
2nd Jun 2021

Halloween 4 (1988)

Question: Unless he went through adoption records, how would Michael know where his niece lived?


Answer: In Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, it's revealed that Michael is under the control of a Druid cult using supernatural powers making him indestructible. It's most likely, they gave him the power to sense his own bloodline.

Michael also first encounters his niece in the drugstore, not at her home. After the encounter, he very well could have simply followed Rachel and Jaime home and learned where she lived that way.


Question: Assuming people knew, how did Marston avoid trouble for living with two wives?


Answer: Though it may be considered immoral and socially unacceptable, particularly during the film's 1940s time frame, it is not illegal to live with multiple people in a sexual relationship. It is only illegal to be married to more than one person at the same time. Marston was not a bigamist. He was legally married to his wife, Elizabeth. They engaged in a consensual polyamorous (not polygamous) relationship with Olive, who was not married to Marston.


Question: How did Antiope know Diana cheated? Why allow her to compete in this contest if she wasn't allowed to train, at first, in the previous movie?


Answer: The competitors had to light up the cloth banner beacons using their bows and arrows. Diana finished the course but missed one blue beacon by taking the cave shortcut, so the general grabs her and disqualifies her.

Answer: In the first movie, Diana was much younger and unready to start combat training. In the second movie, the flashback scene takes place some years after that, and Diana has since grown and been in training. During the competition, there were observers along the entire course to ensure that everyone followed the rules, attended to any mishaps, etc. If anyone cheated or failed to complete the required tasks, it would immediately be reported to Antiope.


Answer: Because she is a scientist with some OCD personality traits. She sees everything black and white. Same as Sheldon.


Show generally

Question: Why did they let Benson adopt? Given she's single and has a dangerous job wouldn't this be carefully scrutinized? After all, she could end up dead, thus the boy goes back into the system.


Answer: As this particular adoption case the judge presiding over it personally knew Olivia; that can make all the difference in the process as most adoptions are presided by judges who do not know the person and are going solely off how they look on paper as to whether or not it can be approved. This was likely the case of when Olivia mentioned she had previously been turned down for adoption. With Noah not being a healthy infant, the judge would not want to be too picky with who can adopt him as unhealthy infants have a high risk of never being adopted. With the judge personally knowing Olivia, that would help seal her confidence that even in the event of Olivia's death Olivia would have already made sure it would be pre-arranged for Noah to be cared for rather than put back in the system.

21st May 2021

My Name Is Earl (2005)

Show generally

Question: Doesn't Earl have to pay state tax or whatever on his lottery winnings, and thus would be down to only 88 grand or so?


Answer: He would definitely have to pay a Federal income tax, but state tax laws vary. My own state does not have an income tax, and instead collects revenue through sales taxes.


20th May 2021

Joker (2019)

Question: When the ambulance rams the police car Arthur's in was this accidental or intentional? If intentional how'd the guy driving it know Arthur would be in it?


Answer: I think they intentionally rammed a police car, not because Joker was in it but simply because it was a police car.


Answer: I think the guy stole the ambulance and intentionally rammed the police car because they were rioting against the police.

9th May 2021

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Answer: As noted elsewhere here Jeannie is speaking Farsi.

What are the several things she says in Farsi? Please translate.

Answer: Regarding the three wishes, there was never any set-in-stone rule or belief. This appears to originate from "The Ridiculous Wishes" or "The Three Ridiculous Wishes" that is a French literary fairy tale written by Charles Perrault and was published in 1697. It sort of set the standard for genie rules that later appeared in other folk tales and then in movies and TV shows. Like vampire lore, common details can be changed by any author to suit their story.


Answer: She's speaking Persian. And there was never a 3 wish rule. When Tony freed her, he became her master, and she'd do anything for him (i.e. grant his every wish).


Answer: He's either saying people from New Jersey are good at revenge or just tough and awesome.


9th Apr 2021

Monk (2002)

Answer: It seems like a good lawyer could tear that to shreds. "When I said I'd never seen her before, I meant up close, in the same room. Look, a teenager had just falsely accused me of rape, you can't blame me for panicking a little bit."

