
17th Sep 2021

Batman: Arkham Origins

Answer: It's called a Bantu knot and it is similar to other historical Afro-texture - also known as kinky - hairstyles. Within the context of the show, the reason for the hairstyle is she probably just likes the look. Within the context of producing the show, they might have felt the hairstyle helped accentuate her deranged facial expressions.


Answer: After which episode are you talking about a wig change? According to Katy Sagal, she didn't start wearing a wig until season 3. The first 3 seasons she would just do her own hair. Once the show became successful is when the show bought her a wig. Any changes to her hair style during the first 3 seasons would be natural. They may have used a couple different wigs later just to keep her hair style changing.


4th Sep 2021

Paul (2011)

Question: When Paul's curing Ruth's eye condition his eye glows, what does this mean?


Answer: Nothing, it was to show him using his mental powers.

4th Sep 2021

Halloween II (1981)

Question: Why would Laurie ever go and visit Michael in the asylum?


Answer: Maybe she wanted to see her brother and was too young to "understand" the severity of what he did? Maybe her adoptive family thought it would be good for her to try and have some sort of relationship with her brother so they took her to visit him? Etc. Pick your poison. There's any number of valid reasons why the relative of a criminal might go to visit their family member in prison or an asylum.


Answer: She didn't, the movie picks up were the first one left off, on the same night. She went directly to the hospital and stayed there all night.

No I mean when she's in the hospital. She dreams that she's visiting him at Smith's Grove.


2nd Aug 2021

Power Rangers (2017)

Question: How does Rita get that green outfit and how is she bullet proof?


Answer: Rita was originally a part of Zordon's power rangers, and she was the green ranger of the team, so she would still have it. Rita may have magical abilities that would explain how she was unable to be harmed from bullets. Either that or her suit is bullet proof.

Answer: He took her into space because of bad writing and special effects.

Originally, he wasn't supposed to take her into outer space, but to the skies above Metropolis.

Answer: I think that he took her there because he wanted her to see Superman's ultimate defeat.

Answer: There is no logical reason for him to take her there.

2nd Aug 2021

The Wrong Missy (2020)

Question: Given Tim had "The Right Missy"s phone number how could he have mistakenly texted the other one?


Answer: Because he had both girls in his phone as "Missy" and he didn't check which Missy he was texting or forgot he had the "wrong" Missy in his phone.


15th Jul 2021

Spider-Man (1994)

Answer: I don't think the intent is for her to be a cyborg. Since she suffered a facial disfiguration and had no access to medical treatment or reconstructive surgery, the mask on her face probably serves to hide her scars. Plus, since she's the episode's villain, it helps to make her look more menacing.


9th Jul 2021

Halloween (2007)

Answer: He knew she was Laurie's friend.

But he didn't spare Lynda, and she was also Laurie's friend.


Lynda was vulgar towards him in the beginning, and they also broke into what used to be his home to have sex. Honestly, not surprised he ended up killing her and her boyfriend (who are another representation of his sister and her boyfriend whom he killed).

Annie was either bait or he just had not finished yet.

9th Jul 2021

Urban Legend (1998)

Question: How can Natalie and Michelle get only probation for causing someone's death?


Answer: They would have been charged with vehicular manslaughter, not even a felony in some jurisdictions. If it was a first offense and/or they lied about what happened, probation wouldn't be off the mark.


28th Jun 2021

Wonder Woman (1976)

Answer: The first actress, Cloris Leachman appeared in the TV movie which ended up being the pilot for the series. At the time, Leachman was already starring in her own TV series "Phyllis" (a spin off her role in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"). This was actually the 2nd TV movie meant to be a pilot and the first one wasn't picked up. It's unlikely she thought the show would be picked up. After season 1, in which Carolyn Jones played the role, ABC was slow to make a decision to pick up the series for season 2 and CBS picked up the series. When CBS picked up the series, they changed the time setting of the show and replaced all the actors, with the exception of Carter and Waggoner (with Waggoner playing a different role technically), resulting in Beatrice Straight being cast.


Answer: It is typical to recast non-regular cast members in a TV series, usually because they are no longer available or another actor was better suited for the part. Non-regular actors move on to other acting jobs during a series' run. Cloris Leachman, Carolyn Jones, and Beatrice Straight, who played Hippolyta, were well-known character actresses who were billed as "Guest Stars." Cloris Leachman was only in the show's pilot episode and was on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Carolyn Jones played Hippolyta during Season 2, then was cast in the TV mini-series "Roots." Beatrice Straight played Hippolyta in the final season.


25th Jun 2021

Incredibles 2 (2018)

Question: Why did it take 14 years for this sequel to happen?


Answer: The writer and director, Brad Bird, wanted to wait until he came up with a story that he deemed worthy of telling. This wait would ultimately take fourteen years.

Casual Person

25th Jun 2021

Halloween (1978)

Question: If Tommy and Lindsey both had babysitters why couldn't they go trick or treating?


Answer: Tommy was in an astronaut costume so it kind of implies he went trick or treating earlier.

My friends and I dressed up a lot to get into the spirit of Halloween and not go trick or treating so doesn't really imply anything.


Answer: Who said they weren't allowed to go trick or treating? They both seemed more interested in the movies than anything else.


2nd Jun 2021

Supergirl (1984)

Answer: It's never explained, she could have changed at super speed. In Superman II, when confronted by the super criminals at the Fortress of Solitude, Superman did a disappearing and reappearing act. So did the criminals. It might be a similar thing.

2nd Jun 2021

Batman: Arkham City

Answer: Batman later in the game discovers that Hugo Strange has been supplying everybody with weapons, so he would have given Two-Face the vat of acid.

2nd Jun 2021

Halloween 4 (1988)

Question: Unless he went through adoption records, how would Michael know where his niece lived?


Answer: In Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, it's revealed that Michael is under the control of a Druid cult using supernatural powers making him indestructible. It's most likely, they gave him the power to sense his own bloodline.

Michael also first encounters his niece in the drugstore, not at her home. After the encounter, he very well could have simply followed Rachel and Jaime home and learned where she lived that way.


Question: Assuming people knew, how did Marston avoid trouble for living with two wives?


Answer: Though it may be considered immoral and socially unacceptable, particularly during the film's 1940s time frame, it is not illegal to live with multiple people in a sexual relationship. It is only illegal to be married to more than one person at the same time. Marston was not a bigamist. He was legally married to his wife, Elizabeth. They engaged in a consensual polyamorous (not polygamous) relationship with Olive, who was not married to Marston.


Question: How did Antiope know Diana cheated? Why allow her to compete in this contest if she wasn't allowed to train, at first, in the previous movie?


Answer: The competitors had to light up the cloth banner beacons using their bows and arrows. Diana finished the course but missed one blue beacon by taking the cave shortcut, so the general grabs her and disqualifies her.

Answer: In the first movie, Diana was much younger and unready to start combat training. In the second movie, the flashback scene takes place some years after that, and Diana has since grown and been in training. During the competition, there were observers along the entire course to ensure that everyone followed the rules, attended to any mishaps, etc. If anyone cheated or failed to complete the required tasks, it would immediately be reported to Antiope.


Answer: Because she is a scientist with some OCD personality traits. She sees everything black and white. Same as Sheldon.


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