The Big Bang Theory

The Codpiece Topology - S2-E2

Corrected entry: Sheldon's battery runs low during Leonard's date with Leslie so he gets an extension cord but leaves the door open. As he goes down the stairs the extension cord unwinds until he can't go any further and attempts to pull it. When Leonard gets up to shut the door there is no extension cord plugged into the outlet or leading out of the apartment.


Correction: When Leonard gets up to shut the door, the camera doesn't pan low enough to see the outlet or the floor so there's no way to tell if the cord is plugged in or not.


Correction: I have just reviewed this scene. Sheldon makes only one movement with his right hand as Howard walks in. Between shots he was able to walk from behind the group to the side. This gives him ample time to move his right hand back down.


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Corrected entry: The design of the apartment is impossible. Penny's door is directly above the main exit door. We have seen the outside of the apartment and there is no overhang to accommodate all the apartments on the left side.


Correction: Not exactly true. Using scenes from S03E20 - The Spaghetti Catalyst as a reference. Penny's door is flush against the stairwell. Scenes from inside the building downstairs, shows the main door is a distance away from the stairwell (lets say 8-9 feet). During a scene from outside, we can see that there is an external part of the building outside. The outside wall of the plant trough is at least 6 feet away from the door. This equates to about 15 feet for the width of Penny's apartment.


Correction: The four of them plus Penny is 5 people. It is closer to $6 each.


The Stag Convergence - S5-E22

Corrected entry: Leonard and Penny are inhaling Sulphur Hexaflouride to make their voices low. The effect can be seen to be fake for two reasons. First, their voices go back to normal instantly and on demand - the gas actually takes a while to clear. Second, when Leonard releases the balloon, it flies away; it should just fall to the floor because Sulphur Hexaflouride is heavier than air.


Correction: 1. Wrong episode. This scene is from Episode 23. 2. Your voice will clear in as much time as it takes to clear your lungs - one or two breaths. 3. A sulfur hexafluoride balloon will still fly, as the escaping gas is still propelling it, as demonstrated in this clip by Mythbuster Adam Savage


The Zarnecki Incursion - S4-E19

Corrected entry: When the characters are driving in the car during this episode, it looks to be a black car (when they film in front of the car). When they run out of gas, there is a shot of them pulling over. The problem is, the car is white when pulling over.


Correction: There are several episodes where Leonard's car is visible in daylight and it has always been a dark silver color. When viewing that car in low light it would appear to be black. Later when Leonard pulls the car over it is not white, it is silver.

The Tangerine Factor - S1-E17

Corrected entry: When Penny and Leonard are talking to Sheldon about their date, Sheldon refers to Schrodinger's Cat, stating "The cat in the box is both alive and dead, until you open the box and find out." Yet the precise point of the Schrodinger's Cat example is that the cat cannot be both alive and dead. Schrodinger was arguing against physicists of the time who claimed that certain subatomic particles were special and could be in opposite states at the same time; his argument was that you can't make small systems special because a large and obvious system (e.g., the cat) could always be made to depend on the state of the smaller one, and for a large and obvious system to be in opposite states simultaneously is ridiculous. Now, this is pretty obscure and the misunderstanding of Schrodinger's Cat experiment is widespread, but this is Sheldon we're talking about.


Correction: This is not a factual error on Sheldon's part. He explicitly says that Schrodinger's experiment was an attempt to explain the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics, which implies that the cat could be both dead and alive until the box is opened and observed. While he doesn't explain that the point of the experiment was to critique the prevailing thought of the time, his overall point to Penny fits within the context as given.

Correction: Paintball markers can easily shoot two balls in one shot. They aren't as reliable as a real gun.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: This scene opens with Raj with a drink in his hands. Yes! he has been drinking.


The Shiny Trinket Maneuver - S5-E12

Corrected entry: After Amy stalks off on Sheldon, Penny tells him off because she told him some good news about her paper being published, and he belittled her achievements while bigging up his own, trivial activities. She is very specific about what he did and why Amy reacted. How did she know all of this? She was nowhere near the table at the time and could not possibly have overheard their conversation. She might assume Amy is mad at Sheldon but she can't possibly know why.

Correction: Penny is behind them cleaning a table and you actually see her overhear what they are talking about.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Correction: You can clearly see a gap between monitor and main computer unit, indicating that they are separate units. Also the colors are different, further indicating they were made separately.


Right, but then why would Sheldon take the monitor with him, when it's isn't attached, is nothing to do with Woz, and is very impractical?