Brian Katcher

Answer: Entrapment in and of itself is not legal. Entrapment entails the police (or agents of the police/government) forcing or tricking an otherwise law-abiding citizen into committing a crime; the person would lack the necessary intent to be convicted. However, merely providing (an already willing) person with the opportunity to commit a crime is not entrapment. Without knowing the specifics of the case you are referring to, it is impossible to know if there was entrapment. At the same time, the police know what does and does not constitute true "entrapment", so are not likely to try entrapping anyone - they would lose the case, defeating their efforts.


Question: Are Violet and Mike stuck as being blue and stretched out permanently?


Answer: It's left vague in the film, but in the book, it's made clear that yes, they are stuck that way.

Answer: In the original movie with Gene Wilder, Wonka assures Charlie that "they will be returned to their nasty selves." In this version they are stuck like that forever as a lesson to other children.

Answer: It's unknown if they'll stay that way for the rest of their lives or if they'll eventually return to normal.

Question: When did Martian Manhunter get to Earth, why did he assume Martha Kent's identity, and where is she during Justice League?


Answer: Martian Manhunter is played by Harry Lennix, who also plays General Swanwick, a character who appears in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (and we can see he transforms back into Swanwick he leaves), revealing that Swanwick was Martian Manhunter the whole time, so the indication is he got to Earth before Man of Steel. He assumed Martha's identity to speak with Lois, specifically to have a heart to heart with her as she is depressed due to Clark's death. Martha is present every other time we see her, when she leaves the Kent home at the beginning and when she reunites with Clark later on. This scene was the only time Martian Manhunter used her identity.

Casual Person

4th Apr 2021

Baywatch (2017)

Answer: A nod to the original show.

Question: So when we see Cheetah again she's sitting there seemingly human once more. Does she still have her other powers?


Answer: She feels sad for letting her personal fears and greed for power consume her. As for getting home, like Robert Shaw said at the end of Force Ten from Navarone, "We have a very long walk back home."

Answer: The way I interpreted the ending (which is up for debate obviously in a different forum) was it was the act of Max Lord renouncing his wish which caused Barbara to lose her cheetah powers. It also caused every other unrenounced wish to be lost. Barbara wouldn't have been able to hear the broadcast or Wonder Woman telling the world to renounce their wish (it would also explains how all the wishes were rescinded without everyone having to be listening to Max). It's unclear if she lost her initial wish though (to be more like Diana). It's possible we'll find out what happened to her in a follow up Wonder Woman/Justice League film, but I highly doubt it.


Answer: No. When everyone in the world all renounced their wish, Barbara renouncing her wish would have resulted in her losing both her Cheetah powers and the ability to be more like Diana.

Casual Person

Well then why does she look sad for having done the right thing and how's she going to get home?


Sad because she's lost her powers, her getting home is her problem and not plot-relevant.

22nd Mar 2021

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Answer: The storyline was that Jessica was teaching classes in New York. However, after so many seasons and as ratings declined, it was probably to freshen up the series with a different locale, introduce new characters, and have a greater variety of situations in which Jessica could solve murders. It was already unbelievable that so many people could be murdered in the small town of Cabot Cove. Being in a large city like New York makes it a tiny bit more plausible.


16th Mar 2021

Superman III (1983)

Answer: After publicly disagreeing with the producers' decision to fire Richard Donner, they reduced her role to nothing more than a cameo.


Question: How did Hank's wife Janet survive all those years in the quantum realm?


Answer: Hank asks Janet a question about the energy from her hands, and she hints that the quantum realm changes you: not just adaptation but evolution (or mutation!) which gave her certain abilities which may have helped her survive. It's also hinted that she was involved with/accepted into a civilization which existed in the quantum realm and you see a city in the distance as they depart.


Answer: Because she is not the mother-type. She is a very emotionally detached person. She probably got children for the prospect of them being successful and interesting to her work. Not because she likes raising them or take care of them.


Answer: On the show, orange uniforms are worn by the new inmates, while the khaki is the longer-term population. Generally, there's no standardized meaning of the colors as every prison has their own color-coding system. For example, red could mark more dangerous inmates. Other colors could indicate lower-risk prisoners, ones with health issues, area designations, and so on.


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