
16th Dec 2021

The Punisher (1993)

1st Feb 2010

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Ghostbusters 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the dancing toaster scene, the pool balls' position differ depending on if the wide or close angle focuses. (00:41:25)


1st Feb 2010

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Ghostbusters 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the judge tells the men to stand up, the position of the books in front of them on the table changes position between shots. (00:31:40)


13th Aug 2009

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Ghostbusters 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Ghostbusters arrive at the museum, and Egon tells Peter what he's found about Vigo, while speaking to each other Peter gets a bag and hangs it around his neck. In the shot where you only see Peter's back you can easily see the strap hanging straight down. But in the shot where Peter's face is visible, he's holding up the strap with his hand quite high. Cutting back to Peter's back the strap is hanging straight down again. (00:50:20)


27th Aug 2001

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

Ghostbusters 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dana and Oscar are at Venkman's place right after the scene where the bathtub attacks them, there is a slight mistake. Dana is shown from her left side, and she is holding Oscar. Oscar turns his head towards the camera, and almost immediately the view changes, and Dana is shown from her right side. Only thing wrong is that Oscar is still looking at the camera without ever turning his head. (00:46:15)

4th Sep 2003

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the heros arrive at Dana's building, they're saluted by a crowd. If you pay close attention, you'll see the same extra in two different positions (he's the young - and very "happy" - guy wearing a grey suit and a purple tie). (01:19:30)


23rd Jul 2014

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters trivia picture

Trivia: After the containment unit explodes, adult film star Ron Jeremy can be seen among the crowd witnessing the chaos, on the left side of the screen behind a blue police barrier.

18th Sep 2013

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dana opens the door of her refrigerator and sees the temple with a terror dog, the shelf has a bottle with a green cap and a jar with a white lid at the end of it, but when Dana slams the refrigerator after the dog says "Zuul!", both items have disappeared. (00:20:00)

23rd Apr 2013

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the hotel manager refuses to pay the bill after the Ghostbusters capture the green ghost (Slimer), you can see he is putting his handkerchief into his top pocket with his left hand, but in the very next shot he can be seen putting the handkerchief in the pocket with both hands. (00:38:50)

18th Mar 2014

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Louis asks if anybody wants to play Parcheesi at his party, there is a lady sporting a red vest behind him, standing in front of a wall with framed photos. Two shots later, she's standing in front of the kitchen next to a bespectacled man. The very next shot, she's teleported back to where she was initially, in front of the wall. (00:53:25)


27th Aug 2001

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man has a red bow tie on as he walks down the streets of New York, which disappears in one shot as the Ghostbusters fire at him. (01:30:45 - 01:32:05)

29th Feb 2012

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Revealing mistake: A shot from above Dana Barret's apartment, from just above a statue looking down on the road below: The statue in the foreground is partially transparent. We can see the double yellow line on the street go straight through one of the statue's upper fangs, and one of the white lane dividers going through the statue's lower jaw. Viewed on Bluray disc. (00:16:50)

27th Aug 2001

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the Lincoln Center (that place Dana's orchestra plays at) the nerd with her has his case and they're leaving when Peter is there. Nerd-boy goes off to the side and waits. When they start off again, his case pops back and forth unhumanly between being carried under his arm and in his hand between long and close shots about 3 times. (00:44:34)

27th Aug 2001

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dana returns to her apartment (the first time we see her do so) she is carrying a bag of groceries. The contents at the top of the grocery bag change with each shot: one time celery, then bread, then eggs, etc. (00:17:00)

20th Apr 2006

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The large blue book that Peter drops on the table to startle Egon disappears off the table in the next shot. (00:07:10)

26th Jul 2011

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters trivia picture

Trivia: In the opening scene in New York Public Library, the librarian walks down the reading room with her trolley full of books and a man appears and walks across the screen. This man is the film's associate producer, Joe Medjuck. (00:00:55)

12th Oct 2021

Queen's Glory

Queen's Glory mistake picture

Other mistake: When your creepy uncle shows his true colors and demands for your 'obedience', several Engrish misspellings can be observed, most notably "farther" instead of "father."


Captain America and The Avengers mistake picture

Character mistake: In the Arcade version, Klaw and the Living Laser ask your hero of choice with a bit of annoyance not to be 'disturbed', and the hero's reply is; "WHY SHOULD IT GOES WELL?"


The Suicide Squad mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Waller is telling "Task Force X" about the additional mission they need to pursue, saving Rick Flag. Watch the shot when Bloodsport repeats "Rick Flag?" and Waller replies "I know." The team is going through dense, uninhabited tropical jungle, but in the trees there are people in T-shirts just standing around looking at them. (00:31:50)


21st Aug 2021

Fast & Furious 9 (2021)

Fast & Furious 9 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the first face-off between Jakob and Dominic, Letty's bike lies on the ground facing opposite directions depending on the camera angle. (00:21:40)


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