Gavin Jackson

13th Apr 2009

Octopussy (1983)

Chosen answer: The satisfaction of knowing he'll win, the thrill of pulling one over on someone; maybe like Goldfinger, he just doesn't like to lose under any circumstances.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I realise this has been brought up many times, but can it be considered a definite continuity error in the whole series that Obiwan Kenobi is trained by Qui Gon Jinn in this film, despite saying in Empire Strikes Back that it was Yoda who trained him? Some have argued that Qui was working under Yoda, but in Empire, Obiwan said to Yoda, "Was I any different when you taught me?" which to me pretty much says that Yoda was his direct teacher. I'm guessing that Lucas changed the background stories a bit, but I would like to know for sure.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: No, it can't. As we see in Attack of the Clones, Yoda is in charge of training the younglings, the Jedi hopefuls, the ones too young to have been selected as a Padawan. Yoda trained Obi-Wan when he was a child, then Qui-Gon selected him as a Padawan as he reached the proper age. They both trained him, taking responsibility for different stages of his education. It is entirely possible, of course, that Lucas did originally intend Yoda to have been Obi-Wan's sole master when he made The Empire Strikes Back and thus your guess that he changed the background stories may well be accurate, however, if this is the case, then he made the alterations in such a fashion that no continuity error exists, because it all fits together.


Also, most Jedi probably had friendships with older Jedi who were not their masters. They could think of any Knight/Master as a teacher, despite not being the official apprentice of that Jedi.

8th Apr 2009

Commando (1985)

Question: When Matrix says to his captors "Why not have Bennett do it, looks like something he will get off on"; did he mean it was something Bennett wouldn't go to jail for (considering he was psychotic), or was it some kind of sexual implication?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: A sexual implication, suggesting that it's something Bennett would find exciting.


Answer: Not sexual but something that he (Bennet) would find immense joy in doing due to his unstable mental nature akin to a sociopathic tendency.

5th Apr 2009

Earthquake (1974)

Question: What was the point of the crazy soldier who shoots the black thieves and later gets shot dead by George Kennedy? Why was he so nutty, and quite frankly what purpose did he even serve in the film?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Before he put the uniform on, he was a complete nobody, having the respect of no-one. Now that he's in uniform, he demands that people should respect him, and coupled with the powers of Martial Law (where looters can be shot on sight), takes the lack of respect too far and shoots them.


Question: Why does Bond go to Bibi to try and get information about Eric Kriegler? Couldn't he have simply contacted his own department to get a background check on him. After all, it's not like she would have had anything very informative (considering that she had previously stated that he never talks to girls).

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Whether he talked to her or not, Bibi would have inside information simply by being around him so much. She would have overheard things that a background check wouldn't reveal, like planned criminal activity.

21st Mar 2009

Get Smart (1965)

Weekend Vampire - S1-E14

Visible crew/equipment: When Max and 99 have reached the mansion, they both get out of the car to look in the trunk. As they start walking, some lightning occurs. If you look up at the top, you can see where the fake sky ends and the visible back of the stage begins.

Gavin Jackson

21st Mar 2009

Get Smart (1965)

21st Mar 2009

Get Smart (1965)

Washington 4, Indians 3 - S1-E6

Other mistake: When Max tricks the Indian's daughter, he is supposed to say, "Now close your eyes and open your mouth". Instead he says, "Close your mouth and open your eyes". The Indian woman still reacts with closed eyes and open mouth.

Gavin Jackson

23rd Apr 2006

Drop Zone (1994)

Factual error: When Jesse jumps out of Gary Busey's plane near the end, she falls straight down and is able to grab the bar underneath the door. But since she was jumping against high wind pressure.she should have fallen out the door sideways.

Gavin Jackson

Revealing mistake: When Buddy love and Stella are standing at the lookout above LA, the background is obviously a poorly done painting.

Gavin Jackson

20th Mar 2006

X-Men (2000)

Question: Something I never completely understood about the ending. When we see senator Kelly on the TV at the end, we realize that it is actually mystique in disguise. But when the X-men told magneto that Kelly was dead.he didn't believe them. And since Kelly vaporized into water, there would be no body or any proof that he was dead. So wasn't mystique worried that she might come into contact with the real Kelly at some point?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: You are working under the assumption that Mystique would not believe this either. However, with Magneto in prison and no sign of the senator she could happily take on his identity. Also, even if Kelly was alive, after she gave a press statement backing mutants, it would be unlikely that a politician would change his mind so suddenly again and he would therefore not come clean that it was not him.


24th Feb 2006

Falling Down (1993)

Question: Why does the Beggar throw the apple at D-fens? I found it odd since he just gave him a briefcase and a lunch.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because the beggar thought there would be items of value in the briefcase and he was frustrated that there was nothing in there. So in frustration he threw the apple at D-Fens.


24th Feb 2006

Predator (1987)

Question: Could Hawkins have become a commando (or even a marine) in real life, considering he wore glasses which would have limited him during any battle?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: As long as your uncorrected vision is at least 20/400 (-6.0 diopters), you can qualify for most forms of military service except flying.


Answer: Yes, you can have corrected vision using glasses or contacts to be in a special operations unit. Although you can't be color blind.

6th Dec 2005

Superman II (1980)

Question: I don't understand the opening. What was the object that Zod broke in half, and why was it so important (considering it had a guard standing near it)?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: We're never told.

K.C. Sierra

28th Nov 2005

Class of 1984 (1982)

Revealing mistake: At the end when Mr Norris starts to run through the hallways looking for the punks, he is ambushed and beaten up. If you look closely at his shirt, you can see a small pad underneath on his left, the exact spot where they keep punching him.

Gavin Jackson

27th Sep 2005

Phantasm (1979)

Other mistake: When Jody finds the dwarf in the car and recognizes it to be his deceased friend Tommy, he has a quick flashback to Tommy in the coffin and the exact moment Tommy was murdered. But the second flashback makes no sense, Jody never saw Tommy being killed and was told by Reggie that he committed suicide.

Gavin Jackson

27th Sep 2005

Phantasm (1979)

Revealing mistake: When the silver sphere flies into the guy's head, if you look closely, the wire attached to it is visible. This was shot with the ball being pulled away then the footage was reversed.

Gavin Jackson

Question: What exactly happened to Koskov at the end? Pushkin said something like "Put him on a Plane in a diplomatic bag" but was he just being sarcastic or what?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: He says, "Put him on the first plane to Moscow...", making Koskov think he was going to live, but then Pushkin adds, " a diplomatic bag." He is being transported back to Russia in a bag...hence, he will be quite dead.

4th Aug 2005

The Karate Kid (1984)

Chosen answer: "San" is a japanese term of respect. Sort of like the english "Mr.", however "Sir" would be a little closer to what it means in japanese. They attach the "San" at the end of someone's name, rather than at the begining like english speakers do.


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