
Correction: He also may have gotten the idea for doing magic to get girls to his room, but actually started doing it to cheer up his mother.


Correction: And Wolowitz is known to exaggerate the truth.


25th Feb 2016

Prison Break (2005)

Bolshoi Booze - S2-E11

Corrected entry: The bad guy shoots a suppressed pistol, and Lincoln doesn't hear it, but instead is alarmed and can flee because he can hear the shell casing hit the floor like hearing a pin drop. A suppressed 9mm pistol can be heard very loudly indoors. (00:06:45)

Correction: This is incorrect, We are shown the gunshot, victim falling and the casing dropping to the floor all in slow motion, followed by Linc hearing a noise. There is no way to determine what noise he heard as we don't see him until all 3 things have happened.


8th Dec 2006

The Simpsons (1989)

Trilogy of Error - S12-E18

Corrected entry: In the scene where Homer is in the bathroom, Marge yells to Homer for breakfast. We see him running naked without a towel but by the time Homer, Bart, and Lisa get to the breakfast table, Homer is wearing his usual shirt and trousers.

Correction: We only see him running naked out of the bathroom, nothing else. So he ran in to their bedroom, got his clothes on, and ran downstairs. No mistake.


But Homer arrives at same time as Bart and Lisa.



6th Jan 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

The Cartridge Family - S9-E5

Corrected entry: Homer shoots the TV on, and talks to the other members, then when you next see a shot of the TV screen, it has turned off. And it can't have broke because other bullet holes can be seen too which didn't break it.

Correction: The TV wasn't broken; Homer turned it off by shooting a carefully aimed bullet which hit the on/off switch.

We don't see him shoot it off tho. The others are shocked when it's turned on with the gun.


30th Jun 2008

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: It's a joke, not a mistake.


Where's the joke? He is being extremely serious when speaking to Lisa.


2nd Aug 2008

The Simpsons (1989)

Bart's Girlfriend - S6-E7

Corrected entry: When Bart is crossing off the days in his calendar to show how long he has to go without seeing the no-good Jessica, he eventually circles the first day, a Monday, saying, "OK, day one," and then sits to wait. Immediately after, Marge sticks her head in the door announcing it's time for church - which is usually on Sunday.

Correction: True typically church is on a Sunday, however there are times when a special service is during the week,(i.e. Bible study, Revival, Youth service and other Holy Days).

Or Bart circled the wrong day.


15th Aug 2009

The Simpsons (1989)

Colonel Homer - S3-E20

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the episode, the family goes to the Googolplex theater but when the show cuts to a shot of the movie screen when Bart and Lisa are watching Space Mutants, the decor around the screen indicates that they are at the Aztec theater. (00:03:20)

Correction: Seeing how Springfield used the same plans for Springfield Elementary and North Springfield Elementary it should be no surprise that two theaters in Springfield have the same decor.

But different episodes have shown them to have different decor.


They could have been owned by the same company at one time or changed owners. This is also a running gag on the show such as what's on the other side of The Simpsons' house?

8th Mar 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: He could have either snuck in or bribed/tricked the comic book guy.

CBG spots people in disguise and is stubborn in regards to people being banned.


3rd Nov 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Barting Over - S14-E11

Corrected entry: When Lisa mocks Bart in French, she sings, "Vous êtes Baby Stinkbreath." However, "Vous êtes" is the formal construction. A person would not use this when speaking to his or her brother, especially when deliberately being disrespectful towards him. "Tu es," the informal form, would be more appropriate.


Correction: Lisa may still be learning, and it's an easy mistake to make.

Correction: She's 8 years old. A child making mistakes is not uncommon.


She is shown to have superior intellect.

Even the smartest people make mistakes. Neil deGrasse Tyson said it wouldn't be possible for BB-8 in The Force Awakens to rove over sand and chalked it up to a visual effect, only for the filmmakers to prove to him that it was not a visual effect.


27th Aug 2001

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: When the doctor is showing off the piece of amber that they have gotten the DNA from, there is a problem. The mosquito in the amber is a male, as one can tell by the antennae. Because it is only the female mosquito that feeds on blood, the male should only have nectar in its stomach. To make it worse, in that species of mosquito, Toxirhynchites, both the males AND females are flower feeders, and would therefore have no blood, or dinosaur DNA in their stomachs. (00:25:00)

Correction: Can we not just assume that the mosquito in Amber in the cane is just symbolic and doesn't necessarily have to be the exact species and gender of the mosquitoes that yielded the dino blood and DNA?


Using the actual mosquito will have more meaning to Hammond than a random one. John is also shown to want only the best.


