
17th May 2013

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Continuity mistake: On 5/8/13, Kristen DiMera mentions that her wedding to John Black took place 15 years earlier. This is factually correct in terms of show history. However, it draws attention to the fact that EJ DiMera, the child born to Kristen's impostor around the time of the wedding, was heavily SORASed (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome) and is portrayed by a 34-year-old actor.


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Character mistake: On 7/5/11, Lexie says that Fay "wouldn't have had that heart attack if she hadn't been assaulted." Fay's eventual death was actually caused by somebody deliberately smothering her, although Lexie doesn't know that. However, as one of the doctors treating Fay, Lexie had concluded that Fay's death was caused by a stroke, not a heart attack. At that time, she also didn't think the stroke was related to her fall down the stairs.


The Vengeance Formulation - S3-E9

Factual error: Sheldon's voice becomes squeaky when helium is pumped into his office. But if the room contained enough helium to make his voice squeaky just by breathing, Sheldon would actually be suffocating due to lack of oxygen, the lighter helium having displaced the heavier oxygen. You can do it with a balloon because you can breathe normal air between huffs, but if you're in a room full of helium, you won't last long before passing out and asphyxiating.


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Factual error: On 1/12/10, Parker and Liberty have gotten lost hiking while on a family trip to Detroit, and Jack says that the command center is "half a mile away up the side of a mountain." Detroit is in the Great Plains; there are no mountains remotely nearby.


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Character mistake: On 1/7/10, Sage says that she made the Miss Snowflake semifinals after being an alternate because "Gail Wallace dropped out because she's Miss Snowflake Oakdale." But then Sage says that she, herself, is Miss Snowflake Oakdale.


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Plot hole: On 7/1/09, Paul stole Dusty's laptop and gave Damian's name to implicate him. Dusty then accused Damian of the theft, describing it as having happened that morning. As shown in that episode, Damian had been with Meg throughout the morning, including the entire time during which Paul committed the theft. However, Damian does not offer Meg as his alibi and Meg fails to recognize that Damian was with her at the time.


2nd Jul 2009

Impact (2008)

Factual error: When the brown dwarf fragment embeds itself in the Moon, the Moon continues to orbit the Earth. But the brown dwarf fragment is twice as massive as the Earth, so the Moon and Earth now have comparable masses, instead of the Moon having about 1/80 of the Earth's mass, as it really does. In this case, both the Earth and Moon would be visibly orbiting a common center of gravity that would be outside of both bodies, but closer to the Moon. Even now, the Earth and Moon orbit this common center of gravity; it just happens to be inside of the Earth (though not at its center).


2nd Jul 2009

Impact (2008)

Factual error: The Moon is struck by a brown dwarf fragment having twice the mass of the Earth but a diameter of only 19 km. The initial effects to the Moon are akin to what would be expected of an impact from a 19-km body made from terrestrial material: formation of a large crater, release of ejecta, and seemingly minor disruption of the Moon's orbit. However, it is primarily the mass, not the size of the impactor, that determines the effect. Since the body had twice the mass of the Earth, it would have smashed the Moon into smithereens. Conversely, a 19-km asteroid made from cotton candy would have done very little damage.


2nd Jul 2009

Impact (2008)

Factual error: It is stated that, due to the Moon's increased mass, the astronauts will weigh twice as much there as they do on the Earth. The Moon's new mass is twice that of the Earth, but the Moon's diameter remains one-fourth that of the Earth. Since gravity varies inversely with the square of distance, the astronauts would actually weigh closer to 32 times their Earth weights, which would likely be prohibitive for the mission.


2nd Jul 2009

Impact (2008)

Factual error: A graduate student states that a frog was levitated by using a magnetic field to "manipulate gravity," and a college professor, presented as an expert on the topic, agrees. It's true that a frog was levitated via a magnetic field, but the field was used to produce a diamagnetic force on the frog greater than the force of gravity. Gravity itself was not affected in any way. A layperson could make this mistake, but not anyone with a basic understanding of electromagnetism.


2nd Jul 2009

Impact (2008)

Factual error: Almost immediately after the brown dwarf fragment embeds itself in the Moon, the Moon moves 30 million km closer to the Earth. The brown dwarf fragment is said to have twice the mass of Earth. The result is that tidal forces due to the Earth-Moon interaction would be 200 times greater than our real tidal forces. This would cause widespread flooding as massive tidal surges affected coastal areas, an effect not seen in the film.


29th Jun 2009

Impact (2008)

Factual error: The Moon is struck by a "brown dwarf fragment" having twice the mass of the Earth, which isn't noticed by anyone on Earth until a few minutes before impact. But an object of this mass would have profound effects on Earth's tides; its effects would have been equal to those of the Moon from the time that the object was within 2 million km of the Earth, over five times the Earth-Moon distance. (At astronomical speeds, this would provide nearly a full day's warning.) Such anomalies would not have gone unreported; they would be of universal interest to the scientific community. And because the planet's tides are highly predictable and heavily monitored, anomalies worthy of scientific examination would have occurred when the object was further still.


4th Mar 2009

Nip/Tuck (2003)

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Other mistake: In episode 5-21: "Allegra Calderello," Allegra discusses with Shawn and Christian the fact that the show-within-a-show, "Hearts and Scalpels," featured a character based on her, called "pussy lips" because Allegra had her lips reconstructed with her labia. However, in episode 5-1: "Carly Summers," Shawn and Christian referred to their one-time patient as "pussy lips," but the network censors refused to air the word "pussy," and the euphemistic phrase "lady cha-cha" was used on the air instead. So Allegra would never have seen a character called "pussy lips."


Three Days Of Snow - S4-E13

Factual error: A shot zooms out to show a powerful storm system just offshore from the eastern seaboard. However, the cyclonic storm system is rotating clockwise, while low pressure systems in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counterclockwise.


13th Jan 2008

The Simpsons (1989)

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Continuity mistake: On 12/31/07, E. J. mentioned how he had been struck in the head "the other night." The attack, which had been shown on 12/27/07, was one of the first things to happen that day, occuring in the morning, not at night. It was also the same day (for the characters) as when E. J. was speaking of it.


10th Jul 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: On 7/4/07, Hope told Ciara that Alice was her, Ciara's, "great-great-grandma." But Alice is Hope's grandmother and Ciara is Hope's daughter, so Alice is Ciara's great-grandmother, not great-great-grandmother.


29th Jun 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: On 6/26/07, Sami's obstetrician told her that she was pregnant with fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, and that the sample of amniotic fluid that had already been drawn could be used for paternity testing on both babies. But fraternal twins always have separate amniotic sacs, meaning that the amniotic fluid must be drawn separately. Since the doctor didn't know there were two babies until the fluid was already drawn, it must have been drawn only once, from one sac, meaning a second amnio would have to be performed.


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Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode on 6/5/07, Julie read Santo DiMera's letter, in which he declares a vendetta against the Brady family. She is translating the letter from Italian, and her husband Doug cuts in to say "Brady" and "Salem" when he was correctly able to guess what was written. On 6/6/07, at the beginning of the episode, the scene was repeated with Julie reading the letter. But this time, she read those words herself.


27th May 2007

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: On May 17 and 18, 2007, there were frequent references by multiple characters to a "level four typhoon" on its way. However, there is no such thing as a level four typhoon. Typhoon strengths are not designated by numbers, but by the prefixes "severe" and "super." On the other hand, strong tropical systems near Australia, which is where these events took place, are not even called "typhoons," but "tropical cyclones," although there are numerical categories for them.


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