Solo: A Star Wars Story

Stupidity: When Han tells Drydon Vos that he and Tobias will steal unrefined coaxium from the mines on Kessel, Vos initially says no, as Crimson Dawn's relationship with the Empire would be at risk. Han then explains that the Empire wouldn't know they were working for Crimson Dawn. Vos then agrees but insists his top lieutenant Qi'ra accompany them, even though she is a known associate of Crimson Dawn and literally has their symbol branded on her wrist.


Stupidity: At the end Beckett had the opportunity to shoot everyone in the room but he chose not to.

Stupidity: When Enfys Nest reveals the atrocities committed by Crimson Dawn, Solo and Beckett are shaken enough to change their whole motivation and risk their lives in a gamble against the employer they had been terrified of so far. The information that Crimson Dawn doesn't follow humanitarian guidelines should have been perfectly obvious to both men all along. They knew they were working for criminals, and were mostly driven by fear, so Nest's story would change nothing for them.

Other mistake: Towards the end, Chewbacca and Beckett have walked some distance from the landed yacht. They come up a small slope and are faced with Han, waiting for them. But an aerial shot shows that slope is very short and just runs down to a cliff. There's no way they could have got to the base of the slope to walk up it in the first place.

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Han Solo: Since when do you know how to fly? [Chewie howls.] 190 years old? [Chewie howls again.] You look great!

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More trivia for Solo: A Star Wars Story

Question: How did Han and Chewie get off the desert planet at the end?

Answer: Or they could've hitched a ride with the Cloud Riders.

Answer: By the end of the movie, Han and Chewie have been left with some items of worth, plus their smarts and charm. We don't see how exactly but we can assume that's enough to get them into their next adventure.

Answer: I would classify this as the traditional movie serial "cliff hanger" ending where the audience is purposely left pondering what happens to the protagonists and must wait until the next installment to learn the outcome. Considering Solo underperformed at the box office, there is the possibility there may not be another independent Han Solo film. However, the characters would likely reappear in another stand-alone Star Wars film, thus answering how they escaped their situation.


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