Best horror movie questions of all time

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Final Destination 2 picture

Question: In the dentist office scene, Tim almost chokes to death when the toy puffer fish falls into his mouth, but the nurse saves him by pulling it out. Nora should be next, but Tim gets crushed by the glass pane anyway. This is a major mistake on death's list.


Chosen answer: No it simply means that Tim was not supposed to die by the puffer fish. He was meant to be saved so that he could die later. The movie shows multiple instances where someone almost dies, but at the last second is saved. It's a common way to build suspense.


More Final Destination 2 questions
Saw II picture

Question: At the end of the film, when they go back into the bathroom from the first, I noticed that they had shown 2 people. They showed the man from the first, chained to the piped in the corner. And then they showed a face of someone on the floor. Who was this?

Sir William

Answer: It was Zep, but he died because Adam smashed his head with a toilet seat cover.

More Saw II questions
Orphan picture

Question: Maybe I missed something, but how was Esther able to fool everyone practically all her life and hide the fact that she's a 33-year old sociopath? When Kate finally learns the truth by getting the phone call, they show a photo of the "real" Esther, so at least those records of her exist somewhere. How could the boarding school not have known her true identity?

Answer: The boarding school was going by the falsified records that Esther had with her. They did not suspect anything, so they had no reason to dig any further at the time.


Answer: High quality makeup was an important part of her disguise as the alternative ending make apparent. Her fake freckles were the master's touch.

More Orphan questions

Chosen answer: In the extended version, it is revealed to be Michael Myers.

More Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers questions
The Thing picture

Question: In the last part of the movie, how are they supposed to drive the snow vehicles? There is a scene before where they cut the wires of all the vehicles to disable them for the quarantine. Am I missing something?

Michele SoIntense Anghileri

Chosen answer: By disabling the snow vehicles, they are making sure that the creature can't use them to escape from the quarantine zone. Since the creature can assimilate anybody, it would probably know how to use one.

More The Thing questions
The Ring picture

Question: When does Rachel realise if she shows the film to someone else she won't die? And if she knew, is that why she showed it to Noah, to kill him on purpose?

Answer: Rachel doesn't know that showing the film to someone else will cause you not to die until death skips her. She remembers that Samara wanted to be "heard". She never meant to kill Noah.

Ginger Painter

Answer: At the end of the movie, she is crying about why she wasn't killed and Noah was. She vocalizes "What did I do, that he didn't?" That's when she sees the copy she made. It wasn't that she just showed it to someone else. She made a copy and Aiden watched that copy. Aiden is why it skipped her.

Almost right. It's just the copy. Copying the video makes it skip you. That's why she has Aiden make a copy as well.


You have to show the copy to someone else as well. That's why Aiden asks Rachel at the very end "What about the person we show it to? What happens to them?"


But doesn't he have less than a day left by then? Hardly a time to relax, they need to make a terrible decision, quickly. I always had the idea making a copy was enough because of that.


He watched the tape the morning of either Rachel's 4th or 5th day, so he should have at least 3 days left by this point. Though it appears the film was being inconsistent with the markings that Samara leaves on the tape's viewers, since Rachel noticed Samara's hand print on Aiden's arm and then his nose started bleeding. For Rachel, she got her nosebleed before receiving the mark on her arm.


Actually, you need to do both: make a copy and show it to someone else. This is further explained in The Ring 2. At the beginning, the guy had made a copy but since the girl covered her eyes and didn't watch the whole thing, he was still killed by Samara. So making a copy is not enough in itself to be spared if no-one else watches it. The same goes for Rachel. She made a copy on the 2nd day, but Becca tells her she only has 4 days left when she visits the psych ward indicating she hadn't been spared yet. It's only after Aidan watches the copy she made that death skips her for good.

Answer: No, it's wrong. Just making a copy won't save you; you need to show it to someone else, and then this someone else is cursed instead of you. The Japanese movie explains it well. Plus, in the official second movie, a man dies from Samara after making the copy because nobody watched it. Also, at the end of the 1st movie, Aiden asks from the copy, "What will happen to the one who will watch it?"

More The Ring questions
Final Destination 5 picture

Question: At the beginning when Sam is having his premonition and he saves Molly, why does she die in the plane crash at the end? And why did Sam die similar to the guy in the first "Final destination" movie? It couldn't have been him cause Sam and Molly witness him being removed from the plane before they took off.

Answer: To answer your second question, Sam's death is not like any other death's from the first final destination movie. If you are talking about Alex, he was hit by a falling brick off-screen. To answer your first question, near the end, Peter though that Candice had deserved to live more then Molly, and attempts to kill her. Sam kills Peter before he has a chance to stab molly. The gun dropped by peter lands on the stove, and shoots off in the air. This is a sign that Sam saved Molly from dying, thus, putting her on Death's list, and making it all right to kill her on Flight 180.

