
Show generally

Revealing mistake: On 4/6/16, Deimos researches Nicole on the internet and finds a full biographical profile of her. However, the contents of the page can be recognized as coming from the soapcentral.com page on the character, and it contains a lot of obscure, private details about the character written in conversational language, pertaining to things that would not be known to the fictional public (but are known to viewers of the show). For example, there is a "Crimes Committed" section that includes "Framed Arianna Hernandez for the Salem Muggings" and "Hid evidence and then lied to police about having proof that Kristen drugged and raped Eric."


27th Feb 2007

Passions (1999)

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Revealing mistake: On 2/20/07, when Simone first approached Rae's dead body in the casket, the rise and fall of Rae's chest and stomach, due to the actress' breathing, was quite visible.


12th Jan 2007

Passions (1999)

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Revealing mistake: On 1/11/07, Fancy turned off the light in her bedroom after Luis left to talk to Sam. Right after she did that, the offstage set lighting could be seen to become brighter so the scene would still be lit.


10th Oct 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Revealing mistake: On 10/9/06, John entered the storage facility and reached towards the light cord. He formed a fist, as if grasping the cord, but his hand was actually several inches from it. It was clear that he was not actually holding the cord at all, but then he pulled his fist down and the lights went on.


31st May 2006

Charmed (1998)

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Revealing mistake: Throughout the series, Finola Hughes appeared as Patty, the deceased mother of the Charmed Ones. Although Patty died in 1978, she sometimes appeared in flashbacks and time-travel episodes that took place in the mid to late 1970s, and other times she appeared as a ghost. However, over the eight years of the series, Finola Hughes aged noticeably. Patty was born in 1950, so she should always have been either a young woman in her mid 20s, or an unaging ghost having died at 28.


18th Feb 2006

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Revealing mistake: On 2/17/06, Kate was looking at a picture of Carrie and Austin on her cell phone. The cell phone wasn't held perfectly still, and whenever it moved there was a jerky movement of the picture. The picture had been added in post-production, rather than actually being displayed on the phone, and it became obvious every time the image moved.


9th Sep 2005

Passions (1999)

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Revealing mistake: On 9/6/05, Fancy told Alistair that she wanted to go to Paris, but he forbade it. She then complained that she gets bored staying in one place to long, to which he responded, "Then you're gonna have to teach yourself to amuse yourself. You gotta learn things to be alone." After that, his eyes glazed over slightly before he looked off to the side and moved his lips wordlessly for several seconds and then continued with his dialogue. The actor must have completely dropped a line, because this quotation made no contextual or semantic sense.


18th May 2005

Medium (2005)

Penny for Your Thoughts - S1-E15

Revealing mistake: In the first scene the clock shows an impossible configuration. The hour hand is slightly before the five, and the minute hand is between one and two. If it's about seven minutes after the hour, the hour hand should be slightly past one of the other numbers, not slightly before it. (00:00:24)


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Suggested correction: Not sure if this is technically a mistake or not. These clocks run on batteries, and when the battery's time is almost up (no pun intended), the weight of the hands sometimes over-rides the battery's strength to move them properly. This is likely a dying battery that failed to move the hour hand correctly. So while it is 'a mistake', it's part of real life, and not really a 'mistake in the episode'.

David R Turner

15th Mar 2005

Charmed (1998)

2nd May 2004

Charmed (1998)

Witch Way Now? - S4-E22

Revealing mistake: In the teaser, when Leo levitates to hang a picture, he has a major wedgie and the ankles of his pants hike up to mid-shin due to the harness that is used for the levitation effect.


24th Mar 2004

Charmed (1998)

Bride and Gloom - S3-E13

Revealing mistake: When Prue talks about her relationship with Justin near the beginning of the episode, she says that she finds him to be very predictable, lacking in mystery or "savoir-faire." That doesn't make sense, though, as "savoir-faire" means "know-how." She probably meant "je ne sais quoi," that is, "I know not what."


8th Mar 2004

Passions (1999)

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Revealing mistake: On 3/3/04, Rebecca had a flier for the benefit concert at the Blue Note. Above a picture of Whitney, it boldly advertises a "Benifit." Notice the misspelling.


28th Jan 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Revealing mistake: On 1/26/04, the big, muscular animal handler was struck very lightly in the back of the shoulder, with what looked like a flimsy rubber or plastic object, and fell unconscious. It's ludicrous to imagine that such a weak "blow" could even injure that man at all, let alone knock him out.


Revealing mistake: The movie takes place over the course of several years, as large segments of time pass between scenes of Will and Jane meeting at the airport, and other encounters. Thus, it is rather jarring to notice that their twelve year old children, Ben and Claire, don't appear to age at all. Young adolescents usually change in appearance quite drastically as they mature.


29th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

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Revealing mistake: On 12/26/03, Ethan tells Woody that he doesn't want people to know that they're there together. But throughout their conversation, Ethan constantly turns directly towards Woody and speaks with him quite loudly. Woody is practically hanging out of his seat as he leans towards Ethan. Every couple of scenes, Ethan reiterates the need for discretion, but neither of them does anything about it. It's really not that hard to talk out the side of your mouth while sitting back to back.


26th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

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Revealing mistake: On 12/24/03 and 12/25/03, Sheridan is supposed to be breastfeeding baby Martin. But Sheridan's shirt is barely unbuttoned, and pulled aside only marginally (and mostly from the opposite side of where the baby is). For his part, the baby is not even turned towards Sheridan's body. So, the way the scenes are shot, there's no way he could be nursing.


21st Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Revealing mistake: On 12/19/03, Sami was attacked by the masked killer in an alley. She breaks away from him or her, does a backflip, and lands near the opposite wall. Ali Sweeney, the actress who plays Sami, has straight blonde hair. During the flip, the stunt double also had blonde hair, but it was very curly.


12th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Star Crossed - S1-E6

Revealing mistake: About twenty minutes into the episode, Tru sits down next to Jen. Jen says, "I saw you in line in the cafeteria." Tru, with her hands at her sides, says, "Tru." Jen says, "Jen," and raises her hand to shake, at which point Tru reciprocates. But how did Jen know that Tru was introducing herself? After all, pretty much nobody else is named Tru, so in context it would have sounded like Tru was saying, "True," as in, "True; you did see me in the cafeteria."


8th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Haunted - S1-E5

Revealing mistake: It was raining in Vancouver the day the outdoor scenes were filmed for this episode, so the actors were filmed under large tarps. When Tru and Paige walk together in the park, rain can occasionally be seen in the foreground and background, but not over the characters themselves. The ground is also wet everywhere throughout the episode.


20th Nov 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Revealing mistake: On 11/20/03, the killer sends Bo a video image of Caroline on a PDA. You can see the "Caroline in Hell" effect wobbling around on the screen of the PDA where it's been superimposed in post-production.


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