
Spider-Man (2002)

183 mistakes - chronological order

(22 votes)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the beginning of the film when we see Peter waking up and reaching for his glasses, in the previous shot he didn't have the blanket on him or over his shoulders, it's in the background on the floor, yet when he reaches for his glasses the blanket is on his shoulders. (00:17:05)


Revealing mistake: When Norman awakes and throws his assistant into the equipment, you can see it is the assistant's stuntman, as when he is thrown, he has black hair, and the real assistant has brownish-grayish hair. (00:17:40)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Peter wakes up and discovers he can't see through his glasses, you can see a phantom hand on the left sliding out of view in the mirror. This happens the last time Peter tries to see through his glasses. It's not a reflection of his hand due to the angled edge - it's on the main part of the mirror. (00:18:05)

Continuity mistake: When Peter runs downstairs the morning after his bite, Uncle Ben is startled from drinking his coffee. From the front angle, Uncle Ben is holding the cup with two hands. When he turns to look at Peter and the angle changes, he's holding the mug with only one hand. (00:19:08)

Continuity mistake: When Peter is following MJ up the street, there are two cars and a jeep in the background. When Flash picks up MJ and speeds away, Peter runs from in front of the jeep, which was further down the street. Also there is now only one car in front of the jeep, instead of several. (00:19:10)


Continuity mistake: When Peter Parker is walking behind Mary Jane, just after they both leave for school, and Mary Jane's father is yelling at her on the street, you see the yellow bus approaching behind them, with no car in front of the bus. As the camera angle changes, you see a black convertible pull up to pick up Mary Jane, and it arrives before the bus, even though the car was nowhere to be seen a second prior. (00:19:15)

Continuity mistake: When Peter has just seen MJ leave her house for school and is walking along the pavement by the cars following her, he stops when she does and practises talking to her. Look behind him. You can see the bus turning the corner and coming nearer to them. The shot stays on Peter when the bus rounds the corner, cuts to Mary Jane and then goes back to Peter. The bus would have been much nearer than it was in the second shot at the speed it's going. (00:20:00)

Continuity mistake: After Mary Jane slips while carrying the food tray and the food is thrown into the air, the shot facing the ceiling showing the food falling shows the bowl of jello to hit first and the apple to hit last, while the next shot shows Peter catching the apple first and the bowl of jello last. (00:21:10)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter is trying to talk to Mary in the cafeteria you can see behind where he is standing there are numerous people and tables between him and the back wall. Peter then sits down and in the very next shot his table is one table away from the wall behind him. The shot may be lower but is from the same angle as before. (00:21:35)


Continuity mistake: In the school cafeteria after Peter saves Mary Jane, he notices the fork that is stuck to his hand. If you look at the back of his hand, the spider bite is gone. In the next scene, it is back again. (00:21:45)

Revealing mistake: When Peter catches MJ's falling lunch, the apple lands on its side and doesn't move at all, despite it being round and the tray being moved about so abruptly. Blatantly glued down. (00:22:10)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the cafeteria scene, Mary Jane slips on some spilled orange juice that causes Peter to catch her. A short while later when Peter gets up to leave the cafeteria, running away from her enraged boyfriend, the spilled orange juice is not there. (00:22:15)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter accidentally flings the tray of food on Flash it hits him on the left shoulder but when Flash stands up the stain temporarily jumps over to his right shoulder. (00:23:19)

Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the fight with Flash Thompson (in school, his first fight), when Peter grabs his hand, first he is grabbing him by his watch, then a little bit lower in a different shot, in the next shot by his watch again. (00:23:40)

Continuity mistake: After Peter punches Flash in the guts during the Flash/Peter hallway fight scene, in Mary Jane's closeup she looks surprised, and behind her on her right is a surprised guy wearing glasses. After Flash's friend says "Jesus Parker, you are a freak," and Harry says "Wow, that was amazing", the same guy suddenly appears on Mary Jane's left, looking happy and clapping. It cuts to a closeup of Mary Jane and the same guy appears back on Mary Jane's right, looking somewhat surprised again. (00:23:50)

Revealing mistake: Flash attacks Peter in the school's hallway. We are supposed to witness Peter's incredible speed in one shot, as he dodges a punch in slow motion. Flash's bracelet, however, is motionless. The speed of the punch would throw it back and forth, as it does throughout the rest of the scene. (00:23:50)

Continuity mistake: When Peter runs out of school just after he beat up Flash, he runs into an alley and looks at his hand which is at waist level, then it cuts to a different view, his hand is now at neck level and one of his fingers is pointing up, then the shot after his hand is back to waist level and all fingers are straight and pointing down. (00:24:20)


Spider-Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene in which Peter and Flash are fighting in the hall, Harry runs up to Mary Jane to see what is happening, seconds later Peter jumps up to avoid Flash's friend charging him from behind. In the shot of Peter flipping in the air, you can see that Harry is no longer standing next to Mary Jane, a girl in a blue sweater is. After Peter lands, the camera cuts back to Mary Jane and Harry is once again by her side. (00:24:25)

Revealing mistake: When Peter Parker first discovers he can climb up walls (while in citizen clothing), he tests it out by climbing up a building in an alley. During this scene, you can clearly see his clothes hanging out forwards, indicating that the scene was filmed with him crawling along a floor horizontally. (00:24:50)

Continuity mistake: When Peter Parker runs into the alley and tests his wall-crawling for the first time, when he runs into the alley the wall he climbs is brick covered with dirty black soot/fungus. After he begins his climb it is completely brown. (00:24:50)

J. Jonah Jameson: He doesn't want to be famous? Then I'll make him INfamous!

More quotes from Spider-Man

Trivia: When Robbie and Jameson are discussing Spider-man, Robbie says that he's a hero, causing Jameson to retort that he's wearing a mask, and asks what he had to hide. According to Stan Lee, creator of Spider-Man, he wears a mask to hide his fear from his enemies.

More trivia for Spider-Man

Question: What exactly did Mary Jane's father say to her when he was yelling at her at home?


Chosen answer: "You're trash! You're always gonna be trash, just like her!" - He says this presumably in reference to Mary Jane's mother.

More questions & answers from Spider-Man

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