I don't know. I would think that a mosquito preserved in Amber containing dinosaur blood would be exceptionally rare and probably not the kind of thing you'd waste on a cane.


Correction: Hammond's company, InGen, did not deal exclusively with dinosaurs. Dr. Ellie Sattler, the paleo-botanist, observed and mentioned that Jurassic Park was also full of ancient and extinct plant life. InGen used the same process to procure vegetable DNA from ancient insects (such as the Toxirhynchites mosquitoes) that fed on vegetable matter. It's the same process.

Charles Austin Miller

Plant sap is composed mostly of water and dissolved sugars, hormones and carbohydrates. It does not contain any DNA.

Incorrect. Plant genomics research shows that plant fluids do, indeed, contain plant DNA. Moreover, a single mosquito could yield the DNA of several different plants, as well as the mosquito's own DNA and the DNA of microbes consumed along with the plant fluids.

Charles Austin Miller

Correction: The mosquito in the amber is not one that supplied the DNA for the dinosaurs. We know this because there is no drill hole for the extraction. When the extraction process is shown, a hole several millimetres across is drilled into the amber.

Correction: Plant sap consists of water, some simple sugars, more complex carbohydrates and plant hormones. It does not contain any DNA at all.

It's about the mosquito inside the amber, not the amber itself. Anyway, plant sap most definitely contains DNA, just plant DNA. All living organisms have DNA.


Plant sap does not contain DNA. Phloem sap consists primarily of sugars, hormones, and mineral elements dissolved in water. DNA is polar due to its highly charged phosphate groups and dissolves easily in water. Transporting dissolved DNA would be utterly pointless.

Fine, the amber doesn't contain DNA (it's fossilized anyway). It's still a bad correction.


Corrected entry: So the Indoraptor is engineered in such a way that you take a laser pointer, aim it at the object you want to have destroyed and push a button. At the auction, people are willing to pay tens of millions for such a "killing machine." but in terms of practicability, if you need to point at your target and push a button, resorting to a rifle and a 50-cent-bullet seems more logical.

Correction: Additionally, there's more cost than just a bullet to kill a target. First, you have to find someone willing to kill for you, train them, and even then it's not a guarantee they could kill their target. Plus, you can use airplanes, helicopters, or drones to pinpoint targets and the Indoraptor can attack several targets, including fleeing targets that a sniper might not be able to target once the targets start to flee or hide.


Well put. The advantages of the indoraptor seriously outweigh that of an individual.


That would make sense if the indoraptor wasn't portrayed as being hilariously inept at killing small, unarmed children.


That's a completely different topic regarding plot convenience. We saw the I-Rex kill 8 people and even more dinosaurs.


Correction: It might be more practical, but people are bidding for the Indoraptor on the basis that people are going to be more afraid and terrified by this unique killing machine. If you've got a man with a rifle, several men could fire at him and kill him. If that man has got the Indoraptor with him, they will more likely run from the target. Making the attacker safer for lack of a better word.


The movie demonstrates quite ironically that the indoraptor is practically useless in a combat situation. It can't seem to kill an unarmed 8 year old girl. The idea that a trained soldier would be so terrified of the dinosaur they wouldn't shoot at it seems ludicrous. People hunt deadly creatures that could easily kill a man all over the world for fun.


Correction: Remember from Jurassic World, one of the points made about using raptors was drones can't clear caves, hard to safely do with a gun. Pitch dark, unknown layout, unknown enemy. But marking a bad guy who ran in there and sending in vicious monster that can see thermal and has a superb sense of smell (part T-rex), plus marking a specific target in a crowded area could lessen collateral damage. Theoretically if the indoraptor doesn't try to kill everyone in sight after killing the target. But we have to remember the auction wasn't exactly US Army R&D, it was warlords, weapons dealers, and terrorists. People who may just use it to intimidate others or use it as an execution device for propaganda (Like ISIS beheading people and filming it).

15th Dec 2007

Prison Break (2005)

Flight - S1-E22

Corrected entry: When Michael and the other escapees go through the hole in the cell, Michael pulls the toilet back against the wall as they leave. However when the warden and the guards go to the cell later on, the toilet is off the wall again.

Correction: The guards have already found the hole behind the toilet before they show it to the Warden. There's no reason for them to replace the toilet against the wall.

Agreed. They are leaving it to show Bellick and Pope.


14th Jan 2008

Prison Break (2005)

Manhunt - S2-E1

Corrected entry: How did the FBI get the photo of Michael's tattoo? Michael would not have wanted anyone to have a photo of it in case they figured out his plan, and also the only photo they would take for prison would be a mugshot of his head.

