Super Grover

28th Dec 2015

M*A*S*H (1972)

The Anderson Tapes mistake picture

Other mistake: When the Mayflower truck is on the move picking everyone up for the heist, a mysterious hole appears above the truck's cab, cut out in the letter "o" in "Mayflower" when Pop is picked up, that wasn't there a moment before, and then it vanishes. The same thing occurs after the heist, when the truck crashes into the police cars.

Super Grover

The Anderson Tapes mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Duke gets into the limousine with Angelo for the funeral procession, the reflection of the camera and a crew member can be seen on the open door's window.

Super Grover

28th Dec 2015

Bones (2005)

30th Jul 2013

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Toy Story (1995)

Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There's an electrical outlet on the wall below the window (aligned with the window shade's loop) in Sid's room near the Megadork poster, but when Sid throws Woody to the floor and raises the shade (before he scorches Woody's forehead with the magnifying glass), that outlet has vanished.

Super Grover

The Anderson Tapes mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Duke unlocks the gate, when the Mayflower moving truck is driven out of the lot there's a built-in tow hitch at the back of the truck, but when it pulls into the apartment building the tow hitch is gone - the back bumper is one solid piece.

Super Grover

The Anderson Tapes mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Mayflower moving truck leaves the lot and picks up the crew there's no license plate on the front bumper when Tommy gets in, but when the truck crosses Broadway suddenly there's a license plate on the bumper, and then it vanishes. Additionally, when the van's stowed away in the truck it doesn't have an antenna on the hood and "256-245" is the van's license plate number, but after the heist there's an antenna and the van's plate number is "C47-618".

Super Grover

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

Friends mistake picture

The Last One (2) - S10-E20

Continuity mistake: After Ross decides to go after Rachel, in the overhead shot all four of the cab's doors are closed, but when it cuts to Ross and Phoebe getting in and shutting their front doors suddenly both back passenger doors are inexplicably wide open, then when Ross shouts about missing seatbelts both back doors are closed again. Then when the guy gets into the back seat he shuts his door, but when he asks for the medallion number both back doors are open, and then they're closed again.

Super Grover

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

Friends mistake picture

The Last One (2) - S10-E20

Continuity mistake: When Phoebe's driving Ross to the airport in her cab the rear view mirror vanishes from the windshield, then it reappears and disappears again. Additionally, when they start their drive the cab doesn't have a side view mirror on the passenger side, but en route the cab has acquired one, then it vanishes again.

Super Grover

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

31st Jul 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

Friends mistake picture

The One With The Cake - S10-E4

Visible crew/equipment: After Joey describes Emma's funny Elmo cup to Phoebe, it cuts to Monica and Chandler walking in, and to the right of the door we can see the bulletin board is cut in size partially covering the hole in the wall. Later, when Phoebe and Joey leave after the wind-up toy race not only is this visible again, but through the hole we can see the other hole in Monica and Chandler's wall.

Super Grover

9th Dec 2015

Friends (1994)

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