Gavin Jackson

Question: Given how dumb Biff is, how in the alternate 1985 when confronted by Marty did he remember his old self in 1955 warning him about Marty and Doc. Especially considering when he got the warning, he seemed to be paying very little attention and just walking off.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: After young Biff won bet after bet after bet, he realized that the old Biff was obviously the real deal. As such, he undoubtedly racked his brain in an attempt to recall every detail he could about his encounter with his older self.


Question: When Michael Palin is thrown into the fiery pit, he is either saying Yeeeoohhhhhhh or Yelllowwwww (meaning that was his favourite colour). Despite watching it many times, I'm still not sure which one it does anyone know?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's kind of both. He says "Blue", then realises he got it wrong and starts to say "No, yellow!" but then screams as he is thrown into the pit, so it's like "Blue. No, yell. Ooooooohhhhh!"


Answer: There was once a published Script. It was Yellow. The joke was he died because he changed his mind mid-answer.

9th Apr 2015

Heat (1995)

Question: I have two questions regarding the drive-in sequence where De Niro and his crew are double-crossed by Van Zant. Firstly what was the make and model of the white vehicle the deliver guy was driving? And secondly, who was the actor who played the driver?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The driver was played by a guy called Vince Deadrick, Jr. (It's in the end credits crawl). All I know about the vehicle is it's a dodge.

Other mistake: When Bond is being chased on the bobsled track, just before he escapes the track.there is a shot of Eric Kriegler taking one last shot at him. In this shot however, Kriegler's bike appears to be in an open area and certainly not on a bobsled track. In fact it looks like a disused shot from when the chase started.

Gavin Jackson

13th Mar 2015

Halloween II (1981)

Question: Did Dick Warlock play Michael Myers in every scene he's in, even stunts? I was curious considering that Warlock was a stuntman and could have done the balcony fall and Michael burning scenes as well.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: From what I have read: yes.

Alan Keddie

3rd Mar 2015

Avatar (2009)

Question: At the end when all the forest animals on Pandora join in the fight, they seem to be targeting only humans. Since they can't determine the good ones from the bad ones, wouldn't this have put Norm Spellman (now back in his human form) in extreme danger? Always considered it a plot-hole, but any explanations would be welcome.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I wouldn't say it was a plot hole. Animals may be able to attack only humans, but they would be unable to differentiate between individual ones, so yes, Norm would be at risk of being attacked.


2nd Feb 2015

Runaway Train (1985)

Question: How was Sara so sure that there was no engineer on the train, considering that she was not able to get to the front carriage to find out?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Most likely from the speed at which the train was going, a train is like driving any large vehicle. You have to maintain a certain pace, to stop at an instant, for the unexpected.

24th Jan 2015

Gleaming the Cube (1989)

Question: In the later scene where the two Asian gang members are being interrogated to discover who hired them, they jokingly say something to each other in their own language, the translator cop makes some smug comment back, and then reveals to Steven Bauer that their employer was Lauderdale. Is anyone able to translate what was said during this little exchange?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: More than likely, it was probably something made up and meaningless. But of course, we would never know because it's Vietnamese. The best you can do is have a Vietnamese person view that part of the film and get them to translate it if it was actually a real sentence being spoken, which I doubt.

Question: Why didn't Charles make any attempt to rescue Wolverine at the end? With Cerebro's help he wouldn't have had any trouble finding him.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Who's to say he didn't later attempt to find him? Wolverine was flung quite a distance away from where Charles was and he didn't have Cerebro with him to immediately locate him.


Chosen answer: According to his wife, the painting was made specifically for the movie. Robert doesn't paint at all.

Answer: He's a surfer dude, he wanted to be polishing his boards for that scene.

Question: Would Phoenix have been capable of destroying all the sentinels in the future timeline?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes. But she was already dead in this film.


1st Nov 2014

Rango (2011)

Chosen answer: Because Hawks are predators and rattlesnakes are not uncommonly their prey. It's more of a reference to real-life than based in any in-movie logic.


Answer: It also was the fact that Jake had a fear of hawks. When he spotted one fake or real he would just hide without thinking. Metal beak also didn't think like the other animals. She had a primal mindset which would scare all the other animals.