This is in response to the answer. Your answer is dismissive to the nuance of premonition as depicted by the movie. This is extremely crucial: Premonition, as visioned by every protagonist, is the event that would have happened if the protagonist didn't intervene. Every events in premonition is supposed to be absolutely true. As such, in the premonition, Sam saves Molly. This means if the events weren't intervened by Sam, he would still have saved Molly, while the rest (Sam, Candice, Peter) would have died anyway. So Molly should be safe all along. It wouldn't even be wrong to say that 'death' hadn't even planned to kill Molly at the bridge. So your point about Molly being next in the list because Sam killed peter and death skipping Sam now to go on Molly isn't even valid. So if Molly was clean in death's perspectives all along, why did she die at the end? (because she didn't cheat the design, she wasn't even supposed to be in the list of death's order; as I mentioned earlier, it was never the intention of death to kill Molly as evidenced by the saving of Molly in Sam's premonition).

How did we see Sam and Molly on flight 180 if it's final destination 5.

But Molly didn't die in his vision so she wasn't on the list to begin with so how can he skip someone's death that's not on the list and he kill his friend so why did he still die on the plane with Molly?.

Answer: Molly was never meant to die on the bridge because her and Sam were meant to die on Flight 180, just like how Nick, Lori and Janet were meant to die at the Cafe at the end of The Final Destination. It was basically just a cruel twist of fate that they would be on the exact same plane from the original movie. And Sam dying similarly to Alex doesn't really seem to have much of a purpose, unless maybe as a little throwback to how Alex died in his premonition, or is just a coincidence.

Answer: Molly was never on death's list. Peter killing the detective he then got his remaining years, then Sam killing Peter transferred those years to Sam, so when Sam and Molly were on the plane when the plane explodes that was the time for them to die, I'm not saying they were meant to die on that plane, they were just meant to die at that time. Just like when Nathan accidentally killed Roy who had signs of a brain aneurysm, so Roy would have dropped dead any day, hence when Nathan got Roy's life he died at the memorial, though in a more shocking way.

More Final Destination 5 questions
Valentine picture

Question: I don't get the ending. We see Adam shot the masked person who is Dorothy, so I figured the killer was Dorothy, but reading a correction entry it states that it's obvious the killer was Adam. If the killer was Adam then how did he get Dorothy in the suit and mask and then make her attack her friend before shooting her?

Answer: If you remember, Dorothy kind of stumbled into her friend from around a corner before they both fell down the stairs. Adam could have quite easily forced her into the costume and then pushed her, making her seem like she was trying to attack her friend.

Answer: There's a deleted scene which shows Adam attacking and putting the costume on her.


Answer: The first chapter shows Jeremy Milton as a boy getting attacked and in the background there is a person wearing the mask at the party. Weird considering the mask wasn't suppose to come around for 13 years.

What exactly do you mean about the mask not coming around for 13 years. The whole reason he chose that mask was because it was at the Valentine's Day dance when they all accused him and beat him.

Answer: Both were working together because both experienced rejection and both concealed their distaste towards their fake friends equally. In the beginning just before the first murder she (the med student) put the knife on the belly button getting ready to make an incision. Guys are hairy down there unless they shave, even then you can still tell. Also, girls' skin texture is different from that of a man. This includes the abdomen. That was a feminine abdomen. I'll add to this more, you saw how the masked killer was stabbing the body bags. There was some struggle in the stabbing since women are not as muscular and women move differently compared to men. Also, remember the scene at the house party in which the women hit the masked killer with a poolstick over the head. After the mask killer kills her, in the next scene you see Dorthy checking her head in the mirror as if she is looking for a mark.

Answer: Why didn't she scream or say it's me Dorothy or even just take the mask off.

When Dorothy fell and then regained consciousness it took her a few seconds for her to come round and Adam shot her before she had time to sat anything at all or either Adam and Dorothy may have been working together.

Answer: Well you're all forgetting about the parents. Unless Jeremy had some sort of record the school and their parents would discover the truth thus making his imprisonment not needed.


More Valentine questions
Tremors picture

Question: Before Burt and Heather are attacked in their basement by the graboid, she puts some bullets and dirt in a machine and turns it on. The machine makes noise and attracts the graboids. What is that machine doing to the bullets and dirt?


Chosen answer: The machine is a vibrating case cleaner, which is used to polish the brass casings of pistol and rifle ammo. The "dirt" is actually an abrasive polishing compound.


More Tremors questions
The Conjuring picture

Question: What did Lorraine Warren see during the footage where they participated in an exorcism of a farmer? She stared into his eyes and screamed, then they mentioned that she locked herself in her room for several days, and that it affected her badly. Has that ever been explained?


Answer: It is explained in The Conjuring 2 that Lorraine has a premonition of Ed being impaled.

Answer: Ed's death.

More The Conjuring questions
Underworld picture

Question: Can anyone explain Lucian's arm blade? It seems totally out of character for him, and every time he changed to wolf form he'd have to track it down and reattach it. Moreover, since these vampires don't have any weakness to metal, there's no special advantage in using a metal blade instead of his wolf claws. So what's the point?


Chosen answer: In most of the shots, Lucien takes his coat off when he changes to wolf form, and the blade would be attatched to a mechanism in him coat. Also, the film gives us an example of the blade hurting a vampire: bloodloss. And that kind of weapon could do some serious damage, and as it probably wouldn't kill the vampires, it would almost definitely slow them down.