Correction: They knew Raj's father was a well-off doctor, so someone we might call upper class. This episode they found out he was extremely rich, more along the lines of the richest men in the country.


The Dumpling Paradox - S1-E7

Corrected entry: Sheldon states that reductio ad absurdum is "the logical fallacy of extending an argument to a ridiculous extreme and then challenging it". This is incorrect; this is the straw man fallacy. Reductio ad absurdum is the entirely valid inferential technique of demonstrating that the consequences of an argument being true result in a contradiction.


Correction: Sheldon is correct. "Reductio ad absurdum" (Latin: "reduction to the absurd") is a form of argument in which a proposition is disproven by following its implications logically to an absurd consequence. Proof by contradiction is a specific form of Reductio ad absurdum. A strawman argument is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. The major difference between the two is that an Reductio ad absurdum argument presents the opponent's claim correctly but carries it to an extreme. The Strawman argument presents the opponent's claim incorrectly.


The Killer Robot Instability - S2-E12

Corrected entry: Kripke states that there is no guarantee that he will face Leonard, Sheldon, and Raj in the round-robin. In a round-robin, all competitors face each other in turn. It is out of character for Kripke not to be aware of this, and especially for Sheldon to not correct someone making this basic mistake.


Correction: Although the tournament is scheduled as a round robin, it's apparent that a losing robot may be actually destroyed and unable to compete further. MONTE would be unable to face Kripke's robot if it was destroyed in a previous match, regardless of whether it was scheduled to meet them or not.


Correction: She has a younger brother. Her father treated her like a boy because the male had not been born yet. And apparently, he kept treating her like a boy.


Correction: Raj enters the room while Penny is in the bathroom about to take a shower. Raj does talk but, doesn't yet know she's there.

The Love Car Displacement - S4-E13

Corrected entry: At the end of the show Sheldon states on the walkie-talkie, "I spy with my little eye, a ferrous metal," Later he reveals that what he spied was the aluminum rims of a police car. Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal - definitely not a mistake Sheldon would make.


Correction: Sheldon does say a non-ferrous metal.

The Vengeance Formulation - S3-E9

Corrected entry: Kripke pumps helium into Sheldon's office to make his voice squeaky while conducting a phone interview. However, the helium is pumped in via a tube that is above the height of Sheldon's head, and helium floats in air; therefore, the helium would have accumulated near the ceiling and would not have affected Sheldon within a couple of minutes as shown.


Correction: Kripky opens 2 massive canisters of helium - enough to accumulate low enough to affect Sheldon's voice.


Correction: This point is addressed earlier in that episode. Leonard explains that he can talk once they're all mingled in with males (as in the audience).


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Corrected entry: Throughout the series Penny complains that she is broke, and is paid minimum wage at The Cheesecake Factory. She even takes on additional duties as a barmaid to try to earn extra money. We also learn that Sheldon and Leonard live together as their apartment is too expensive for one person - Sheldon says he would be happy to live alone if he 'could afford the rent'. Penny's apartment is almost identical to theirs - it can't be that much cheaper. So, if two University lecturers can't afford an apartment in that building, how on earth can a waitress on minimum wage do so?

Correction: Penny complains that she is broke, but that is probably due to having to pay the rent, leaving her little money after. Penny does a lot of work to scrape up rent money and obviously she is able to earn the sufficient amount to afford it. Sheldon and Leonard work at the university, but as it is stated they earn limited amounts. Also, Sheldon and Leonard have a two bedroom apartment while Penny probably has a one bedroom apartment and therefore would not pay as much.


The Countdown Reflection - S5-E24

Factual error: There is not a snowball's chance of Howard becoming an astronaut. He suffers from cardiac arrhythmia, something about which he is completely open. "Transient" or not this is easily detectable by a simple electrocardiogram, which is a fundamental part of the many medical examinations a potential astronaut will have to pass. He wouldn't even be allowed to start basic training. Note also that during his basic training he shows signs of severe stress and trauma which would inevitably trigger a cardiac episode. Even if it didn't the fact that he was falling apart at the seams would have him removed from the programme for his own good.

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Question: How come Raj has no problem speaking to his mother, but, when around other women, such as Penny, he immediately stops talking? Also, why does he have to whisper in someone's ear if he wants to ask Penny something?

Answer: Because Raj's selective mutism seems to be caused by women that Raj sees (on some sort of conscious or subconscious level) as a potential sexual partner. An attribute that wouldn't apply to either his sister or mother.

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