The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits (1963)

28 mistakes in season 1

(3 votes)

The Human Factor - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When the lab equipment shorts out after the earthquake, the unconscious Major Brothers is lying with his head propped up against the wall. But when Hamilton reaches him in the next shot, he's suddenly lying flat and is nowhere near the wall. (00:21:45)

Jean G

Moonstone - S1-E24

Continuity mistake: Dr. Brice's name tag is partially tucked under her collar when she's inside the lab. When she walks into the corridor, the tag has shifted position and is outside the collar. Later, back in the lab, the tag keeps changing from over to under her collar repeatedly. (00:32:50 - 00:36:50)

Jean G

The Galaxy Being - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: As the energy being moves down the city sidewalk, we see its shadow on the concrete. Right beside that, however, we can also see the distinctly-shaped shadow of the camera. (00:35:00)

Jean G

It Crawled Out of the Woodwork - S1-E11

Factual error: When the energy monster kills his entire research staff by stopping their hearts, Dr. Block brings them all back to life (with their minds and personalities intact) by installing pacemakers. But when the heart stops functioning, brain death occurs within minutes. For this to work, he'd not only have to operate on several people simultaneously, he'd also have to be the fastest heart surgeon on Earth. (00:40:00)

Jean G

It Crawled Out of the Woodwork - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Joey turns off the bathtub tap, we can see that the water is no longer flowing. But the sound of running water continues. And a few shots later, the water is flowing once more, even though Joey hasn't gone near the tub again. (00:24:30)

Jean G

Don't Open Till Doomsday - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: Harvey peeks into the small hole in the box using his right eye. On the first view from inside the box, a right eye is indeed looking in. But when the monster appears, a left eye is peering through the hole. The shot cuts immediately back to Harvey, who still has his right eye pressed to the opening. (00:06:10)

Jean G

Moonstone - S1-E24

Continuity mistake: General Stocker falls into a lunar quicksand pit and starts to sink. One arm disappears beneath the sand, but in the next shot, both his arms are outstretched and waving for help. (00:04:25)

Jean G

The Architects of Fear - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: In this episode's present-day 1963, the scientists view film footage said to have been taken "yesterday." But the rather obvious crowd scene stock footage is ten years old, featuring cars and clothing no newer than 1953. (00:02:00)

Jean G

The Sixth Finger - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: The window in the chamber door changes its size between shots. At first, we can see just Gwyllm's head. But then the window somehow grows so that his head and shoulders are visible. When the window gets smaller again, only part of his head is visible. (00:46:00)

Jean G

The Invisibles - S1-E19

Factual error: The General brandishes a six-shooter pistol with an enormous silencer attached to it. He's a career military guy who should definitely know better, so he gets a failing grade in Basic Weaponry 101. Silencers don't work on revolvers. (00:34:50)

Jean G

Controlled Experiment - S1-E16

Continuity mistake: When Phobos sets up the time converter, the grid on his large round scope has a diamond-shaped pattern. But when we see it from his point of view, the grid comprises perfect squares instead, and contains numbers that weren't there before. (00:15:00)

Jean G

O.B.I.T. - S1-E7

Revealing mistake: When the alien posing as a human is exposed, the OBIT screen shows his "true" alien form while he continues to appear human to the naked eye. The actor in alien costume on the screen copies Jeff Corey's movements, but at one point rather badly shatters the illusion by forgetting to raise his arms when Corey does. (00:47:00)

Jean G

The Man Who Was Never Born - S1-E6

Plot hole: Andro has memorized "every detail" of Cabot Jr.'s life, including his mother's name, Noel. Yet when he travels to the past, meets Noel and learns her name, he still mistakes Cabot Sr. for Cabot Jr., who isn't born yet. Having memorized all those details, he would have known the moment he met her that Noel was Jr.'s mother. Andro's confusion makes no sense. (00:28:00)

Jean G

The Control Voice: It is said that if you move a single pebble on the beach, you set up a different pattern, and everything in the world is changed. It can also be said that love can change the future, if it is deep enough, true enough, and selfless enough. It can prevent a war, prohibit a plague, keep the whole world... whole.

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The Duplicate Man - S2-E13

Trivia: The bird-beaked alien megasoid from this episode made a "guest appearance" in the first Star Trek pilot, shot the same year (1964). It can be glimpsed in one of the Keeper's enclosures in the uncut version of "The Cage." (00:02:00)

Jean G

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