Best horror movie questions of all time

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Resident Evil: Afterlife picture

Question: How did the Executioner zombie get into the shower room? It couldn't have burrowed in like the other zombies because it is simply too big. The cast were standing by the entrance and the Executioner does not appear at the entrance.


Chosen answer: Only Claire, Kim-Yong and Alice were left, and Alice and Claire were paying attention to Kim, who was very reluctant about going into the tunnel. The camera is just focused on what the characters are focused on, Kim-Yong.


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White Noise picture

Question: I was really confused by the ending, who were the three figures we kept seeing, and what were they trying to do?

Answer: The figures are spirits who figured out how to contact the living, like Michael Keaton's wife. But where his wife wants him to help others, the three spirits are evil and want to only do bad things.

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Halloween picture

Question: Why was Michael killing people? There was no mention of his history, or what made him the way he was.

Answer: The only answer given in this film is that Myers is purely and simply evil. He's just doing it because he's compelled to, and doesn't seem to have any trace of humanity left inside of him. Future sequels attempted to give an explanation, but to varying degrees of success. But as far as this original film is concerned - he's just pure evil.


Answer: The movie doesn't require a back story, although subsequent sequels, and the Rob Zombie remake address your questions. Then again, what makes any serial killer kill? The topic has been studied by psychologists for decades. Often serial killers lead normal lives, at least in public.


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The Omen picture

Question: How could Damien's mother be a jackal? That has always thrown me for a loop and I could never understand why they'd do that unless it was for entertainment purposes. I mean, I know it's Hollywood and all but that's just too far-fetched.


Chosen answer: The idea wasn't entirely Hollywood's. The antichrist is sometimes said to be "born of a jackal. " Jackals are mentioned in the Bible, and some interpretations consider them a symbol of something that is "not of God." In the movie, it means that the kid was scary as hell, literally.


Answer: It's Satan's twisted and macabre mockery of Jesus' virgin mother.


More The Omen questions

Chosen answer: During the beginning interviews with the townspeople, the one guy tells how the killer, Parr, would make his victims stand in the corner as he killed the other kids. He didn't like the way they would look at him, so he made them stand in the corner.

William Bergquist

More The Blair Witch Project questions
The Forest picture

Question: How did it end, because I missed that part in the movie. Does Sarah die or did her sister die in the forest?

Answer: Sara spends much of the convoluted ending of this film in the midst of vivid hallucinations. Eventually, Sara dies, accidentally, at her own hands. She cuts her own wrists during a delusion where she believes she is cutting away the grasping fingers of her father's ghost. As she is dying, her body is dragged under the forest floor by Japanese "yurei." (ghosts). Her spirit remains to haunt the forest, lunging at Michi, the search party's forest guide, in the final frames of the film. Meanwhile her sister, Jess, has been rescued alive.

Michael Albert

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The Witches of Eastwick picture

Question: What's the deal with Darryl Van Horne; was he a warlock, the Devil himself, or something else?

Answer: He's the Devil.


More The Witches of Eastwick questions

Answer: In Alien 3, Ripley discovers there was an Alien queen embryo growing inside her, so she chose to kill herself. By cloning her, scientist were hoping the Alien queen embryo she had in her at the time of her death would also become cloned, which finally happen after the 8th try. This is also why the Alien queen they extracted from Ripley has some human traits.


More Alien Resurrection questions
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan picture

Question: Do the sewers of New York really fill up with toxic waste every night as stated in the movie, or was this just for the purpose of the plot?


Chosen answer: No they do not. This is only for the purpose of the film's plot.


More Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan questions

Us (2019)

Us picture

Question: This may seem simplistic, but what happened to the police who were meant to arrive in 14 minutes?

Answer: They were delayed or killed. When the family was given the 14 minute estimate it was before anyone, including the police, realised the extent of the problem.

Answer: If the police arrive in 14 minutes, they would be dead and killed by their doppelgängers - Red, Abraham, ombre, and Pluto.

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Damien: Omen II picture

Question: When Damian learns that he is the Antichrist, he is very upset about it. Later in the movie, why does he choose to embrace who he is and his destiny?

