Best mystery movie mistake pictures of all time

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Revealing mistake: When Shooter pins Mort against the tree with the shovel, you can see that it's a rubber shovel because it's bending around Mort's neck. [Mentioned on commentary]. (00:40:45)


More Secret Window mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: When Gittes visits the orange grove and crashes into the tree, you can see that a steel plate has been placed around the tree to protect it.

More Chinatown mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Amelia jumps in the water to save the the little girl there is tape on her mouth. A moment later, the tape is not visible.

More The Bone Collector mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Sister Aloysius is walking Mrs. Miller to work, the Sister's umbrella handle is hooked to the left, then hooked to the right in the next shot. (01:12:10)

Cubs Fan

More Doubt mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Milo is walking with the ladder and trips, his hat falls off. The hat is couple of yards away from the spot where it first landed in the next shot. (00:37:10)

More Sleuth mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Peck is falling down the stairs with the kid, you can see the back pad through his coat.

More The Omen mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Alice and Adam get in the cab outside the bookshop, the number on the back of the taxi is 90167, there are no other markings on the back and the Y on the number plate has a long stalk. When they're pulling away from some traffic lights later, the number has changed to '14290', there are the words "fairaway 95" on the back and the 'Y' has a small stalk. Note that, since the number plate (K651EYW) stays the same, for at least one of the shots they were driving a car around London with the wrong plates on. (00:08:30 - 00:09:25)


More Killing Me Softly mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end, when Dr Calvin, Del, and Sonny are in Robertson's office, when Sonny starts to trick Viki, Calvin has her body side on, then she is completely facing Sonny, then back to side on, then finally back to facing Sonny again. (01:27:55)


More I, Robot mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Fletch goes to visit Calculus in his shack, he knocks on the window and sees Calculus sitting in a chair, wearing boots. The next shot, as Fletch is walking inside, Calculus is now wearing socks and no boots, despite never having left the seated position, nor having had any time to slide his feet out of the boots. (00:35:55)

More Fletch Lives mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Claire first sees the ghost, Norman rushes in and Claire grabs and hugs him. Her hand was just in the tub yet as she's hugging Norman, her hand is dry. She would have left some kind of a wet mark on Norman's shirt.

Lynette Carrington

More What Lies Beneath mistake pictures

Character mistake: While examining "Diagramma della Verita" in the Vatican archives, Langdon is careful to use a cotton glove and a pair of tongs to turn the pages. But when he returns later to search the Bernini texts for clues about the "fire" church, he turns the book pages with his bare hands. (00:36:30 - 01:04:55)

Cubs Fan

More Angels & Demons mistake pictures
More The Pink Panther 2 mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Prot visits the doctor's house, he thanks the wife and the camera is zoomed into his sunglasses. The reflection of his glasses shows the doctor looking at him, but the doctor is standing behind him. (00:53:40)

More K-Pax mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene after the bus rolls down (when they are at the beach), one of the girls is wearing a red bikini, but when she gets in the water it's black. (00:13:40)

More Turistas mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Robert Redford tips the scrabble letters onto the glass table, he makes "SETE" and "CAST" next to it. To the right of "CAST", under his right hand, are the letters RNY, quite widely spaced. All other letters are tightly gathered above. When the angle changes to under the table, suddenly all the letters are spread fairly evenly around the table. (00:39:15)

Jon Sandys

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Continuity mistake: When Shuya finds Utsumi dead, the proximity of her head to the girl behind her changes between shots, as does the position of her tie and gun beside her.

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More Hoodwinked mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When John is decoding the numbers for the first time, he uses a whiteboard. On the whiteboard are, presumably, spelling words for Caleb. He erases some of these to make room for the numbers. In the various shots of this scene, words disappear and reappear continuously, often written slightly different.

More Knowing mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: The overhead shot of Grohman climbing down the mountain features an alpine stuntman wearing gloves, while at no point Mario Adorf was shown wearing any. (00:50:20)


More Ten Little Indians mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The cursed necklace is shown emitting its evil fumes on the white paper of the letter, but the letter itself is perfectly 90° with the envelope, or at a different angle. (00:06:20)


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