Correction: When being admitted to prison they will have taken detailed photos of his tattoos for their records under the distinctive tattoos section so if they did escape they would be able to compare his tattoos to those on file to make sure they got the right man. The FBI had age as to his prison record. So they got it from there.


Correction: The tattoo artist tells the agents when interviewed that Michael was incredibly specific and designed the whole thing himself, which would have been a difficult task for a tattoo artist, having not worked on any preliminary sketches. This, coupled with the fact that a tattoo artist's portfolio is made of photos of their work, would mean that the artist would most certainly take detailed pictures. This is standard practice for custom work, and anything large or intricate. If Michael had refused, he may have alerted suspicion, and it also may have been an agreement with the artist that they would only do the work if it could go in their portfolio. Plus photographs of tattoos are taken as part of the identification process during various stages of being incarcerated. The FBI could have gotten the photographs from any number of sources within Department of Corrections or Chicago Police.

11th Feb 2019

Breaking Bad (2008)

Seven Thirty-Seven - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When WW makes the calculation on how much he needs for his family, he gets to $737,000. He explains to his partner they both together make $70,000 a week and tells his partner they have to cook for eleven weeks. But that means his partner will only get $33,000. So they need to cook meth for 22 weeks (double) to get his partner paid as well. (00:05:20)

Gert-Jan Vermeire

Correction: He says "you and I both clear about 70 grand a week", meaning both of them each make about $70K a week. He's not saying combined they only make $70K.


Which 70k a week is 11 weeks with 33k to spare. Making his maths correct.


The maths is correct, after 11 weeks Walter would have an additional $33k. However, the mistake suggests that the $70k per week is shared between them. They actually earn around $140k per week, which they then divide equally.

1st Dec 2007

Prison Break (2005)

Allen - S1-E2

Corrected entry: When Veronica is watching the tape of the 'shooting' for the first time, Lincoln flinches when he gun fires but since the tape was doctored and he never actually fired the gun, he shouldn't have flinched when it supposedly went off.

Correction: Regardless of whether he did or didn't fire the gun he saw a dead body in front of him. Perhaps the reason he flinched as someone had already killed the person he was supposed to kill. In any regard it's not a mistake to flinch regardless of the situation.


Correction: Lincoln didn't kill Steadman. However with the footage showing he did, it makes him flinch as it's a what could have been situation.


2nd Oct 2006

Lost (2004)

Correction: This only goes to show that either a) one of the bullets missed him, and he was found with five slugs in him, or b) that Ana's mother misremembered, which is a character mistake.


I don't know about you, but as a parent if my kid was killed I'd remember details. Something like that is distressing. And it's mentioned a few times he is shot 6 times.


5th Jun 2008

Lost (2004)

Greatest Hits - S3-E21

Corrected entry: In the first season of Lost we discover, after Charlie calls for help to save a drowning woman, that he can't swim. But in this episode we see him swimming down to the underwater outpost to enable the castaways to get off the island.

Correction: He's been on the island for some considerable time by that point - more than enough to get the hang of it.


He may have got the basics but to have learnt how to dive is a bit of a stretch.


8th Mar 2006

Lost (2004)

Maternity Leave - S2-E15

Corrected entry: Ethan is inserting a needle into Claire's abdomen, a needle that large inserted into the amniotic sac at that late in a pregnancy would rupture the sac and the baby would have to be delivered. We know that Claire didn't deliver for 2 weeks after she was returned to the beach.


Correction: We're only seeing Claire's memories of what happened. It is quite evident she was drugged the whole time, so some details can be off.

And as a memory, things can be exaggerated.


29th Jan 2011

Lost (2004)

Something Nice Back Home - S4-E10

Corrected entry: When Jack goes to visit Hurley in the mental hospital, the doctor lets Jack into Hurley's room via a swipecard. When Jack leaves he just opens the door and walks out. Surely this room would be secure both inside and out? (00:14:50)

Correction: Not necessarily - Hurley is in the institution voluntarily, there is no point in locking him up. There is a point in giving him privacy if he wants it, however.

Even if that's the case the room would need to be secured for other people who stay in the room.


17th Mar 2012

Lost (2004)

Par Avion - S3-E12

Corrected entry: After Kate climbs over the pylon fence, in the shots were she is checking on Mikhail (man with the eye patch) his "dead" body is breathing. (00:27:55)


Correction: He was pretending he was dead because later he was running through the jungle when he met Desmond.

So surely Kate would have noticed him breathing.


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