The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral (1967)

23 mistakes in season 1

(15 votes)

The Kinsman - S1-E20

Factual error: Dan's wanted poster features a high-resolution 20th Century photo. In the 1870s, particularly way out west in frontier Arizona, the technology to reproduce and print photos like this was non-existent. Wanted posters sometimes had sketches of outlaws, but most often, they contained nothing but the name, reward amount, the crime, and a written description. (00:15:30)

Jean G

The Assassins - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: Manolito leaves the ranch on a black horse that changes, mid-ride, into his regular brown sorrel, "Macadoo." In later shots of the same ride, the black horse is back, but when Mano dismounts, he's with Macadoo once again.

Jean G

Ride the Savage Land - S1-E22

Continuity mistake: Mano's horse is shot and killed by the Apaches. But when we see a shot of the "dead" animal, it's not Mano's, but the horse Buck was riding (with a distinctive white blaze on its forehead). Apparently, Buck's horse was better at playing dead.

Jean G

The Kinsman - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: When Manolito rides up to the house, Buck is grooming his horse, Rebel, while standing beside the animal's left flank. After a very brief cut to Mano and back, Buck is suddenly on Rebel's right flank, without enough time to have moved there. (00:34:30)

Jean G

The Peacemaker - S1-E25

Factual error: In the final battle with the Apaches, Blue and most of the rest of the Chaparral men fire their 6-shooters dozens of times without ever reloading.

Jean G

The Kinsman - S1-E20

Visible crew/equipment: In the final scene, light patterns from studio reflectors are moving on the sleeve of Blue's shirt. He's on horseback in the middle of the desert and is nowhere near water, shiny metal, or anything else that could cause such light reflections. (00:40:50)

Jean G

The Price of Revenge - S1-E12

Revealing mistake: The substitution of a "stunt horse" is noticeable here when Blue is thrown during an Apache attack. Before he falls off, his palomino horse has its usual blond mane and tail. But when the horse rears and he falls, it's another palomino with a grey mane and tail. The blond one is instantly back, though, when Blue gets up.

Jean G

The Peacemaker - S1-E25

Revealing mistake: When Blue rides in with Moon Fire and Kelly, there are footprints visible in the dirt behind them. Several of the prints have distinctive patterned tread from what could only be 20th Century rubber-soled shoes.

Jean G

Billy Blue Cannon: I need all the rest I can get, Uncle Buck.
Buck Cannon: When I was your age, Blue, the word 'rest' hadn't been invented.

More quotes from The High Chaparral

The Buffalo Soldiers - S2-E10

Trivia: The all-black 10th Cavalry mounted troop is portrayed here by a re-creationist group that has trained itself in specialized 19th Century cavalry riding maneuvers. The group includes some descendants of the original "Buffalo Soldiers," whose nickname was coined by Native Americans that had never seen black men, and thought the soldiers' hair resembled that of the buffalo.

Jean G

More trivia for The High Chaparral

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