Answer: Having lived as a "normal" boy, Damien is initially shocked to learn his true identity. After having time to adjust and being surrounded and groomed by satanic supporters, he eventually embraces his true persona.


The answer is correct, and I'm just going a into a bit more detail. During the events of the first film, Damien is normal until Mrs Baylock entered his life. She started teaching him about who he was, but he was only five or six, which would have been far too young for him to understand. He started acting more malicious after this point. After the movie ended, it skips ahead to Damien living with his uncle, aunt, and cousin. During that time, it's conceivable that the forces surrounding him decided to give him a period of peace. He was raised by his aunt (secretly a Satanist), but she might have been instructed to give him a normal upbringing so he wouldn't call attention to himself. As a result, he probably forgot about it, and started to believe he wasn't any different. Once he learned of his unholy lineage he began to remember and eventually embrace it, especially since he had several followers (Buher, Neff, and many others he may not have met yet) to help and protect him.


More Damien: Omen II questions
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning picture

Question: Is Tommy supposed to be the "next" Jason? I'm really confused by the ending.

Answer: Yes, originally Tommy was going to be the new Jason. But the makers decided to go in a different direction for part 6.

More Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning questions
Jaws 3-D picture

Question: How come there is not one alligator inside the lagoon? I mean it is Florida.

Answer: The lagoon was part of the theme park. Artificial with specific mammals inhabitants inside, warm and friendly.

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The Hand that Rocks the Cradle picture

Question: Do we know if Peyton's husband was really molesting his patients? I can't tell if he killed himself out of guilt, or because he was depressed that he had been accused of something like that.

Answer: Yes, Dr. Mott was molesting his patients, as was seen when he slipped off his plastic glove just before performing a pelvic exam on Claire. After Claire reported Mott to the authorities, a number of other women came forward and their accusations were made public. Mott never showed any remorse, and it appears he committed suicide because he was unable to face the ensuing scandal and criminal investigation.


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Paranormal Activity picture

Question: Can someone tell me if I'm interpreting this correctly? When Katie changes her mind about fleeing the house and is found clutching a cross with blood on her hand and leg, Micah takes it and burns it, after which she becomes possessed. Was she successfully warding off the demon with the cross and clutching it so desperately that it made her hand bleed, and then Micah wrongly thought it was being used to attack her and inadvertently made her possession a done deal by burning it?

Answer: The screenwriter confirms in the commentary that burning the cross and picture was a mistake because it was the last defence they had.

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Gremlins picture

Question: What exactly is meant by never feed them "after midnight". Every moment of time that does not happen right at midnight may be construed as happening after midnight...even 11:59PM which occurs 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds AFTER the preceding midnight. I would assume that the afternoon hours are considered before midnight, but does anyone know the exact extent of "after midnight"?

Michael Westpy

Chosen answer: The precise cut-off point is never stated - I've generally assumed that the embargo on feeding finishes once the sun comes up.


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Dracula picture

Question: Why was it important that Dracula get Dr. Seward to leave the theater box?

Answer: So he could seduce Mina slowly with his hypnotic eyes, Dr. Steward would have been in the way.

More Dracula questions
The Mummy Returns picture

Question: The warriors for Anubis... What animal are they supposed to represent?

Answer: Jackals. More specifically, Anubis has been represented with the head of the Golden Jackal (although some now consider it to be the African Golden Wolf).


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The Shallows picture

Question: Nancy finds a broken helmet floating in the water. There's a white thing inside the helmet. Later, she uses that to open a box on the buoy. What exactly is it?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: A shark tooth.


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28 Days Later picture

Question: At the end we are left with the question of the pilot's intentions, and what happened. Is he going to help them, or pull an about-face and machine-gun them down thinking they're infected?

Answer: That question is actually answered. The pilot is speaking Finnish, and he says into the radio "lähetätkö helikopterin" which translates as "Can you please send a helicopter?" Looks like he was actually helping them after all, and there is still some civilization (or at least people with radios and helicopters).

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