8th Oct 2014

The Flintstones (1994)

Question: On Fred's first day of his new promotion, he says "I'm only one man, Barney." To which Barney responds."Not from the back" and they both laugh. Could someone please explain this gag to me. I have tried for years to understand it, with no luck.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: He means Fred is fat. That from behind, he looks big enough to be two or more people.

Quantom X

17th Sep 2014

Near Dark (1987)

Plot hole: In the morning at the motel, the vampires have a big shoot-out with local law enforcement, which results in one at least one cop being killed. But when they escape, the police don't bother pursuing them or even giving them a another thought. Even for an 80's film, this is beyond ludicrous.

Gavin Jackson

Question: What could possibly have made Teasle think that it was Rambo who killed Gault? Teasle was fully aware that Rambo was injured and unarmed and that Gault was in a helicopter trying desperately to shoot him (against orders). So how the hell did he come to that conclusion?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Rambo essentially admitted responsibility, when he tried to make peace with the officers as he stood near the body. As well, we can assume the chopper pilot reported the incident - while he may not have seen Rambo, rocks don't throw themselves at helicopters.


Answer: In Teasle's mind, anything that happened after Rambo escaped would be his fault - he put in motion the sequence of events that lead to everything happening. Additionally, he isn't exactly in his right mind with all this.

Question: Why did Elliot let all the frogs out? And why was he asking one if it could talk? I realise he was drunk (or ET was), but this doesn't explain such behaviour.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Elliot, through a psychic connection to ET, is experiencing the effects of the beer that ET is drinking. It has impaired Elliott's judgment and unleashes his inhibitions. He frees the frogs because he doesn't want them to be killed and dissected in class. Talking to one is just a side-effect of being intoxicated and he may be identifying it as a sentient being like E.T.


Question: Could someone please tell me where all the other walking apes/chimpanzees/orangutans came from? Caesar was the only surviving ape from the last film, so where did all the rest come from?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Caesar wasn't the only surviving ape, just the only surviving talking ape. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes is set roughly 20 years after Escape from the Planet of the Apes, and in that time man began to keep apes as pets (disease wiped out dogs and cats) and (most likely through breeding), the apes evolved into what we see in the film.


8th Aug 2014

Young Guns (1988)

Question: Did that bounty hunter in the bar ever realise that he was in fact talking to Billy the Kid... Prior to being shot?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: He may have. When Billy started whistling, the bounty hunter's face changes. He continues to speak to Billy in a dismissive tone, but does eventually pull the trigger (although Billy had unloaded the pistol). Hard to believe he would just shoot some mouthy kid in a bar.

Question: I have two questions. Firstly I read that Liev Schrieber makes an appearance. Does anyone know which one he is? Secondly, given how much Hunt admired Jake, why didn't he warn him that the gang had a new leader and that he risked death by going back due to his betrayal? Seems odd to me that he said nothing.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Don't recall seeing Liev, as for your second question, maybe Hunt figured it was nothing Jake didn't already know, or at least conclude.

6th Jul 2014

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Question: At the beginning, Lyle refers to the song Camptown races as "The Camptown lady"? Is this simply cause he's stupid, or is there any other reason?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: The opening line of the song refers to the Camptown Ladies and the phrase "Camptown Races" never appears anywhere in the lyrics. If nobody told him otherwise, Lyle may simply have assumed that some variation on "Camptown Ladies" was the actual title.


The actual title of the song was "Gwine to Run All Night, or De Camptown Races," written by American lyricist Stephen Foster and first published in 1850. Over many years on the minstrel show circuit, the title was shortened to "Camptown Races" and was sometimes erroneously called "Camptown Ladies." While the phrase "Camptown Races" doesn't appear in the lyrics, the phrase "Camptown Racetrack" does appear in the second line: "Camptown ladies sing dis song, doo-dah, doo-dah, Camptown Racetrack five miles long, oh-de-doo-dah-day." The song refers to Camptown, Pennsylvania, a real town with a popular horserace in the mid-1800s.

Charles Austin Miller

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