Answer: Removal of the head kills everything. Immortal or not. At least that's what I saw.

More Underworld questions
Final Destination 3 picture

Question: We know that Wendy's pictures on her camera are clues to everyone's deaths, but Death's plan was for them to die on the roller coaster. Also, Wendy took the photos before she got on Devil's Flight, so if everyone was supposed to die on the coaster, what's the point of the pictures?


Chosen answer: It's metioned in the filmakers' commentary that in every Final Destination movie everyone has a premonition (Of course), well it's also mentioned by the director, James Wong, that if death wants to kill them why give them the premonition in the first place? Well he believes that there is some other force out there trying to prevent death from killing these teenagers. That's where the premonitions come in including the signs therefore, Wendy's pictures are helping signs like voices or visions from other movies. It's just the whole "giving signs" thing is portrayed differently in this movie.

More Final Destination 3 questions
The Good Son picture

Question: Why would Henry do so many evil things to his own family?

Answer: Henry apparently has what is called a "conduct disorder" - the term used for kids below the age of 18 engaging in what would be (and most likely will become) a diagnosis of sociopathy/psychopathy (antisocial personality disorder) when he becomes an adult. He is "evil", highly manipulative, self-centered, without remorse or other true feelings, and probably incapable of forming loving or long-term attachments. Many sociopaths are believed to have above average intelligence and make good imposters, capable of fooling others because they come across as "charming."


Answer: Because he's nuts!

Grumpy Scot

More The Good Son questions
Saw IV picture

Question: A tape recorded by John directed toward agent Perez states that her partner would soon take the life of an innocent man. How did John know that agent Strahm would kill Jeff? For all he knows, Strahm could have followed Rigg through the factory rather than Jeff. The "if you're good at anticipating the human mind, it leaves nothing to chance" excuse doesn't work here. The only reason Strahm followed Jeff was because he heard Jeff hit a ceiling light with a crowbar.

Answer: Realistically there is no way he could have known. The writers were just working backwards from the plot point on this one.


More Saw IV questions
Bride of Chucky picture

Question: It was discovered that Chucky was able to transfer his soul into Andy's Good Guy in the first movie by not only saying a chant but also using a magic amulet. So why, in the other three movies, when he is starting the chant does he not need the amulet to transfer his soul out of the doll into someone else, but in this movie, he needs to use it if he wants to return to his own body?

Answer: There's two possible explanations. First, and the most likely, is that this is simply what's referred to as a "retcon." (Short for "Retroactive Continuity") A term to describe new information/rules/backstory/etc. that are introduced in order to alter the path of a story, or impose new ideas into a narrative. In this case, the series creator and writer Don Mancini needed a reason for the characters to go on a road-trip, hence he created this new idea for an amulet that Chucky need to obtain. And basically, Mancini himself has admitted that he will often change the rules for the series as needed from film to film based on the story he wants to tell, which makes this the more plausible explanation. The second possible explanation is that you could argue that the amulet will allow Chucky to transfer his soul regardless of how long he's been in the doll's body, surpassing the time limit imposed in previous films. But in all seriousness, the former is the more likely explanation. They just needed a new story-element to justify the road-trip aspect of the story.


Both answers work for me. Thank you.

More Bride of Chucky questions
The Monster Squad picture

Question: At the beginning of the movie, it was stated that Van Helsing planned to use the amulet to send every monster to limbo but that him and his team blew it. How exactly did they blow it?

Answer: It is shown that Dracula's servants were successful in protecting their master. Dracula escapes while Van Helsing himself is sucked into limbo.


More The Monster Squad questions
The Wolfman picture

Question: When John is telling Lawrence about the argument with Ben, John says that Ben would have taken Gwen away from him. Does this mean that John was secretly in love with Gwen?

Answer: Of course, probably not real love, but he wanted to possess her.

More The Wolfman questions

It (2017)

It picture

Question: Do we know how Georgie actually dies? We see his arm get ripped off, are we to assume Pennywise dragged him down then ate him immediately or left him to bleed to death and then ate him or that he is also "floating"?

Answer: I would think that the shock of having ones arm ripped off would be more than enough to die from that injury alone. Georgie tries to crawl away so his death is not instantaneous. But bleeding to death is a very real probability. Could have been cardiac arrest.

Alan Keddie

Answer: I think whatever happened to Georgie is what we may or may not imagine happening to him, but whatever did happen, we all know that Georgie dies because he comes back, but he's more like a hallucination because IT makes you see whatever is your worst fear.

More It questions
The Howling picture

Question: Why did Erle try to kill himself?

Answer: He hated the way they were living. Acting human, hiding who they truly were, integrating into "normal" society. He wanted to be wild and free. When they were feared and worshiped.

More The Howling questions
The Witches picture

Question: Why doesn't it show Luke turning into a mouse with all the smoke?

Answer: We've already witnessed Bruno being turned into a mouse so there's no need for us to see Lukes transformation as we already know how his transformation is going to be.

More The Witches questions

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