Best movie mistakes of 2019

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Come to Daddy picture

Other mistake: Jethro said to Brian, "Shall I tell you how I know you're lying? Because when you said that, you looked up to your left." However, Brian looked to his right and Jethro even pointed to Brian's right when he was telling Brian that he looked to his left. (00:56:00)


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Drunk Parents picture

Factual error: During the opening credits, Alec Baldwin and Selma Hayek are driving back to New York. They pass by various buildings, one shot being entirely devoted to a dilapidated Blockbuster video store. That shot must have been archive footage from the UK, since you can see the realtor sign by it, and it's from Carter Jonas, a London based firm, and gives an 01962 phone number (Windsor).


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This Is Our Home picture

Character mistake: Reina asked Cory if they could "do that thing" because it was helpful for her medical school training. Reina then put a raw slab of steak/meat across his forehead and made slits in the meat as well as jabbed at it. A medical student studying to become a brain surgeon should know about and practice the safe handling of raw meat. (00:23:10)


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Reign of the Supermen picture

Factual error: Towards the end of the movie when Superman and Henshaw are fighting on the Watch Tower in space, Lois hits the sun shades to lower them so that direct sunlight can hit Superman and power him up. This is out in space with no atmosphere to filter the sunlight. The reason the blockers were there was for this reason, to keep the harmful unfiltered sun light from hitting people on the ship through the windows. However, she is able to stand there in the direct light after it's done and kiss and hold Superman without being hurt or burned by the intense direct unfiltered sunlight or its radiation.

Quantom X

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Falling Inn Love picture Falling Inn Love mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Gabriela's luggage crashes down the slope into the vehicle of the beefy co-protagonist. During the scene, the bra on the pickup's hood is positioned in an obvious different way (also coming lower onto the fender's arc) between shots. (00:13:00)


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Happy Death Day 2U picture

Continuity mistake: When Gregory reveals himself as the killer, pay attention as he walks towards Tree clapping. The mask on the ground behind him is initially face-down and right next to the wall. But a few shots later, suddenly it is face-up and has moved about a foot to the left.


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Shedding picture

Continuity mistake: The Man (as Panda) had one red spot in the top center of his chest and two on his upper left chest (lapel area). The middle red spot remained there, but the other two moved to his upper right chest. (00:21:45)


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Scooby-Doo! and the Curse of the 13th Ghost picture

Other mistake: Throughout this, a running gag is that Fred can't drive stick/clutch. However, in "What's New, Scooby-Doo?" Series 2, Episode 6 "A Scooby-Doo Halloween," he yells at Shaggy that he's riding the clutch too hard at the beginning of the episode. If the Mystery Machine has a clutch mechanism, he would know how to drive stick/clutch.


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The Rookies picture

Revealing mistake: After most of the people trying to hang onto other people holding onto the ascending helicopter fell off, a downward view from the helicopter showed a man effortlessly hanging onto the landing skid and a woman just as effortlessly grasping his jacket's shoulder. (00:02:50)


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Inherit the Viper picture

Other mistake: From the time Eliza exits the bar until she drives away, there are discrepancies in the scenery: there are or aren't parking spaces along the road; there's a lot of space between her truck and the truck in the next parking space, but not when she's backing out; the man rattling bottles by the garbage cans is further from the building and her truck when she's getting in and should be visible when she's backing out but isn't; her truck's rear end would be partially blocking the traffic lane, etc. (00:03:15)


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Dark Light picture

Factual error: The Sheriff of the small town is wearing Sergeant stripes on her shoulder sleeves. If she was a Sheriff then no chevrons should be on her sleeves.

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Downton Abbey picture

Factual error: The royal parade is supposed to be of the Yorkshire Hussars, but the filmmakers instead borrowed the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, complete with guns. Although the uniform was similar, the Yorkshire Hussars was a cavalry regiment until the Second World War, when it became an armoured regiment. It was never an artillery regiment.


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Holiday Rush picture

Factual error: The protagonist wakes up supposedly at 5 AM of December 2nd in New York City. Outside, the sun is shining, almost two hours too early. (00:00:15)


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Late Night picture

Continuity mistake: The group of writers is prepping for the job interview with the young brother of one of them. Hayes as he listens to the instructions is keeping his hands in front of the chest in the close-ups, which is not reflected in the side views, when his arms are always down his sides. (00:06:45)


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Georgetown picture Georgetown mistake picture

Other mistake: Elsa Brecht is holding an official piece of mail sent from the Coconut Grove Hotel in Miami but it's postmarked Orlando, Florida. There's no legitimate reason the mail would be postmarked Orlando when Orlando is 235 miles from Miami. (01:24:16)


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More Booksmart mistakes
The Good Liar picture

Continuity mistake: The spacing (almost touching versus several inches apart) and appearance (shape and whether there are shoots) of the two flowers in the vase on Estelle's/Betty's table at the restaurant vary. Sometimes, the flowers on her table look more like the ones that could be seen on the table in front of hers after Brian/Roy entered the restaurant. (00:03:40)


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The Intruder picture

Continuity mistake: When Charlie throws Scott over the balcony, he crashes into the chandelier and it partially tears away from the ceiling. Sparks ensue, but the light remains fully functional. The camera switches to Scott on the floor then back to Charlie where the chandelier can be seen worth all but one light out. There is no visible difference in the room lighting. Later, when Charlie is chasing Scott and Annie with the shotgun, Charlie screams "Lights out!" and shoots a fully functional chandelier.


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Zeroville picture

Other mistake: The Burglar (while tied to a chair and talking about "My Darling Clementine") says, "Apex of Ford's art, you feel me?" Vikar (James Franco) responds, "I feel you." The movie starts in 1969, but rapper E-40 (Earl Tyrone Stevens, Sr.) - "slang master" - supposedly created the expression "you feel me" in the early 1990s. (00:19:53)


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Killer Sofa picture

Continuity mistake: The inspector is showing the singer the gruesome images of her friend. As he says "It's how we identified the remains", she raises her right hand, but in the next shot it's with the left hand that she's touching her lips. (00:04:45)


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