taylor rushes over to Gabriella during detention she is holding two folded sheets, with the two different stories and photos. Although we see Sharpay removing only one of the printouts, she obviously made copies of BOTH stories to sneakily place in Taylor's locker. We don't have to actually be shown every action on screen.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene when Gabriella is in her room after talking to Troy about her leaving for college early, she looks at a picture of her and Troy from the scene in HSM2 when they sneak a picnic on the golf course right before the get caught by Mr. Fulton. In that scene in HSM2 there was no one there to take that picture of them.

Correction: They were not alone. Sharpay and Ryan were also there, spying on Gabriella and Troy. All it takes is a cell phone camera to capture a pic of the couple. After the group's talent show performance, Ryan, or even Sharpay could have then easily forwarded that photo to Gabriella and Troy as a nice gesture, which they printed up.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Jack observes the spinning wheel, the gear at the top runs along a separate thread and not between the planks of wood, which he then threads the chain through for the gear to crush.

Correction: Once the donkey is 'motivated' to move the two large gears rotate horizontally. There is also a very small gear, whose teeth spin anti-clockwise, vertically, which is located near the unconscious Mr. Brown. This small gear is seen in a few shots. Jack places his shackle links on the large gear's wood teeth, which engages with the small gear's teeth to break the links, in the close-up. There is no error here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Jamie says she was diagnosed with leukaemia two years ago, and that she wasn't responding to treatment, which means she had some in the first place. Both chemotherapy and radiotherapy would cause her hair to fall out, but Jamie has really long hair only two years later, and there is never any indication of it being a wig.

Correction: First, there are lovely human hair wigs available that allow the wearer to look completely natural. Case in point, when Robin Roberts, a Good Morning America anchor, lost her hair while battling breast cancer she wore a wig on air that was so flattering that many viewers had no clue it was a wig. Second, treatment for leukemia can also include monoclonal antibody therapy (such as Gemtuzumab) or immunotherapy, not just chemo and radiation.

Super Grover

2nd Jan 2008

Enchanted (2007)

Corrected entry: After the battle with the stepmother/dragon, she falls and pulls part of the four corner towers down with her. But after Giselle and Robert stop sliding and kiss on the roof the camera zooms out and all four tower are there and intact.

Correction: When Narissa falls, she hits the spire tower located beside the ballroom balcony - just note Nancy's, Edward's and Nathaniel's reactions, as they look to their left when Narissa hits it. When Giselle and Robert slide down the center green steeple tower, as the camera pans out we are only able to see the four spire towers located right at the steeple's base. Since the ballroom is many floors below, we are unable to see the broken spire tower at the corner of the building's stone facade.

Super Grover

25th Aug 2008

Camp Rock (2008)

Corrected entry: In the very beginning when we see Mitchie wake up, her hair is straight as a pin, and not the slightest bit messy. In no shot do we see her flat ironing her hair or doing something similar.

Correction: This is not unrealistic and in fact not a movie mistake. My niece has always had perfectly straight hair, and when she awakens it pretty much looks perfect (a source of annoyance for her wavy haired sister). Her straight hair is rarely mussed up, and it never requires "flat ironing or something similar".

Super Grover

11th Sep 2004

The Muppet Movie (1979)

Corrected entry: The movie opens with a sweeping crane shot into the movie studio where the Muppets will watch the screening of their movie. The movie studio gate is topped with a statue of a movie director with a globe spinning on his finger. The globe is spinning the wrong direction, with the continents moving to the West.

Greg B

Correction: So the statue with its spinning globe is not accurate in its depiction of Earth's rotation. Even within the context of this movie, it was created by an artist/technician ignorant in these matters and who simply did not know any better. It happens. This is not a movie mistake.

Super Grover

Correction: You can't presume to be an authority on Bikini Bottom's system of mail, specifically when mail can or can't be delivered or picked up in this bizarre fictional world. Or if the mailman is simply wearing it off work.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Frank-N-Furter is singing and slowly walking out over the swimming pool in the mist just before jumping in, you can see him carefully feel for the edge of the platform with his foot. (01:20:50)

Correction: There is no reason why Frank-N-Furter should not need to feel for its edge, so he can jump in. Not a movie mistake.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Wormtail slices his own flesh in order to revive Voldemort, he cuts off his wrist before the shot switches to Harry. Later on, as Wormtail approaches harry to receive his blood, his arm is missing from the elbow.

Correction: The length of Wormtail's arm, after the hand has been severed, remains consistent during this scene. It is never "missing from the elbow".

Super Grover

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